Road to the 2027 Crossfit Games
You gotta have dreams, right?
I'm 28, 5'9, and 67kg. Around 5 years ago, I was 77kg and pretty fat with very little muscle. I then cut on and off for 2 years, making tons of mistakes along the way. I got down to around 59kg, and realized I was way too small and weak. I then did SS, got too fat (ate way too much), then cut again. I then did Madcow 5x5, got too fat, and cut again. Next came 5/3/1, fatness, and another cut. Along the way I plugged many leaks. One of them was that I would count my calories diligently until dinner, and then eat whatever for dinner without going overboard. Looking back, that was a really dumb move because I ended up eating way too much on both cuts and bulks. My cuts were really slow and I put on weight way too quickly when bulking.
Once I figured this out (duh), my previous cut was the best ever and I was pretty easily able to lose weight. Now, I plan on going on a long, slow, bulk (300 calories above maintenance).
That was the introduction to my previous log 3 years ago. I'm now 31, still 5'9, and around 71kg. I did a few bulking and cutting cycles, but it was becoming really monotonous and I was taking a lot of mini breaks. Enter crossfit. I stumbled onto the website of one, signed up for an induction class, and was hooked after day 1. I liked the structure and the competitive nature of it. I also liked how you had to be good at everything to be good at crossfit.
Crossfit Journey
I started in October 2016 and until around December 2017, just did crossfit. I stayed around the same bodyweight, my lifts went up, my endurance improved, my gymnastics got better, I learned the olympic lifts, and I finally didn't have to deal with feeling fat and skinny from all the bulking/cutting cycles. Having said that, I think I've reached the point where I need to do less crossfit to become better at it.
After a year and a half, I think I'm finally a pretty average crossfitter. Here are some of my numbers:
Squat: 127.5
Front Squat: 115
Deadlift: 145
Bench Press: 84 (estimated)
Overhead Press: 62.5
C&J: 77.5
Snatch: 52.5 (a bit old, should be closer to 60)
5k run: 24:37
1k row: 3:40
Jackie: 10:03
Fight Gone Bad: 225
Crossfit Open 2017: 28th percentile
Crossfit Open 2018: 45th percentile
Strict Pullups: 13
Muscle Ups: 1
Handstand Pushups: 14
What I'm doing now
My gymnastics is relatively stronger than my strength and endurance, and my weightlifting is pretty rubbish. Here is a rough weekly plan for the next couple of months.
5/3/1 - 2 sessions a week (combining BS and BP in one session, DL and OHP in the other)
Pete's plan beginner - 3 a week (it's a rowing program, to get a solid aerobic base)
Olympic lifting class - 1/2 a week
Crossfit class - 1/2 a week
Run - 1 a week (I wish I could run more, but it destroys my legs)
The End Goal
The goal is to just become as good at crossfit as I can and to keep getting better. I turn 40 in 2027 and there is a 40-45 division at the Crossfit Games, see you there.
For time: (12 minute cap)
30 Calorie Row
30 Pull Ups
30 Calorie Row
15 Chest to Bars
30 Calorie Row
30 Pull Ups
capped with 7 reps left
Back Squat: 80x5, 90x5, 101x5
Super fun. I knew I was touch and go to finish or not, but ended up just going for it. 10x3 in the first set, singles for chest to bars and mostly singles in the second set. I honestly think pull-up singles are the way to go for large sets. Less taxing on the grip and lungs. I was actually quicker than someone who did 3 sets of 10, because they rested say 15 seconds between sets.
Does anyone take magnesium? 2 people have said they started taking it and their energy levels skyrocketed. I started yesterday.
Snatch: 40x3, 45x3, 47.5x3x2, 50x3, 52.5x3 (every 2 minutes)
Wall Balls, 9kg
Burpee Box Jump Overs, 24"
Ride Home
16.13km, 48:08
Snatches were so rushed, I was flustered. I didn't build up to what I wanted and they felt slow and off. But looking at the video, it wasn't too bad. Not great though.
The metcon was BRUTAL. Nowhere to hide. Wall balls were actually pretty good. I think my improved cardio has made them easier. I did 4x10 in the last 1:50 or so. I lost the will to live during the set of 20 BBJO.
To borrow feel's term, it was a heroic effort by me to still do the longish ride home. I was wrecked after the metcon.
Open Gym
Front Squat: 72.5x5, 82.5x5, 91x5x5
Bench Press: 60x5, 67.5x5, 76x5, 60x5x10
Pull-up EMOM: 10x5
Run Home: 5km, 31:29
That's the heaviest day of my 2nd cycle of 5/3/1 done. I felt a bit nervous going into it because I was feeling a bit run down (planned deload next week!), but squats felt great. 76x5 bench was really, really easy. It's weird because 72x5 last week wasn't so easy. I think the magnesium is really working. I see no other explanation. The magic pill.
I practiced kipping, and I think I made some progress. I need to go in to the bar earlier and more aggressively. Even the run home felt pretty good after all those squatting. Magnesium.
