50th year PRs

50th year PRs

Cliffs: I'm 50 later this year and am challenging myself to set as many lifetime PRs as I can


49yo male. 6ft, 90.5kg/199lbs. Grew up in London, now live in Sydney Australia.

Have long term sporting background. International representative rugby player at top tier sporting university and played semi pro into my late 20s. Also played varsity soccer as freshman at college, plus all the sports including track and field growing up.

The past 20 years since rugby finished...I've almost always exercised/trained and have always been fit but it's mainly been 'working out' rather than training. By which I mean I train hard when I go into the gym...but without any real plans or goals.

I had two serious sporting injuries that still impact my training - the knee reconstruction plus a torn & bulging disc in the L5/S1 region and after a really frustrating 3ish years of a cycle or injuring myself every time I tried to go hard for a period of time, I've cut the intensity of my training over the past 5 years. By doing this and giving up several movements (squat, snatch, squat clean), I've managed to stay active and training all the way through....albeit going through the motions for months and then more committed at other times.

But I find myself bored with my training and staring down the barrel of a major milestone as I turn 50 in the middle of 2021. And so I'm going to aim to reach 50 in great shape and to give myself something to keep me interested by aiming to break as many of my lifetime PRs as I can.

Realistically, I'm never running a sub 11.5 100m or hitting the roads to run a marathon again and I'm not squatting or o lifting heavy any more, so those ones are out. But I think the upper body lifts are within reach (I've never been 'strong' in those anyway, but they haven't dropped off much) and I think some of the cardio PRs are definitely do-able if I can commit to the pain...albeit I'm definitely scared of the pain

Simultaneously, my cholesterol levels have been rising the past few years and I'd like to drop some body fat...so I'm going to be adopting a better diet and substantially reducing my drinking

Here's a list of my PRs...some of them are relatively soft, in that I haven't really trained them for that long.

PRs within reach

Bench 107.5kg (currently at approx 100kg)
Press 70kg (currently probably 67.5 but gym closed right now and my home gym ceiling is too low for me to do standing press)
Bar Dips 26 (guessing I could do 15ish)

1km 3.17 (guessing 3.30)
2km 6.59 (I did a 7.19 yesterday and it damn near killed me)

Assault Bike
100 cals 3.11
200 cals (can't find the PR but I'll be attempting one)

DEXA PR: 16.2% (I think I'd be 18% ish now)

PRs that are possible but not probable

Dead Hangs 18

500m 1.28 (est 1.32 right now - 4 secs is a HUGE difference in a 500m)
5k 18.43 (guessing 19.30)

Caliper bf% when playing rugby was 12.1 - which I'm guessing equated to 14% ish?

Other lifetime PRs fyi that we won't be attempting to break
Squat 165kg (in 1993)
Deadlift 170kg (2010)
Power Clean 105 (2015)
Snatch 82.5kg (2015)
11.5 100m
1.28 half marathon

This is about as far as I've got.

I haven't worked out an exact training plan yet - our gyms are closed for covid at the moment but I have a barbell, rack and bench at home plus an erg and a pull up bar so I can train most of the above. I generally get to the gym 4 to 5 times a week and aim to do at least one other 'activity' per day as well - I've got quite obsessive about getting 10k steps in since I've been working from home since March. And then I have a very sporty 10 year old son who I am helping get fit for his upcoming season - both soccer and rugby will start in March. So we're doing sprints and skills training too.

Next steps

keep things ticking over with no huge focus for the next 2 weeks, then after a week's holiday 13th to 20th January, I'll commit to a more detailed plan and improve my lifestyle.

I'm very heavy for me (most of my PRs were done with me weighing 83-85kg and I'm 90kg right now), so it's a good time to try to get some upper body PRs.

the cardio goals scare me and are the main reason I've started the thread.
I want to force myself to do more conditioning work but I know the pain I'm in for - that 5k row PR was done when I was peak crossfit and will be a total nightmare to get to from where I am right now.

I'll be getting a DEXA in late Jan.

I had my bloods done last month and will probably get another lot done before my birthday.

