Bodybuilding Classic Physique Division Offseason log

Bodybuilding Classic Physique Division Offseason log

You know you who it is already. Can't recall my old password or even what email I used so here we are. I promised I'd start logging if legend n1h did. So that's why I'm logging.

Short term goal:
Successfully formulate a relatively optimized and easy to adhere to offseason diet model. In terms of food selection, I am more or less following Chris Tuttle's recommendations. Our very own BGP has been getting some free diet stuff from Chris since he has a full client load but will send a handful of emails to people for free if you ask nicely and want help. If you don't know who that is, go on youtube/instagram and see the man's work.

Remain injury free, which is easy with my new exercise selection which loco would describe as "leg press and lat pulldown 4 lyfe"

Adjust to a more strictly bodybuilding programming style as opposed to a "powerbuilding" style.

Here is the medium term goal:
2024 summer on stage in classic physique division at a level that would be competitive for winning a pro card. Winning the card itself is immaterial for the medium term, it'll happen when it happens and I will be patient.

Possible obstacles to this goal are gym closers due to continued zero covid policy, possibly moving countries and being unable to focus on prep in the interim, or international political disaster. All of which are legitimate risks.

Ostensibly we will start competition prep late winter 2024 and do a very long slow 20-24 week prep where I never need to bring carbs lower than 200g/day.

Long term goal:

Compete in one professional level show in the classic physique divison in the next 10 years. Don't really give a **** about placings.

Natty: No. Test, deca, mk677, humalog, cjc with 1295 with DAC, berberine (although the last one is both a PED and a general health supplement). Low doses. high dose AAS are massively overrated for hypertrophy, the real magic is the insulin and gh (or gh secretagogues in my case). less than 1g of injectables with PEDs that work on the IGF pathway is much better than 3g of injectables, for example. I'd advise anyone who wants to go down the PED route to incorpoate gh or gh secretagogue peptides along with insulin while they are still taking 1cc of test per week before you ever add any other AAS or increase test dose. You can keep your AAS doses much lower if you actually address this very critical muscle building pathway rather than solely relying on AAS, which are harsh... man...

No prep drugs or harsh AAS until the aforementioned 2024 late winter date.

Diet: High carbohydrates with carbohydrate cycling (2 high days the day before my 2 leg days, 1 low day on the day off, 4 medium days per week offseason), moderate protein around 1.125g/lb of bw, low to moderate fats. I tried a high fat Palbumo approach in both offseason and precontest this academic year. It was a ****ing disaster; this is a terrible way to diet for bodybuilding. Although if somebody is not trying to look lean/dry/hard on stage and maintain athletic performance in the gym, it'd be a great diet to follow because antecdotally it can lead to very high compliance for some individuals because it just destroys so much of your physiological cravings and lowers appetite considerably. Somebody like the apple-pied obese woman who's username I don't even remember might do well on this because she could probably eat 80/20 ground beef bunless bacon cheeseburgers twice a day for an emotional high, not feel hungry the rest of the day, and have only consumed like 1800~ calories daily.

More detailed post with training program and food log to follow. I'm a busy man.

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16 July 2022 at 04:27 PM

1040 Replies


I grew up in London and iirc the first 9 women I ****ed were all non English and I think 75%+ of the first 20. And I reckon actually prolly close to 75% of overall body count would be. I moved to Australia at age 28 and it was so so much easier for me being away from English women. And this despite the fact that whole areas of the north of England, it’s legitimately like shooting fish in a barrell. And I spent 5 months in the US working as a chef after college and that was about the most barren time of my entire life.

I think in general a lot of women and men are attracted to something different than they are used to - I know I certainly was/am. But also there is an entitlement and expectation in the wealthy circles in grew up around in the UK an that seems to be around all women in the US that definitely makes it more difficult and less appealing.

well glad to know I'm not the only one lol. It's such a paradox... men create the prosperity and then the prosperity makes them unwanted. more on this later

17k steps and ~35 minutes of posing practice yesterday. The rest days with higher steps and this much posing feel legitimately more exhausting than the actual training days hahaha. I only peed twice last night though without a leg workout. Bodyweight is still 'stuck' at 96kg but visual improvements still happening.

