8% Rake in Spin and Go's (GG Poker) is insane?? (7000 games play)

8% Rake in Spin and Go's (GG Poker) is insane?? (7000 games play)

Spins players on GG Poker might have seen that you can reach up to 80% rakeback per day. LOL
Day by day, the same players collect the max. rakeback of $700. gg, but I started research to understand the games better.

After reading tons of reddit blogposts and stuff, I have no doubt these games are not beatable pre rakeback. 8% rake at all stakes is just insane.
There is some space to play not just push and fold, but it seems overall, the edges are so small, that you need tons of games.
Tons of games in a 8% rake system combined with lottery payout makes clear, why most professionals reccommend at least 300 BI.

While research, I also played 7k games on the lowest stakes. c25, $1, $3 limits. My winrate is 35% and I also got rewarded rakeback and leaderbard prices.
But without the added $ from the site, I was breakeven or slightly under BE.

Most palyers will lose from the games. Just like poker always was. But the idea, that eveen the regs are cool with the idea of just grinding rake?
To calculate chip ev, I used this formula:

EVROI = [(ChipEV/300)+1] * (0,92) – 1

I read on another article, that on the lower stakes you can reach up to 30 cEv per game, which leads to 0,012 = 1,2% ev ROI.

To this day, i could not find any practial answer to what is really possible in the games... YES you can grind a lot of volume (and probably have to)
but for my personal feeling, just grinding for the rakeback is thin air...

Looking forward for more insights from those who have some experience.

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27 January 2024 at 05:46 PM

10 Replies

The rake is actually 7%

did I miss something? Why 7% ?

0,23 / 0,25 = 0,92 = 8%
0,92 / 1 = 0,92 = 8%
2,76 / 3 = 0,92 = 8%
4,60 / 5 = 0,92 = 8%
9,21 / 10 = 0,921 = 7,9%
18,42 / 20 = 0,921 = 7,9%
184,18 / 200 = 0,9209 = 7,91%

my first 3k games are from last year and did not upload into database. played 7k games summed up.

Have seen some shaerd graphs in other threads so I am willing to share mine here.

To continue my thinking process about the games.... maybe someone has answers or more experience in these points?

1. what cev can be achieved long term on low / mid / high stakes?
2. are there guys making a living from the 15bb spins?
3. is my rake math right? 8% seems ridicoulous!
4. is HU more important to focus on, than the 3way game? (obv all nuances matter)

Rake at gg is 7% no matter the stakes you muppet.

so I finally found the answer in a youtube video.

In germany, due to regulations, german players pay higher rake than the rest of the world

I'm gonna put in 9000 games at the $1 spin & gold in february, I will report back once I have the results with 50-60% rb

Not 9k games but heres an update.

$1 at the start, then $3, then $5 3max spin & gold on gg. Haven't calculated exact rb/challange winnings but i've been getting roughly 45-55% effective rb

How are you getting your chipev from gg spins?

by Rusemandingo k

How are you getting your chipev from gg spins?

Download game report from pokercraft and import them to some programs which can analyze those hands. Like PT4, Hand2note,etc...

how much cev is needed to break even without the highest jackpot?
