░▒▓██▓▒░ HUSNG.com Open Thread (Videos and more) ░▒▓██▓▒░
HUSNG.com is the place to be for heads up sit and go videos, articles, interviews, software, blogs and more. We've been around since early 2009 and now have over 800 poker videos, including over 30 free videos and over 400 videos available for only $25. You should find more HUSNG videos on our site than every other training site combined, and the quality of our videos should be significantly superior those found else ware as well. Our dedication to a single game, years of built up relationships with many top players and unique understanding of the game allows us to consistently bring you a very high level product.
We didn't over leverage before black friday, we worked with many non-USA poker communities, including pokeroff, gipsyteam, pokerman, pokergaming, mirpokera and more. We didn't cut back on videos post black friday either, we added videos from top players like H2Olga/Lotte Lenya, SkaiWalkurrr, Heybude and more. In December 2011, we released a 60+ page free ebook to the community. Entirely free. No sign up required, no email, no gimmicks (available in both download and read only).
Below we'll explain some of the features of the site in more detail.
Mersenneary's Free Heads Up Poker Ebook
This book is a collection of 27 articles, spanning 65 pages, written by Mersenneary, a highly regarded heads up sit and go end game specialist.
Here are what fellow 2p2ers have had to say about the book:
I don't want to be another "game is dead"-preacher, but you/HUSNG.com should at least have charged a hefty sum for that book! And preferably only released it in english so people have to work even harder 😀.
Anyway, it was a deep 65-page book, thanks for it!
Thanks for taking the time for writing and publishing the book. It is a really good book.
Reading it won't turn me into a great player. But I don't think that was the point.
The book has given me a lot of ideas about how to go about solving some of the common puzzles I see and also given me some new problems to think about.
It was interesting to see how you view other players. I can definitely see bits of myself in each of the examples you used. And I wholeheartedly agr
I find it hilarious if people honestly believed picking up an ebook would turn them all in to the gods of HUSNG. It defiantly does put finishing touches to your game if you're willing to improve and work hard but at lot comes from natural talent anyways, you either have it at heads up or you don't simple as that.
I've read the book and I did find it very informative and easy to read. It wasn't boring like most books I read I tend to just shy away after I'm 30% in but I managed to read the book f
The ebook is written in a way that it is easily understandable by anyone somewhat familiar with heads up poker. The chapters about "how to learn" "meaningful and meaningless errors" allow the novice to read it in an efficient way. They are great. Not too much numbers. Thats what i like. Emphasis is put on fundamental concepts grasping. This ebook is really great.
I dont know of any other book that put in the same place all the necessary concepts to know in heads up poker.
Thanks Mers.
thank you for this book. The last chapter (broader game)is really good , and after reading the whole ebook, it seems like we know you at a personal level.
Thanks <3
wish you the best.
The book is available both on site and in an attractively designed PDF format. It is also available in the Russian language.
You can find over 30 of our free videos on our free videos page. In addition, you can check out our youtube channel to find dozens more free video clips of our actual membership videos.
Here is a video from Mersenneary, targeted at lower stakes players (discussion thread here):
[video=Heads Up SNG Adjustments]353[/video]
Here is an audio clip on youtube, where Mersenneary details his approach to super turbo bankroll management.
Below is a RyPac13 video about donk betting, titled leading the flop out of position (OOP) in a raised pot.
The video clip below shows premium instructor Heybude, joined by his brother Max "Runittrim," as they analyze a hand played between high stakes legends Jonathan "Iftarii" Jaffe and Olivier "Adonis112/Livb112" Busquet. Heybude and Runittrim did a 3 part series analyzing hands just like this, which can be found in our premium membership.
Below, Skates (psimalive) and Barewire (Krab42) introduce their videos series, moving from heads up cash to heads up sit and go. Barewire is a deep stack heads up cash player and is responsible for a great deal of the deep husng and hu cash content on HUSNG.com. Skates was a heads up sit and go, 6+ player hyper sng, cap cash and PLO player, widely respected and known for having a brilliant poker mind.
[video=Moving From Heads Up Cash to Heads Up SNG: Introduction]1704[/video]
Here are a pair of hyper turbo leakfinders by JackTheShipper, a Belgian heads up player and videomaker (fastcolt on 2p2).
Cog Dissonance gives an introduction to super (hyper) turbo games in this video, aimed at lower stakes and newer players.
We've also made it even easier to figure out what to watch, both for new members and those looking for specific content. Our video planning guide is a work in progress, but should already be effective for low and mid stakes players.
What Others Say About Our Site
The following are excerpts from training site review websites. We do not have any affiliate agreements, ownership interests or any deals setup with any of the reviews listed below at the time of this post.
If you’re looking for specialized training in heads-up poker then you’re in the right place. We’ve been a member of HUSNG for several months now and would like to recommend them to everyone that wants to take their HU poker game seriously. You won’t find any other type of poker training other then heads-up tournament strategy at HUSNG, but the level of expertise that they provide in heads-up poker is unmatched by any other poker training site.
PokerTrainingReviews Sept 2010
With more than 200 [Editor Note: More than 300 at time of this post] videos devoted to heads up SNG strategy, HUSNG.com has more heads up SNG videos than every other poker training site combined. This should be a major selling point for all you aspiring heads up pros out there.....They know heads up sit and gos like nobody else.....there is nowhere else in the world you can go to get this much information specific to heads up SNGs.....They offer their advice and feedback in the forums and they listen to what their members have to say.
Once you go through the entire library of heads-up poker videos you’ll have enough knowledge to beat anyone you want. I’ve been a successful medium limit heads-up player for a while now and the videos provided by the coaches at HUSNG have helped me increase my bottom line.....Downloading the videos to your computer is painless.....The majority of the videos are flawless and have prefect audio and video. You can sort through the videos several ways.....The forums are also a huge perk.....HUSNG is definitely worth it’s weight in gold if you’re already playing heads-up sit and go tournaments seriously and want to really work on improving your game. You can easily get away with the standard membership initially at $25/month until you move up to the $55+ buy-ins, at which point you’ll want to purchase the premium membership.
Feel free to ask us any questions in the thread. If you'd like personal information such as account status, account payment/renewal or anything of a private nature you can private message me here.
Otherwise, feel free to ask questions about the site or ask users on this forum for their opinions of the site in this thread.
1 Reply
It's great that sendowl made a new videoplayer, you can now increase the speed of playback. Also, for the old videoplayer, when you would pause the video the screen would go dark, so you couldn't even pause and examine a spot.