Cutting fat and getting leaner
I’m a 35 year old male currently weighing 153 pounds, and my height is 5’10. My primary goals are to cut stomach fat (still have a stubborn muffin top), have a more well-toned body, and get stronger. Long-term health and fitness as I continue to age is also very important to me.
I’m primarily focused on:
-Tracking daily macro + calorie intake (targeting ~1,850 calories per day)
-Weight training (workouts in spoilers)
-Running outdoors: 1-2 runs per week. Recently increased distance from 4 miles to 5 miles
Other info about me:
For most of my 20s, I weighed around 200 - 205 pounds. Then in 2016 my weight increased to 225 pounds. This was after living in Vegas playing poker for a couple years. My diet went off the rails, barely exercised, and had a terrible sleep schedule.
When I left Vegas and rejoined the working world, I focused on tracking macros + strength training. I dropped my weight to the low to mid 180s after ~8 months. I got back up to the high 190s, then shifted my focus to walking + better diet. That dropped my weight at one point to the high 140s, and for the past year or so I’ve been in the mid 150s.
After feeling like I plateaued, I started strength training again late last year.
I started this thread as a way to write up my thoughts and self-reflect on how my regimen is going, particularly weight training. Feel free to follow along and share any insight.
23 Replies
Much needed day yesterday of mostly clean eating and weights after 5ish days of not so clean eating and zero weights. Also have a dumb ailment from basketball on Wednesday and now I've got a bruised big toe nail. Cut your toenails before playing folks.
Hip thrusts: 3x20 @ 25 pound DB
Push ups: 2x20, 1x15
Walking lunges: 3x6 per side @ 15 pound DBs
RDLs: 1x10 each @ 15 / 20 pound DBs, 3x10 @ 25 pound DBs
Reverse grip lat pull downs: 1x10 @ 105 pounds, 2x10 @ 110 pounds
Curls: 3x10 @ 15 pound DBs
Calf press: 1x12 each @ 45 / 50 / 60 pounds
Dips: 3x12 @ 60 pounds assisted weight
Barbell back squats: 3x8 @ 115 pounds
Lateral raises: 3x15 @ 12 pound DBs
Leg curls: 1x12 @ 45 pounds, 2x12 @ 47.5 pounds
Overhead press: 1x9, 2x8 @ 25 pound DBs
Barbell RDLs: 1x10 each @ 45 / 50 / 55 pounds
Got started with about 70 minutes before the gym closed. Probably need 90 minutes when doing full body. A few exercises I could have progressively added on weight with an additional set or two but wouldn't have had time to get through a wider variety of exercises.
Push-ups: 2x25
Walking lunges: 3x6 @ 20 pound DBs
RDLs: 1x10 each @ 20 / 25 pound DBs, 3x10 @ 30 pound DBs
Leg curls: 1x12 each @ 50 / 60 / 65 / 75 pounds
Bent over rows: 1x12 each @ 12 / 15 / 20 pound DBs
Curls: 2x15 @ 15 pound DBs
Bit rushed towards the end so did a quick upper body workout today.