I may also add some additional fitness goals...just not sure what they'd be right now

sorry for the wall of text and sorry if you're unable to multiply kg by 2.2 to get to lbs

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31 December 2020 at 05:26 AM

474 Replies


medium width neutral grip pull downs 4x14-67
seated close grip hammer row 4x13-120kg
barbell shrug 3x18-110kg ss with
back extensions 3x10
barbell curl 3x10-35kg ss with
hammer curl 3x9-15kg

had a night out on the chems at a dance party on Saturday night but seem to have got away with it physically and emotionally. 9 hours sleep on sat night helped and managed 3 hours of heavy digging and wrangling of heavy plants in the garden yesterday. then felt good enough this morning to head to the gym

9am on a Monday....crazy busy...don't these people have work to do? I had to adapt my session a little

Incline DB Bench 11,10,11,11-27.5kg
Flye Machine 3x14-54kg
Upright Machine Press thing 3x12-70kg
Seated DB Press 3x9-22.5kg
DB Lat Raise 3x12-12.5kg

So I randomly saw a Jay Cutler video grab on FB this morning about not bringing the DBs together at the top of a seated press but just do them straight up and down like you would with a barbell and I trialled that for both the bench and press sets and I actually preferred it. It seemed to keep tension in the muscle all the way through.

by feel wrath k

So I randomly saw a Jay Cutler video grab on FB this morning about not bringing the DBs together at the top of a seated press but just do them straight up and down like you would with a barbell and I trialled that for both the bench and press sets and I actually preferred it. It seemed to keep tension in the muscle all the way through.

This makes less sense for me with DB bench since adduction is one of the main roles of the pecs, but I'm assuming the answer is "that's what cable crossovers are for" and I'm not going to pretend to know more than Jay Cutler, so here we are.

Gave it a shot with seated DB press today and didn't feel any noticeable difference, but who knows. Perhaps my MIND:MUSCLE CONNECTION[SUP]TM[/SUP] needs work?

by Montecore k

This makes less sense for me with DB bench since adduction is one of the main roles of the pecs, but I'm assuming the answer is "that's what cable crossovers are for" and I'm not going to pretend to know more than Jay Cutler, so here we are.

Gave it a shot with seated DB press today and didn't feel any noticeable difference, but who knows. Perhaps my MIND:MUSCLE CONNECTION[SUP]TM[/SUP] needs work?

yep I can't argue with the Press v Bench point. Also think there's a large part of things which are 'doing it slightly differently makes the muscle feel slightly different afterwards'. Which...is probably a good thing all around but also prolly argues against it being a big difference in the long run. Nevertheless, I'm attempting to do different lifts in different order to bring a little variety to my 6x a week gym habit and hope it might make a miniscule difference

seated chest supported hammer close grip row 4x11-120

neutral grip medium width pull downs 4x14-67

seated chest supported row where the handles start above head height (no idea how else to describe this) 3x9-80kg ss with back extensions 3x12-15kg

Barbell curl 3x11-35kg ss with
Hammer Curl 3x10-16kg

Chins 1x10

by Montecore k

This makes less sense for me with DB bench since adduction is one of the main roles of the pecs, but I'm assuming the answer is "that's what cable crossovers are for" and I'm not going to pretend to know more than Jay Cutler, so here we are.

Gave it a shot with seated DB press today and didn't feel any noticeable difference, but who knows. Perhaps my MIND:MUSCLE CONNECTION[SUP]TM[/SUP] needs work?

as an aside, I'm not sure I've done cable crossovers in 30 years. Flyes and Flye machine but never crossovers. Will try them on my next chest and shoulders day

really enjoyed this morning's session...not sure why, maybe just feeling good this week in myself? IDK

500m row

all single leg alternating....
leg extensions 3x11-47kg
glute extension machine 3x11-72.5kg
leg press 3x10-110kg
leg curl 3x11-20kg
hack squat 3x10-110kg (not sure I can do single leg hack squats comfortably)
tricep push downs 3x12-35kg ss with
tricep extensions 3x12-24kg
tricep machine 3x10
pull ups 1x10

did 2 hours physical work in the garden yesterday afternoon, digging out two huge plants...both prolly 200lb. (literally 0 work to do in my business right now, so may as well do this..and will be painting this pm I think for the same reason)

It absolutely wiped me out and I went on a salt and carb eating frenzy last night.

still felt sore and tired this morning but managed to get to the gym, albeit it took a long while to get my head into the session.