90 minute ride tomorrow, then a lighter week.
30.68km, 1:29
Slightly drizzly, but long rides outside is still my most enjoyable form of cardio. Time goes by quite fast.
3 Power Cleans + 2 Front Squats + 1 Push Jerk: 50, 60, 70, 80, 80, 80 (every 2 minutes)
For time (12 minute cap)
Double Unders
Stick Sit Ups
Deload week begins. It's probably more of a lighter week than a proper deload. I'm doing 4 sessions this week, with no extra cardio compared to 5 sessions with lots of extra easy cardio.
This complex was surprisingly hard on the lungs. I was so out of breath for the push jerk. Happy to get in 3 solid complexes at 80. If there was more rest and I wanted to truly max this out, I think 90 would be doable.
This metcon has really cemented my cardio gains. I am thrilled with it. I didn't think I would finish under the time cap, and I don't think I would have 3 months ago. But I finished over a minute under it!! And I've done so much better compared to others in a double under workout versus where I usually would be.
My goal for the Open in 4 months is to qualify for the quarterfinals. I really think I have a shot at it with 4 months of solid training and more cardio gains.
Back Squat: 87.5x5, 97.5x5, 107.5x5
4 sets:
30 Wall Balls, 9kg
-2:00 recovery bike between sets-
-straight into-
4 sets:
15 Burpee Box Jump Overs, 24"
-2:00 recovery bike between sets-
8:50 - 0:54, 0:52, 0:52, 0:52, 1:22, 1:25, 1:24, 1:06
Lighter week continues. I won't lie, I am slightly concerned at how slow that 5th rep at 107.5 was. I've front squatted 105x6 and that wasn't RPE 10, so pretty meh.
The metcon was outstanding though. I am second on the leaderboard at an all cardio workout!!!! I beat people who usually beat me. And I did 30 wall balls unbroken 4 times!
I watched the video now and the last rep isn't actually slow. It felt slow and heavy
doesn't look slow at all. glad you're doing the wall balls unbroken - I reckon of all crossfit movements, they're the one that you can keep going longer than you feel/want to as long as you can shut out the pain
Open Gym
Hang Snatch + Snatch: 45, 45, 45, 47.5, 47.5 (failed one hang snatch in there!!!)
Bench Press: 60x5, 67.5x5, 75, 82.5
Kipping Pull-ups: 7x7 (every 1:45)
I'm a bit concerned with my RHR. It's higher than it normally is and I am deloading!
Snatches felt slow. Bench press was fine.
Pull-ups are concerning as well. I did 10x5 last week in 10 minutes, and it felt fine. I did 7x7 today in 11 minutes and my forearms were pumped. Technique wise though, it is getting so much better. I'm getting the hang of what I need to do. There was one bad set in there, and maybe 4-5 good ones. You can see how I completely lose rhythm in the bad one.
doesn't look slow at all. glad you're doing the wall balls unbroken - I reckon of all crossfit movements, they're the one that you can keep going longer than you feel/want to as long as you can shut out the pain
Yeah agree. Burpees are another one I think. It's so easy to do terribly slow ones instead of powering through and doing faster ones.
C2 Bike: 30 minutes, 12.58km, 2:23.2
Deload week done. I wanted to plod along today, but sped up a lot at the end. The last 5 minutes were in the 2:13s and my HR really didn't go up too much! So excited for the Open.
I'm moving house next week, but I'm not going to let that get in the way of the grinding.
Hang snatch looked pretty decent I thought. Getting deeper into that squat for sure.
Open Gym
Front Squat: 70x5, 80x5, 87.5x5, 98x5
Bench Press: 60x5, 67.5x5, 75x5, 58x5x10
Pistol Squats: 4x10 (5 per leg each set)
Ring L-Sit Hold: 4x20-25s
Run Home: 5km, 30:58
We just picked up the keys to the new house. The owners were amazing and actually had everything cleaned and left instructions. We are having professional cleaners in tomorrow and moving on Wednesday. It's going to be the easiest job ever for the cleaners.
Front Squats are onto the anchor cycle of 531 (higher percentages, lower volume). It's basically a mini peaking cycle. I decided to do another leader for bench. 98x5 felt hard. In 2 weeks, I have an AMRAP at 98, where I need 9 for a rep PR. It's going to be tough.
Pistols felt very easy.
I am really excited to get back into proper training after the deload.
Ring Muscle-Ups: 2,1,2,1,2,1 (every 90s)
Handstand Push Ups
-rest 4:00-
For Time: (8 minute cap)
“Erase your reps” (start where you left off and go in reverse)
98 in part 1, 82 in part 2
Ride Home
16.14km, 46:49
Holy ****. I think I've levelled up in crossfit. I used to think I was bad at all these cardio movements with a bit of skill (double unders, pull-ups, and wall balls to a lesser extent), but it turns out they all get easier with improved cardio. I am doing much better on the leaderboard than before. Pull-ups felt great. HSPU even better. I even did a set of 6 or 8 late in this metcon.