Dips: 3x10 @ 60 pounds assisted weight
Overhead press: 3x8 @ 25 pound DBs
Lateral raises: 3x10 @ 15 pound DBs
For me, the proven method for me to cut fat and get lean is to do a 16-8 intermittent fasting. I only consume water, black coffee, or tea in that period. Then I couple it with meal and macro timing upon breaking my fast. I usually start with fruits and/or vegetables to not make my blood sugar spike right away. Next would be my proteins and last would be my carbs before I mix them all up. With regard to meal quality, I stay away from sugar drinks, sodas, and limit my alcohol intake during occasions. I also stay away from junk food and fast food as much as possible. The only time I consume them is if I'm left with no choice especially during meetings or when somebody buys and gives me some. For lifestyle, I train in the gym 4 to 5 days a week focusing on strength and form of HIIT and slow-phased cardio,
Push-ups: 1x30, 1x25
Barbell back squats: 1x6 each @ 115 / 120 / 125 pounds
Barbell RDLs: 1x10 each @ 45 / 50 / 55 / 60 / 65 / 70 pounds
Barbell rows: 1x12 @ 45 pounds, 2x12 @ 50 pounds
Hammer curls: 2x10 @ 20 pound DBs
Overhead press: 4x8 @ 30 pound DBs
Chest press machine: 1x12 each @ 65 / 75 / 80 / 87.5 / 90 pounds
Leg curl machine: 1x12 each @ 30 / 35 / 40 / 45 pounds
Hip abductor machine: 1x10 each @ 65 / 75 / 85 / 90 pounds
Underhand grip lat pulldown: 3x8 @ 105 pounds
Single leg split squats: 1x8 each @ 10 /15 / 20 pound DBs
Press machine felt like a much needed push exercise for chest. I cut out barbell and DB press after f'ing up my lower back one too many times but haven't incorporated an adequate subs
I was just scrolling through your recent posts to ask about the lack of a bench movement. Is there an ongoing lower back issue that was exacerbated by benching or did you hurt it for the first time doing that
fyi I tried and quickly gave up arched back benching after hurting my back, in case that's what happened. Flat back all the way for me now and the back has never been an issue
I was just scrolling through your recent posts to ask about the lack of a bench movement. Is there an ongoing lower back issue that was exacerbated by benching or did you hurt it for the first time doing that
fyi I tried and quickly gave up arched back benching after hurting my back, in case that's what happened. Flat back all the way for me now and the back has never been an issue
Yeah it's been ongoing. It started when I got fat about a decade ago and I think bad posture was the main cause - it's mostly pain on right lower side with occasional stiffness throughout my lower back when my posture is bad.
I've hurt it at least three times when lifting. Once with barbell bench press and twice with incline DB press. The barbell time I lifted too heavy but the incline DB didn't feel that heavy. I think a flat DB press would be the one to try out. I'd do barbell again but my gym doesn't really have the right equipment for it. I was moving a flat bench under a squat rack which is a bit inconvenient, especially when the gym is more crowded.
I've added push-ups into a few recent workouts to at least get some chest work. I could mix in flat bench flyes too but from what I've read it's best to have a heavier push movement for chest.
Dips: 3x11 @ 60 pounds assisted weight
Flat bench press: 3x10 @ 15 pound DBs
Overhead press: 2x6, 1x8 @ 30 pound DBs
Rows: 3x12 @ 20 pound DBs
Lateral raises: 3x10 @ 15 pound DBs
Curls: 2x8, 1x10 @ 20 pound DBs
Underhand grip lat pull down: 2x10, 1x12 @ 125 pounds
Flat bench press felt fine. Went light to start out.
Walking lunges: 2x7, 1x9 per side @ 20 pound DBs
Barbell RDLs: 1x10 each @ 45 / 55 / 65 / 75 / pounds
Calf press: 1x12 each @ 60 / 75 / 80 pounds
1/18 workout was over 1.5 hours. 1/19 workout was about 30 minutes. 1/18 felt better. I got carried away with something at work last night that probably could have waited and I ended up getting to the gym late. But a previous version of myself likely would have just said there's no point in going to the gym for 30 minutes and skipped it entirely, so I'll consider that progress.
Right knee was a bit sore after lunges - think I went too deep on a rep or two but it's not too bad.
Dips: 3x12 @ 60 pounds assisted weight
Mid rows: 2x10, 1x12 @ 90 pounds
Overhead press: 3x5 @ 35 pound DBs
Flat bench press: 3x10 @ 20 pound DBs
Hanging leg raises: 2x8, 1x10
Barbell back squats: 1x8 @ 115 pounds, 2x8 @ 120 pounds
Barbell RDLs: 1x10 each @ 45 / 60 pounds, 2x10 @ 70 pounds
Leg curls: 1x12, 1x15 @ 50 pounds
Over/Under for my total points in basketball tonight is 6.5. Place your bets accordingly.
Over/Under for my total points in basketball tonight is 6.5. Place your bets accordingly.
I had 0 points that week. Congrats to all under bettors.
1 weights session since the last update. 3 runs, each a bit over 3 miles, standard weekly bball and a 40-minute bike ride.