Isometric flat bench machine thing 3x9-80kg
Incline DB bench 3x11-25
DB Flyes 3x10-22.5
Seated DB Press 1x9-22.5, 2x12-20
Lat Raise machine 3x15-32

I used more incline on the DB press and I think I prefer it - it hits the shoulders more but hopefully also the upper part of the pec area.

neutral grip medium width pull downs 14,13,13,13-67kg
chest supported isometric close grip rows 4x10-120kg
barbell shrug 3x16-110kg ss with
back extensions 3x11-15kg
chins 1x11
preacher curl 3x12-40kg ss with
hammer curl 3x9-15kg

all fine. also did 30 min UT3 on the bike last night basically just to clear my head after being at home all day

Omg my body is broken

Spent 7 hours in the garden today. Hired a jackhammer to dig out a concrete slab and then had to carry about 2 tonne down to the road. Also dig out some plants, painted a wall and some fencing.

Ridiculously then went to the gym at 4pm and am now paying the price

Leg extensions 4x12-89kg
Leg press 3x11-230kg
Hip extension/thrust machine thing 3x14-160kg
Power clean 4x3-80kg
Skillcrusher 3x11-40kg ss with
Close grip press 3x20-40kg

rest day yesterday, although 5ish hours in the yard

Isometric bench press 3x9-80. pause reps
Incline DB bench 3x9-27.5kg
Flye machine 3x14-52
seated DB Press 4x12-20kg
Lat raise machine 3x12-37 - third set did 3 weight drops...prolly 30 reps in total

Wide Grip, chest supported seated rows 4x12-120kg
Wide Grip pull downs 3x12-60kg
Medium width neutral grip rows 3x12-67kg ss with
Back Extensions 3x10-15
Chins 1x8
Barbell Curl 3x10-35, ss with
Hammer Curl 3x8-15kg
Power Clean 3x5-60

Is there a light at the end of the tunnel re: all the yard work?

by Montecore k

Is there a light at the end of the tunnel re: all the yard work?

the house will go on the market at the beginning of October. Planning on having two more big weekends finishing off a ton of jobs outside the house and then the final weekend to move furniture around/into storage and clean everything up so that it looks ready.

generally the way you sell big/nice houses in Australia is via auction. So you do a 4 week campaign with two hour long showings per week and if you don't get offered a price you're happy with beforehand....or if there's a ton of interest...then you hold an auction. Ideally you then get good price for it, but if not it then goes on the market as 'for sale' at a target price

the market isn't ideal right now as interest rates are high and the economy has slowed, but really hoping we get what we want so we can move on. We've thrown quite a lot of money and I've put a huge amount of time into getting it right to sell

What's the plan on where to live after you sell? We are currently in the final stages of buying a house and I would be very surprised if there is a system more broken for buyers than the UK

by arjun13 k

What's the plan on where to live after you sell? We are currently in the final stages of buying a house and I would be very surprised if there is a system more broken for buyers than the UK

I'm selling a property in the UK at the moment and it seems worse for sellers than buyers? I can't believe how long the process seems to take.

re my next steps, I want (and need) to stay in my current location. I have two kids still in the local high school and my parents live there too. I sponsored them to retire to Australia about 12 years ago, so it would be tough to leave them here and disappear further away. Plus, I've been living here for 18 years and I love it. It's an idyllic beachside big village/small town and I know a ton of people here.

It's complex - I have a daughter going away to college next Feb and another one going into her final year of high school. Both of have chosen to live with me FT (the elder one when she's home from college) and then a 14yo son who will split 50:50 with my soontobeexwife and me. So I kind of need a 4 bed place, which will involve borrowing a huge amount of $$ at age 53. Where I live is bloody expensive though and while my house has done very well over the past 11 years, buying back into the market at a lower level will be traumatic. There aren't any 4 bed places for less than $2m Aus and even at that price there will be big compromises. A lot easier for the soontobeex and she can get a 2 bed apartment and will probably be able to buy one pretty much mortgage free.

