HU Hypers Division?

HU Hypers Division?

Hi all, I'm looking for information about the current state of Divisions and Cartels atm on PS. I know a while back divisions started at 15s hypers, however the information is pretty much outdated and buy-ins also changed on pokerstars leaving me clueless about the subject.

best regards

06 April 2022 at 11:14 PM

4 Replies

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Sorry for my ignorance, but what is a cartel and a division? I really don't undestand

Long story short it means that whenever you open hu sng, you will always play against a regular player. You see, there are ~20 players on each limit that are coordinating their gameplay via 3rd party software - which ensures they dont play vs each other and it sits them one after another into lobby.
Its been going on forever and pokerstars doesnt mind.

In order for you to play vs weak players, you need to be better than 'cartel' members, play a lot of tables and make them take a break whenever you show up - it is possible that after some time they will not want to play vs you and each will think 'let someone else take care of him'. But since introduction of spin&go's traffic at HU sng is marginal so its not worth to sit there and wait, i prefer to just sit into regs anyway.

by dybboss k

Long story short it means that whenever you open hu sng, you will always play against a regular player. You see, there are ~20 players on each limit that are coordinating their gameplay via 3rd party software - which ensures they dont play vs each other and it sits them one after another into lobby.
Its been going on forever and pokerstars doesnt mind.

In order for you to play vs weak players, you need to be better than 'cartel' members, play a lot of tables and make them take a break whenever you

And can you be profitable playing hu against regs?

the 2010-2020 era of HUSNG was super fun, tons of action, characters, battling, drama etc, safe to say that its dead now and you're best bet to make money or have fun is playing another format.
