Rules, FAQ and Best Of Threads (READ BEFORE POSTING) [Don't troll in strat threads.]
Heads Up SNG Forum Posting Guidelines, FAQ and Essential Reading
Special Thanks to ChicagoRy and Mersenneary for their help with this FAQ. A thanks to Leader and Cwar as well for past work.
Welcome to the HU SNG Forum! This forum is for Heads Up SNGs and Spin and Gos (3 handed SNG) strategy and discussion. Let me state this from the beginning please PLEASE convert and tag your threads with the appropriate game and limit. People should be able to know before opening your thread what stake level it is at and what type of game you’re playing (this will mostly be a choice of: deepstack, regular speed, turbo or superturbo). An example of tagging your title correctly:
********TAG YOUR POSTS********
$57.50 turbo – Two pair gets checkminraised on turn
If your post is a general question not involving a buy-in level or hand, we strongly encourage you to think about posting it in the beginner's questions thread or making your questions and thoughts more specific. The beginner's questions thread can be found as a sticky on top of the forum.
This guide has three main sections:
1. Posting Guidelines – What to post and what not to post.
2. Frequently Asked Questions
3. Essential Reading – Great reading for all posters.
What to post and what not to post
- Do NOT troll in strategy threads. If you reply to a strategy question or hand post, please give a serious reply or do not post at all.
- Do not post asking about poker trades, staking or p2p transfers. Use the appropriate marketplace subforum for these questions. If you do post asking for a stake in the staking forum or p2p transfer in the appropriate thread, you may then post in the HUSNG Regs thread and link to it.
- Strongly consider posting a hand that exemplifies what you want to know (or make one up) instead of asking a general question.
- BBV type threads will not be tolerated. Do NOT post one hand BBV-style bad beats, even in the hu sng regs thread.
- Heads Up SNG does not allow new threads for personal bankroll questions, questions about which sites have which games (for example where do they have $1 games), or questions about rake. The beginner's questions thread is a perfectly acceptable place to ask any of these questions and you will generally get a better response there than making your own thread.
- If you are interested in an offer (free coaching, software, etc.) please contact ChicagoRy before posting.
- Commercial posts are not allowed. For example, anything that advertises your rakeback site, staking program, personal coaching, etc. does sponsor this forum, so they are an exception to this rule.
- Posting questions about training sites, video sites, where to find books and related questions is not allowed in separate threads. You may ask in the husng regs thread or in the beginner’s questions thread.
1. Hands and sessions
Poker is a game of theory and experience applied to a given situation. Many posters have played hundreds of thousands of hands and have studied poker for years, but that does you little good if you don’t explain the situation you’re in. So how do you do this? Well, here are a few tips:
To convert your hands use the inline converter or:
Try and include a read, this should include:
-Recent hands
-Your image
-Any relevant tendencies
2. Videos
-Videos are a great way to for you to get help with your overall game. Other posters will be able to see the same reads as you, experience hands in the same order and, if you record your thoughts while you play, get inside your decision making process.
Some tips for making and posting videos:
*Making videos requires screen recording software. CamStudio, which is such a program, is available at no cost and is spyware free. A better program, is's camtasia studio (no relation to camstudio). You can download a free 30 day trial. This is what many professionals use.
*Upload your video to To embed your youtube video, use the following code (remove the * symbols) [*youtube]remove this text and insert every letter/number after the v= in the youtube link[*/youtube]
If that is confusing, just post a link to your youtube video in your thread, and hit the report to moderator button, it looks like this
and state "Can you please embed this?".
Make sure to also not make your videos too long if you do this if you want a good amount of people commenting. If you’re new here, you may want to consider just posting 2 or 3 hands from the game (pick them carefully) and provide any other relevant reads or notes with it.
Report any suspicious links using the “report post” button. Do not click on any link you do not trust.
3. Theory Posts
- Theory posts can come in all shapes and forms but they should be well thought out and complete, preferably including some hand examples and/or specific questions/conclusions.
What are good stats?
HUSNGs are a game of adjustments. It might be best to open 80% of hands vs one opponent, and 60% of hands vs another. Therefore, please do not make threads or posts that ask if your general HUD stats are good. These cannot be answered too well, for the most part. Post some hands and get direct advice based on a specific opponent.
What are good results for xyz buyin level?
Search the beginners and husng regs thread for these types of questions "good results" "good winrate" "good ROI" and read through the discussion, it has been talked about many times.
If you can't find an answer from there, post in the beginner and/or husng regs thread. Do not start a new thread for these questions.
What should I do if I see a post that is inappropriate?
Please hit the "report post" button, it looks like this
How many buyins do I need to move up to the next level?
Negative variance in heads up sngs is highly dependent on your winrate. Some professionals in slower and deeper structures experience very little negative variance while some of the top professionals in faster structures experience some higher variance.
If you have a specific question about this topic, the beginner's questions thread is a great place to ask it.
What should I use to keep track of my winrate?
Sharkscope, PokerTracker 4, Holdem Manager 2 and Excel are all good ways to keep track. Make sure you check with any poker site that you play on prior to using these tools, as some poker sites have banned the use of tools that other poker sites allow. Some poker sites even monitor player’s running processes while the poker client is up for banned software.
Should I move up?
This topic is hugely dependent on you, posts about your specific situation will not be allowed, use the beginner's questions thread for this and make sure you provide all the possible info concerning experience, volume, ROI, etc.