So I might rent for a year and then see what happens with the elder two kids. But that is crazy expensive too - looking at $1500 per week to rent an ok but not incredible 4 bed/3 bed with study. Obviously, the ideal scenario would be to meet a new partner who is local and in a similar life scenario and pool resources with her, but that's a long shot to happen in the next few years.

and my business isn't going great right now due to the stage we're at in the economic cycle. so it's all fun and games

the soontobeex wants to get back with me (no chance) but is trying to talk me into renting with her for a year if/when we can sell the house, but I don't want that at all. but I'm playing nice with her right now both for the kids(we're still all living together) but also because we haven't agreed financial splits yet and what we've discussed is way better than what I would get if we all lawyered up

complex stuff. sorry for long rant

happy you've met someone serious. a nice lady from the right background who your family approve of??

by feel wrath k

I'm selling a property in the UK at the moment and it seems worse for sellers than buyers? I can't believe how long the process seems to take.

The process is long for both, but buyer's have to pay for solicitors, surveys, etc with no protection. We had our offer accepted 2 months ago, have paid for everything, and everything seems to be going smoothly. But if the sellers change their mind for whatever reason (someone offers more, life circumstances, market goes up), we have lost all those fees and months of our time.

re my next steps, I want (and need) to stay in my current location. I have two kids still in the local high school and my parents live there too. I sponsored them to retire to Australia about 12 years ago, so it would be tough to leave them here and disappear further away. Plus, I've been living here for 18 years and I love it. It's an idyllic beachside big village/small town and I know a ton of people here.

It's complex - I have a daughter going away to college next Feb and another one going into her final year of high school. Both of have chosen to live with me FT (the elder one when she's home from college) and then a 14yo son who will split 50:50 with my soontobeexwife and me. So I kind of need a 4 bed place, which will involve borrowing a huge amount of $$ at age 53. Where I live is bloody expensive though and while my house has done very well over the past 11 years, buying back into the market at a lower level will be traumatic. There aren't any 4 bed places for less than $2m Aus and even at that price there will be big compromises. A lot easier for the soontobeex and she can get a 2 bed apartment and will probably be able to buy one pretty much mortgage free.

So I might rent for a year and then see what happens with the elder two kids. But that is crazy expensive too - looking at $1500 per week to rent an ok but not incredible 4 bed/3 bed with study. Obviously, the ideal scenario would be to meet a new partner who is local and in a similar life scenario and pool resources with her, but that's a long shot to happen in the next few years.

and my business isn't going great right now due to the stage we're at in the economic cycle. so it's all fun and games

the soontobeex wants to get back with me (no chance) but is trying to talk me into renting with her for a year if/when we can sell the house, but I don't want that at all. but I'm playing nice with her right now both for the kids(we're still all living together) but also because we haven't agreed financial splits yet and what we've discussed is way better than what I would get if we all lawyered up

complex stuff. sorry for long rant

It sounds really hard, but I also think you will look back on it in a few years and feel so relieved you stuck to your guns and made it through. Pretty much the same advice you gave to me. Renting seems to be the obvious play here, given the 3 older kids and likely them moving out at some point? Maybe rent for a few years and then buy when your life is more stable and say 2 of them have moved out?[/QUOTE]

happy you've met someone serious. a nice lady from the right background who your family approve of??

Haha thanks, but background and family approval are not really factors for me. She's half english, half greek and easy going and fun. I forgot how nice an easy relationship is after the last one. I've never wanted kids, but she definitely wants one and I actually think it will be fun doing that with her.

by arjun13 k

It sounds really hard, but I also think you will look back on it in a few years and feel so relieved you stuck to your guns and made it through. Pretty much the same advice you gave to me. Renting seems to be the obvious play here, given the 3 older kids and likely them moving out at some point? Maybe rent for a few years and then buy when your life is more stable and say 2 of them have moved out?


thank you and yes, I hope so. just need to keep grasping the nettle and get out the other side.

yes, renting is the obvious play except....