Dips: 3x12 @ 60 pounds assisted weight
Shoulder press: 3x6 @ 30 pound DBs
Barbell rows: 1x12 each @ 45 / 50 / 55 pounds
Front raises: 2x10 @ 10 pound DBs, 1x10 @ 12 pound DBs
Curls: 2x10 @ 15 pound DBs
Push ups: 1x15
Overhead press: 1x6 @ 30 pound DBs, 3x6 @ 35 pound DBs
Barbell rows: 1x12 each @ 45 / 50 pounds, 2x12 @ 55 pounds
Assisted chin ups: 3x10 @ 70 pounds assisted weight
Curls: 3x6 @ 20 pound DBs
Tricep rope pull downs: 3x12 @ 60 pounds
Push ups: 1x20, 1x15
Hurt my calf running Thursday night and haven't done lower body in a while now, though calf is feeling better than the past two days.
Dips: 3x12 @ 60 pounds assisted weight
Underhand grip lat pulldown: 1x10 @ 120 pounds, 2x10 @ 125 pounds
Mid rows: 1x8 each @ 85 / 90 / 95 pounds
Hammer curls: 3x10 @ 15 pound DBs
Flat bench flyes: 1x12 each @ 10 / 12 pound DBs
Barbell back squats: 1x6 each @ 95 / 100 / 105 pounds
RDLs: 1x10 each @ 45 / 50 / 55 pounds
Chin-ups: 3x11 @ 60 pounds assisted weight
Lateral raises: 1x10 @ 8 pound DBs, 1x12 each @ 10 / 12 pound DBs
Overhead press: 2x6 @ 35 pound DBs, 1x8 @ 30 pound DBs
Curls: 1x10 @ 15 pound DBs, 2x10 @ 20 pound DBs
Push-ups: 1x30
Breakfast burritos eaten: 1
Overhead press: 1x6, 2x7 @ 35 pound DBs
Front raises: 2x12, 1x15 @ 8 pound DBs
Dips: 3x10 @ 55 pounds assisted weight
Barbell rows: 1x12 each @ 45 / 55 / 60 / 65 pounds
Push-ups: 1x25
Barbell back squats: 1x6 each @ 105 / 110 / 115 / 120 pounds
Barbell RDLs: 1x10 each @ 45 / 55 / 65 / 70 pounds
Hanging leg raises: 1x20, 1x12
Assisted chin ups: 3x12 @ 65 pounds assisted weight
Lateral raises: 3x12 @ 15 pound DBs
Pushups: 1x28
Mid rows (machine): 1x8 @ 90 / 95 / 105 pounds
Still searching for the best chest exercise - the last time I did DB presses my back didn't feel quite right. Not sure if my form needs work or it's back issues (possibly both). For now I'm doing push ups at the end of each set and mixing in either DB front raises or flyes.
Dips: 2x11, 1x12 @ 55 pounds assisted weight
Overhead press: 2x6, 1x8 @ 35 pound DBs
Barbell rows: 1x12 each @ 45 / 55 pounds, 2x12 @ 65 pounds
Front raises: 2x12, 1x15 @ 10 pound DBs
Curls: 3x6 @ 25 pound DBs
Push ups: 1x33, 1x12
Overhead press: 1x6, 2x7 @ 35 pound DBs
Front raises: 2x12, 1x15 @ 8 pound DBs
Dips: 3x10 @ 55 pounds assisted weight
Barbell rows: 1x12 each @ 45 / 55 / 60 / 65 pounds
Push-ups: 1x25
Barbell back squats: 1x6 each @ 105 / 110 / 115 / 120 pounds
Barbell RDLs: 1x10 each @ 45 / 55 / 65 / 70 pounds
Hanging leg raises: 1x20, 1x12
Assisted chin ups: 3x12 @ 65 pounds assisted weight
Lateral raises: 3x12 @ 15 pound DBs
Pushups: 1x28
Mid rows (machine): 1x8 @ 90 / 95 / 105 pounds
Still searching for
I do think having a proper pressing exercise is essential for chest because it seems to respond well to more weight moved and it’s just hard to have must poundage with flyes, pec dec etc.
Obviously we’re all managing different physical issues but I find DB presses fare more manageable than barbel these days as barbell gives me shooting shoulder pain. Dips are even worse.
