Multiplier Counter 4 Spin&Go!

Multiplier Counter 4 Spin&Go!

Hi all! I'm new in the forum, my english is not very good)

It shows how many jacks was dropped, difference between the expected and actual drop, how many wins from it.


1) Run the program as administrator!

2) For the calculation you need TS files to be on your computer, they should turned on like this screen:

3) Next you need to provide path to these files, in my PT4 it looks like this:
C: \ Users \ \ AppData \ Local \ PokerTracker 4 \,
also I know what for some users PT4 do not take the files from the original folder (where PS place them), so I recommend you to reconfigure PT4, to let it take files, or you may increase the number of days for storage (see screen PS). For HM2, as i think, folder name is - HM2 archive.

4) Select necessary dates, press right BI and "Refresh" button – and the program will calculate everything for you.

If the number of people who are interested in this program will be enough, you will get update and a new version which would calculate the files from the audit of the PS, as well as see your EV win $.


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01 May 2015 at 09:10 AM

1 Reply

Earlier posts are available on our legacy forum HERE

for those who don't have this program working, I'll give you a working way for any room:
1)save this


# Указываем путь к папке
$folderPath = "C:\HM3Archive"

Указываем диапазон дат

$startDate = Get-Date "2024-07-01"
$endDate = Get-Date "2025-01-30"

Счётчик файлов

$fileCount = 0

Поиск файлов

Get-ChildItem -Path $folderPath -Recurse -File | Where-Object {
$_.LastWriteTime -ge $startDate -and $_.LastWriteTime -le $endDate
} | ForEach-Object {
$fileContent = Get-Content -Path $_.FullName -Raw
if ($fileContent -like "*Prizepool : 10*" -and
$fileContent -like "*You finished in 3rd place*" -and
$fileContent -like "*Buy-In : 0.93*") {

Вывод количества файлов

Write-Output "Количество файлов: $fileCount"

code in a text file (or alternatively you can ask chatGPT so that it will give you the code to search for the specified text in the files).
2)change the folder path, dates, text (prize pool, finished place and buy-in) to the ones you have, considering your playing room.
3)launch the PowerShell from the admin, copy the code there and click Enter. Depending on the size of your database, it may take a different amount of time, I have a million hands searching for a few minutes. It will be necessary to repeat the procedure for the second and first places. Then you can change the multiplier and calculate it again for all three places. Works flawlessly.