What’s a good win rate for the [insert certain level here]’s?
ROIs are hugely affected by stakes, speed of the structure, skill of the opponent, tables you are playing, short and mid term variance and more. There is a lot of misinformation out there. ROIs for slower structures can be in the 20-30% range and even higher in some structures and levels. ROIs for faster structures may peak as low as 3% or as high as 15%. Specific questions about ROI should go in the beginner's questions thread.
What is SAGE? What is the Nash Equilibrium? What is the Sklanksy-Chubakov system?
These are all charts that accomplish various things. SAGE "sit and go end game" was a shove or fold model based on simplifying the nash charts. Nash solves optimal play when shoving or folding are the only two options. S-C asks the question "if you flip up your card and your opponent reacts perfectly, which hands should you still open shove instead of fold?"
None of these systems incorporate minraises or limps into play, therefore, they are often not good to use above 7-8 effective big blinds.
Mersenneary was a pioneer in this area of the game, you can read in detail his ROFL (raise, open jam, fold, limp) strategy in his free ebook chapter - ROFL Strategy
Are there any books out about HU SNG’s?
Will Tipton and Mersenneary are the leaders in HUSNG books.
Mersenneary's free ebook can be found here.
Will Tipton's book can be found here.
Will Tipton's companion video pack to his book can be found here.
Who should I get for a coach? Can I coach myself?
No coaching threads of any kind are allowed. If you are looking for a coach you can visit the poker coach listings forum or HUSNG coaches. If you would like to advertise coaching on 2p2 you may contact I BE FORUM COP to purchase an ad. Coaches may not post about their coaching or advertise in any way in the heads up sng forum.
I am looking to start or join a study group or I am looking for a partner/buddy/friend to study with?
Please use this thread for anything related to study groups, peers, buddies, etc. Make sure to read the guidelines at the top of the thread.
How do I use the 2+2 search engine?
This should help.
HU SNG In-Game Theory
HU SNG preflop basics
Quick thread about preflop raise sizing ...
ChicagoRy's detailed introduction to the...
Quick review of playing with 20 BBs or l...
Cwar's beginner's guide to HU SNG’...
Cwar on continuation betting
Somekid on continuation betting
Two articles by ChicagoRy: Dealing with ...
Quick list of options for dealing with 1...
Low limit HU SNG video is reviewed
Low limit HU SNG hand history is reviewe...
ChicagoRy's Tip of the Week: Check Raise...
frede89 tries to deal with a maniac-over...
phatjeffrey vs xSCWx videos and discussi...
jay_shark on 3-betting
mersenneary's 22 Flawed Reasonings in HU...
mersenneary discusses over-betting
A detailed analysis of the importance an...
skates compares inflection points when r...
spamz' classic post about how to approac...
Insane_Steve's endgame calculator
Insane_Steve explains the theory and pra...
Some interesting handdiscussions
Turbofly calls down with bottom pair
3-betting with 99: A difficult spot lead...
dboy23 induces a bluff-raise from a LAG ...
spamz slowplays trips and doesn’t ...
Discussion about what to do with a semi...
Husng: Out-of-game Theory
Rumnchess Thought of the Year 2010 (Four...
4 man vs 2 man discussion
dboy23's Bankroll Management Guide and
More discussion and
Even more discussion and
Some more right here
jay_shark’s sample size and sow co...
Psychology/Mental Approach
Success, Failure, and the Downswinging M...
Hince: You Suck at Poker
mjw006: Pooh-bah thoughts
How to deal with mental fatigue
spamz’ HH Reviews
spamz' first hand history review
spamz' second hand history review
spamz' third hand history review
spamz' fourth hand history review
spamz' fifth hand history review
spamz' sixth hand history review
spamz' seventh hand history review
spamz' eighth hand history review
spamz' ninth hand history review
spamz' tenth hand history review
spamz' eleventh hand history review
Heads Up SNG Videos on 2p2
15 minute video of Mersenneary Playing $...
RyPac13 discusses leading the flop OOP i...
Barewire and Skates discuss moving from ...
Fydor_8 reviews a match he played at the...
Melanie Weisner's Well
Croixdawg's Well
xSCWx's Well
PrimordialAA's Well
livb112's Well
Indy Interview with The Camel
Indy Interview with BCM11
Indy Interview with ThePhenom919
Indy Interview with Stevesbets
Entertainment threads (warning: no strategical content found in most threads!)
No Money Heads Up Everyone's Solid
Cog Dissonance - You're a Joke
CowboyMarco - Sittin In My Trap
Do the Flash Dance!
Roshambo LEVEL 6 Thinking
The Dragon - Advanced Roulette Theory (hidden in this section for risk of extreme profit)
Dealing with players with wide 38-bet ra...
Nemo's “If you see _______ Notify...
De-modding ChicagoRy Level.
rumnchess: A Guide to Live Poker
Protecting Yourself From Malware
Think about Shania
Peter_rus’s Flopping top pair or h...
illunious’ favorite threads on 2+...
Entity’s When a read is not a read
krishan’s How to tell if you are r...
krishan’s 11 things to help pull o...
Classic example of the c/c-c/c (or ILP) ...
Ed Miller’s Biggest leaks
Looking for more? Here are additional collections of threads:
User Suggestions I'm Too Lazy to Add
taw420's large collection of 2+2 links
Thanks to everyone who has contributed and helped to make this!
If you have any suggestions for future versions, post them in the beginner’s thread or another low contence thread.