Have you tried doing db bench with a slight incline or decline?
Also seated machine pressing? I’ve been doing that with my son recently and while it’s not nearly as good as free weights you can at least move some mass
I do think having a proper pressing exercise is essential for chest because it seems to respond well to more weight moved and it’s just hard to have must poundage with flyes, pec dec etc.
Obviously we’re all managing different physical issues but I find DB presses fare more manageable than barbel these days as barbell gives me shooting shoulder pain. Dips are even worse.
Have you tried doing db bench with a slight incline or decline?
Also seated machine pressing? I’ve been doing that with my son
Seated machine pressing I've found most effective without injury but my gym doesn't have one. They have an adjustable press machine but it's not seated - one position is for overhead press, the other a flat bench press and the third I don't remember. Tried the flat bench setting and felt a bit weird - might be worth another shot.
Incline DB bench has given me back issues - I may give flat DB bench a go again. I think my issue is not keeping my lower back stabilized and when it moves that can cause injury. Just watched some form videos on being aware 4 points of contact - feet on the ground, then butt, upper back and head on the bench so keeping that in mind may help.
Barbell back squats: 1x6 each @ 115 / 125 / 130 pounds
Barbell RDLs: 1x10 each @ 45 / 60 / 70 / 75 / 80 pounds
Calf raises: 3x15
Rope pull downs: 1x12 each @ 55 / 60 pounds, 3x12 @ 70 pounds
Lateral raises: 1x15 @ 12 pound DBs, 2x12 @ 15 pound DBs
Curls: 3x6 @ 25 pound DBs
Barbell rows: 1x12 each @ 45 / 55 / 60 / 65 pounds
Overhead press: 3x8 @ 30 pound DBs
Flat bench press: 2x10, 1x16 @ 15 pound DBs
We are once again off DB chest press. Had lower back pain after last week's session and pretty sure it was the result of flat bench press despite only using 15 pound DBs.
Overhead press: 3x8 @ 30 pound DBs
Chin-ups: 2x15, 1x17 @ 60 pounds assisted weight
Mid rows (machine): 3x10 @ 76 pounds
Rope pull downs: 3x12 @ 60 pounds
Push-ups: 1x33, 1x11
Barbell back squats: 3x8 @ 95 pounds
Barbell RDLs: 1x10 each @ 45 / 55 / 65 / 70 pounds
Leg curls: 3x12 @ 35 pounds
Barbell back squats: 1x6 @ 115 pounds, 2x6 @ 120 pounds
Barbell RDLs: 1x10 each @ 45 / 55 / 65 pounds
Leg curls: 3x12 @ 37.5 pounds
Dips: 10 / 11 / 13 @ 55 pounds assisted weight
Lateral raises: 1x12 each @ 8 / 10 pound DBs, 12 / 13 / 17 @ 12 pound DBs
Overhead press: 1x6 @ 30 pound DBs, 3x6 @ 35 pound DBs
Hammer curls: 12 / 13 / 15 @ 15 pound DBs
Front raises: 12 / 14 / 19 @ 12 pound DBs
Barbell rows: 1x12 each @ 45 / 55 / 60 / 65 pounds, 1x11 @ 70 pounds
Chin ups: 16 / 14 @ 60 pounds assisted weight
Push ups: 36
Lower body session was meh. Upper body session was better.
Barbell back squats: 3x6 @ 135 pounds
Barbell RDLs: 1x10 each @ 45 / 60 / 70 / 75 pounds
Leg curls: 3x12 @ 45 pounds
Calf raises: 1x10 each @ 45 / 50 / 60 / 65 pounds
Hanging leg raises: 30
Thought I was squatting 125 the entire time today, then when I was re-racking I realized the 5 pound plates were actually 10s, along with the 35s. So that's a bonus.
Pull-ups: 2x12, 1x13 @ 60 pounds assisted weight
Underhand grip lat pulldown: 3x10 @ 93 pounds
Hammer curls: 3x12 @ 15 pound DBs
Tricep rope pull downs: 2x12, 1x16 @ 70 pounds
Hurt my back again after Saturday's lower body - didn't do as many light sets on squats as a warm up and think I paid the price for it. It's manageable though.