I took it pretty easy with ring muscle ups because I didn't want to fatigue my pulling too much. But the sets felt pretty good.
Back Squat: 80x5, 90x5, 100x5
5 Rounds:
75 Double Unders
15 Shoulder to Overhead, 42.5kg
12:45 - 60 DUs, 35kg
Ride to new home!
14.29km, 46:19
I took an extra day off. I felt so bad for the movers having to move my gym equipment to the second floor, so I helped out. My back wasn't the biggest fan of that, but it all seems fine today.
My back squats felt super super easy today. I didn't bother using WL shoes. I wonder if that's a coincidence or not. Scaled the metcon pretty well, I paced it horribly. Round times were 1:35, 2:33, 2:40, 3:07, 2:49.
Snatch: 40x2x2, 45x2x3
Snatch (2s pause): 50, 50, 52.5, 52.5
Snatch: 55, 57.5, 60f
Clean and Jerk
10 rounds:
20 double unders
1 Clean and Jerk, build to a heavy single
12:15 - 50, 55, 60, 65, 70x6
Ride Home
14:51km, 45:57
Pretty amazing day. My WL coach has finally moved on to telling me to focus on dropping under faster. My first 2 pulls are at an acceptable level I guess, or maybe dropping under is now the low hanging fruit. Snatches felt pretty great. The fail at 60 was a surprise, but it happens with snatches.
I loved the little weightlifitng metcon. I stopped at 70 because I could feel my tennis elbow coming on. I took my time with it, maybe 75% effort.
Deadlift: 110x2, 120x2, 130x2x4 (every 1:30)
3 sets:
3x50ft Shuttle Runs (1 run is 25 feet down and back)
10 Pull-ups
3x50ft Shuttle Runs
15 V-ups
-Rest 3:00 between sets-
2+26, 2+13, 2+13
Today was my one day of the week with no extra cardio at the end. Deadlifts felt heavier than they should have. They felt so easy when I was deadlifting every week. I'm now on every 2-3 weeks. Perhaps once in 10-12 days is optimal.
Brutal little metcon. 90 pull-ups in there. V-ups were the hard bit.
Open Gym
Front Squat: 65x5, 75x5, 83x5x5
Bench Press: 55x5, 62.5x5, 70x5, 54x5x10
Run Home: 5.1km, 31:40
It was my birthday a few days ago and I've been disciplined and only eaten cake after dinner. I caved today and ate it straight from the cake tin - without cutting slices - after breakfast and just before going to the gym. Heroic effort by me to finish all of this. I felt so sluggish.
Happy birthday! You probably felt sluggish because you didn't eat enough cake. Birthday cake is fuel for both the body and soul.
probably should have had some ice cream as well tbh to ensure peak performance
For time:
10 Wall Balls
5 Burpee Box Jump Overs
-rest 1:00-
20 Wall Balls
10 Burpee Box Jump Overs
-rest 1:30-
30 Wall Balls
15 Burpee Box Jump Overs
-rest 2:00-
40 Wall Balls
20 Burpee Box Jump Overs
-rest 2:30-
50 Wall Balls
25 Burpee Box Jump Overs
Ride Home
14.33km - start/stop with doing lots of errands
Outstanding day. It is one where my cardio gains are properly cemented. I beat some guys who beat me and came really close to one guy who beats me by a lot. The 4th and 5th set were so brutal. Round times were 0:34, 1:23, 2:22, 3:37, 4:57. I really hustled to get under 20 minutes.
A cheater was present in the class. One of the dumber ones. He started his 2nd set 20-30 seconds before everyone! I did my first set in 34 seconds with 10 wall balls and 5 quick BBJO. I would love to see him do that in 10 seconds.
Great suggestion
Back Squat: 100x2, 102.5x2, 105x2, 107.5x2x3
5 sets (Every 4:00)
18 Calorie Ski Erg
12 Toes to Bar
6 Power Snatch, 60kg
9:19 - 1:50, 1:46, 1:50, 1:54, 1:59 - 13 cal assault bike, 10 TTB, 42.5kg
Really fun. Squats were easy enough. I used my metcons. I kept all the toes to bar and snatches unbroken. This was very grippy and not quite max heart rate.
Clean and Jerk: 70, 80, 87.5, 92.5, 97.5f, 97.5f, 97.5f, 97.5f
Ride Home: 19.21km, 56:06
Well, that's disappointing. My PR is 96kg. It all felt fine until 92.5. And then it just felt so heavy while jerking. No lack of heart, I tried 4 times!!! I feel like I'm dipping a bit wrong and also using my arms too much while driving.
The positive with today is the cleans. 4 at 97.5 felt pretty easy!! PR is 102.5 I should have tried 105 for a PR to salvage the day, but I only thought about that later.
I need to weigh myself, I think I'm 2-3 kgs lighter than when I hit 96, so that's something