Pretty much the same as the "HU CASH REGS THREAD" but for us HU SNG players...
Hello everyone, am i missing something or you cant see who is registered HU on partypoker? Thank you
I've been grinding a lot of HUSNGs lately and I have an issue. As far as I can tell there are basically two ways to play. You can bluff the heck out of people or you can nit it up once it seems like villain has a hand. I've played both ways and the latter seems to be way more profitable. Basically I'm c-betting like 90-95% of flops, if called and the board doesn't develop in a way that makes it hard for second pair type hands I'm just giving up. This might sound bad but I think my winrate went up a lot when I stopped trying to bluff every spot. The other way to play is just to rep a strong hand every hand and try to get every medium strength hand and worse to fold only giving up in obvious spots. This is how I played, but I started running into hands so much that I just stopped... and like I said my winrate went up. I notice often at the higher stakes and in high stakes HU cash games especially, like every street is getting bet by the button so my nittier approach is apparently not adopted by apparently better players and all I can logically conclude is that they bluff everything knowing villain typically has a weaker hand, I hardly ever see medium strength hands holding to river bets though and I don't get it. If every street is getting bluffed, second pair and better seems like an easy call every time unless the board is horrible, when I spectate these games why am I not seeing second pair type hands winning at showdown all the time? I know for certain I can rarely beat second pair, so does everyone else just run like God in these spots or something when they play HU? It just makes me think variance is messing with everyone and people are winning and losing because of it most of the time when fish aren't playing. I wouldn't be surprised if nearly every major win in hu high stakes cash reg battles was because it literally was not possible for someone to lose with how the cards were distributed. I think it's kind of delusional to put much stock in the winrates there to be honest.
You must be playing very low staked or opposition be very weak if nitty heads up is working. Or variance/sample size. Without backing what you said with stats doesnt mean anything
It's low stakes, like $15-$30 mostly, but the sample is like 6,000 games. I think I had like average ROI of 9-15% in a pretty fast turbo structure (I'm actually one of the biggest winners on SharkScope right now, but I don't think that matters much anymore). Nitty is definitely the right approach, I get called on the flop by like 8 high no draw regularly and what not... people do not fold to me. I would have to practically stack off every hand hoping they fold, I played like that for maybe 1,000 games but eventually I ran into too many hands and got called too much that I started to tighten up and like I said my winrate went up. I probably sound like a fish but I understand the equities in different spots and how to estimate the ev of bluffs and everything, I'm just not good at communicating it. Anyways, I'm just blowing off steam, but it has bugged me how rare it is that second pair type hands hold up on the river when villains are betting basically every street every hand. I know I'm getting F'd and had to write something about it.
You must be playing very low staked or opposition be very weak if nitty heads up is working. Or variance/sample size. Without backing what you said with stats doesnt mean anything
Agreed. I'd even be pretty shocked if a nit style would work even on $15s. Even a regfish winning 48-49% are going to notice a nit that they can run over. No chance you can pull 15% playing that way, let alone being a so-called leader on Sharkscope.
Agreed. I'd even be pretty shocked if a nit style would work even on $15s. Even a regfish winning 48-49% are going to notice a nit that they can run over. No chance you can pull 15% playing that way, let alone being a so-called leader on Sharkscope.
I don't know, I might be using the term nit in a way that people misinterpret. People are generally blasting off every hand nowadays, when I first started playing again like 6 months ago I would just view villains with a ATC range and basically try to bluff out every non premium hand that a board allowed, which lead to me bluffing A LOT. I would get called so much though that I dialed it down and my winrate went up a lot. When I watch higher stakes HU cash games it looks like my original strategy is what people use, which makes sense against better opponents I guess, but it is not the right strategy for the games I'm playing. It is way more profitable to play tighter. You still have to bluff a lot. Think what you want, I've had good results playing tighter.
Perchance you have a graph that provides proof?
Well zayd88 is my screenname on Global you can look at my sharkscope if you want.
Well that's over with. I busted my bankroll chasing my losses. Won't be doing it again, the HUSNGs were driving me nuts anyways. Seriously glad it happened though, $25 to see the nastiness of poker. The only way I play again is if I deposit on Stars or ACR again and grind micro cash games. As successful as I was with HUSNGs I clearly don't have the mental fortitude to grind them.
Ok, so you're putting up an ROI of 15.1% (if zayd88 is you), but you're also busting your roll. Something doesn't add up.
Ok, so you're putting up an ROI of 15.1% (if zayd88 is you), but you're also busting your roll. Something doesn't add up.
Ok... like 4 months ago or something I was grinding the 3.21s on Global and chased my losses by playing an 8 then a 16 then a 32 then a 53 then a 107 and busted my bankroll, lol.
but somehow you're also putting up a 15% roi as the top listed SNG player on Sharkscope? How?
I think you're confusing what I wrote dude, I wasn't making a claim to anything I was just posting that I was on sharkscope? I don't even know if it matters anymore because a lot of people aren't opted in and high stakes HUSNGs aren't available anymore afaik, along with other SNGs that used to run if I'm not mistaken. I just chased my losses when I was grinding the smallest stakes on Global lol.
Confusing what?

you talk about crushing on that site, nonchalantly say that's your username, but also you're busto? What part am I getting confused?
I'm not busto, I busted my micro roll like 4 months ago or something chasing my losses. Sorry, I thought that you were implying that I was bragging or something. I wasn't, sorry if it read like that. (I was just whining because of how things have been going the last few days)
Any regs here that play $25, $50, $100 HUSNG on Bovada/Ignition/Bodog?
hi guys,I was wondering in which sites would you recommend me to play regular husng and what would be the optimal amount of bankroll for a normal regular. Isn't the format dead yet?
Hello, is there any regulars that live in Thailand with LTR (Long term visa) ? I have seen top regs on pokerstars with Thailand flags.
Does anyone experience crashes on Ipoker? Like randomly shuting down. You basically dead after if you play hypers. I use also Ipoketools app.
hi guys,I was wondering in which sites would you recommend me to play regular husng and what would be the optimal amount of bankroll for a normal regular. Isn't the format dead yet?
Winamax, ipoker, ps.es (no rakeback), partypoker. 75 buyins minimum i would say, depends how many tables you play. Definitely not dead.
It's not fully dead yet, but it's a format that has been dying a slow death for years. If you're adaptable to playing across multiple sites (battling for lobs), you can still scratch out a decent living at husng.
For my money though, the recent changes Bodog made with only 1 lobby open per buyin amount really stuck in the final knife. After 10 years of playing husngs mostly fulltime, I'm getting ready to move onto a different career before the end of 2024.