- I don't want to miss the next price rise spike, which I think is a real possibility if I wait a few years and
- I'm 53. While there's no chance I'll be paying the home loan off without a) pooling resources with a new partner or b) an inheritance (which hopefully there will be something of when my parents pass on...although unlikely to be for 15 years IMO as while they're both in their 80s, my dad is very healthy and his parents both lived to 99) so I'd actually like to make some impact on a mortgage and I wonder if there's an age when a bank stops lending large amounts? I guess that depends on the size of the downpayment.

by arjun13 k

Haha thanks, but background and family approval are not really factors for me. She's half english, half greek and easy going and fun. I forgot how nice an easy relationship is after the last one. I've never wanted kids, but she definitely wants one and I actually think it will be fun doing that with her.

I'm a huge advocate for kids. life definitely easier without them but by far the best thing that's ever happened to me and if your missus is a keeper and you're solid with each other for the long term, then ggggggo for it

didn't sleep brilliantly today and was up from 4. as such, the morning gym session felt difficult from beginning to end

all single leg alternatiing

leg extension 3x11-47kg
leg curl (prone) 3x9-22.5kg
glute extension 3x11-72.5kg
hip extension 3x12-170kg
seated leg press 3x14-135kg (new machine as the 45 degree leg press and hack squats were both in use - didn't like it)
tricep push downs 3x11-35kg ss with
tricep extensions 3x12-24kg
tricep machine thing 3x10

by feel wrath k

thank you and yes, I hope so. just need to keep grasping the nettle and get out the other side.

yes, renting is the obvious play except....

- I don't want to miss the next price rise spike, which I think is a real possibility if I wait a few years and
- I'm 53. While there's no chance I'll be paying the home loan off without a) pooling resources with a new partner or b) an inheritance (which hopefully there will be something of when my parents pass on...although unlikely to be for 15 years IMO as while they're both in their 80s, my dad is very healthy and his parents both lived to 99) so I'd actually like to make some impact on a mortgage and I wonder if there's an age when a bank stops lending large amounts? I guess that depends on the size of the downpayment.[/QUOTE]

Renting vs buying historically is pretty equivalent finanically if you dump your deposit money into an index fund. There's obviously pros and cons to both sides. One major pro to buying is the emotional happiness. And then of course if you buy a house, you're leveraged up, so that can work both for and against you.

I'm sure you know all this, but purely financially I wouldn't be worried about missing a spike, as long as your deposit is not in all cash.

But yeah, idk about the long term mortgage and that's definitely an arguement to try and buy asap if it all makes sense.

two really tough sleeps - up for 2 hours in the night on Weds and Thurs. Yesterday I couldn't force myself to get up early to go to the gym but managed a bike cardio session last night, basically to get the body moving and feel a little better. Call it an active rest day

this am I did get up but body felt unresponsive and every set was a grind. All dumbbell session due to machine avails

DB Bench 3x10-30kg
DB Incline Bench 3x11-25kg
DB Flye 3x9-22.5kg
seated DB Press 3x11-20 ss with
Lateral raise 3x10

not brilliant but something

did half sessions of Pull and then Legs on Sat and Sun after very heavy days in the garden. Really just wanted to get those muscles moving and I reckon it loosened me out. Prolly 12 hours of yard work over the weekend. Made a lot of progress but still feels like a lot to do

did a beach sprint session yesterday. I've entered a touch rugby competition for the next 3 months and thought I should get the legs and body moving quickly a few ties before it starts, to limit the DOMS and hopefully protect against injury. Took the dog on the beach at 6pm and prolly did 8 50-60m sprints, with slow down to walk/jog in between. Felt good to do it and am surprisingly pain free this morning, albeit...that may be a bad sign if the DOMS come later today/tomorrow

then this am

DB Bench 10,10,9-30kg
Incline DB Bench 9,10,9-26kg
Cable Crossovers 3x12
Seated/back supported machine isometric bench thing 3x12-70kg
seated DB Press 3x12-20 ss with
DB Lateral Raise 3x11

Were there any arguements over who got to keep the dog?