Next Monday 7-7 and then Tuesdays hence forth I have boarding duty, so I'll train push sunday. I may do a 2nd deload/medium workout rather than a full actually hard workout to make sure my shoulder/bicep is fully healed. It's already feeling very good.

Don't wanna derail this upcoming Guy rant. So will save my thoughts.

photo from about 45 minutes ago after back training.

It was really obvious I needed a light day. Even at 3x per week with how hard I train I can still create umrecoverable fatigue sometimes.

Pulldowns: 80x13, 7, 50x15
bb rows:60x10x3
hammer rows: 1.5ppsx15, 12
unilateral plate loaded pulldowns: 2ppsx17, 12
lat prayers: 2 sets
facing away dual handle cable curls: 8.75kgx20, 3 more sets
Normal ez cable curls: 12.5kgx4 sets failure. this exercise felt very good at isolating peaks

some ez posing

heres another front double. I think the variation if scrunching down on abs slightly actually looks better for me. The vacuum style or neutral style just dont fit my physique, but maybe they do at lower bodyfat

I feel like I am actually quite lean but have almost zero diet fatigue, cravings, or burnout. stim doses still low and lots of room to add. carbs still high and lots i could pull out, especially on non training days

all i need to do is not eat like a ****ing ****** over winter holiday and I will end up with a very easy and painless prep where i never fall below 2800cals and.never need extreme with fat burnera or cardio.

like i was saying earlier, this is.not a suffering contest. the one who has rhe easiest diet with the most cals wins, not the one who white knuckled through something extreme and difficult and displayed amazing willpower. starting leaner and ****ing off on your diet will beat starting fatter but being a monk on your diet

Emoken channeling his inner feminine with this teasing.

quads really jump out on those pics. thumb

by NotThremp k

Emoken channeling his inner feminine with this teasing.

There isn't much to say really. It just kinda reveals that the average woman really dislikes the average man. Having lived on both sides of attractiveness, I think people greatly underestimate just how much women hold contempt for and dehumanize men who they consider to be unattactive. "Your looks ARE you personality". It is just wildly and expontentially more than the other way around. Men just do not exhibit the same level of ambient hostility communicated passively thorugh body language and facial expression for fat ugly women compared to women with ugly men. How un-beautiful you need to be to be considered ugly by the opposite sex is also far more severe for women viewing men than vice versa.

The only reason we had a functioning society with marriages was due to women's economic dependence on men; to what extent a man's superior economic power is a driver of actual attraction I'm unsure, it's definitely not 0 like the blackpillers (seekingarrangements has a 5 female to 1 male ratio compared to other dating sites that are closer to 7 male 3 female) would claim nor is it the main defining thing like the 'male attractiveness peaks at age 38 bro' copers would claim. Somewhere in the middle I suppose. Once you liberate women from economic dependence on men directly (indirectly men are still paying a lot more in taxes and women are still receiving a lot more), they mostly want nothing to do with them. You could make the argument that women have only reached parity (technically in terms of earnings, they're beyond parity for people my age and younger on average) through unfair means I suppose.

I'm annoyed that Gen X/Boomers didn't make me aware of just how much average women despise average men collectively when I was a wee lad trying to navigate my place in the social hierarchy, but they had no idea because gender relations were totally different in the era of women being so dependent on men. I don't think most of this is due to brainwashing ideology either... it's involuntary disgust mostly that probably served or serves some evolutionary purpose.

I'm not even sure this current legislated female supremacy is all that bad really. It sucks for unattractive men, but let's pretend we tried to go back to 1950s style family and romantic arrangements. I have a feeling the level of unhappiness among women married to unattractive men would be very comparable to or even higher than the level of unhappiness experienced by the western males now... Sure, you can point to data about "well women were happier back in the past bro" but how tf can you pin that on feminism and the changes in their social role when every other facet of our modern life has changed in tandem? You're gonna pin it squarely on the fact that they aren't married to and pregnant balding 5'8 skinnyfat negative canthal tilt beta schlubs and have careers now? I really hope I'm wrong about this, but wgaf either way because we are certainly never going back to that anyway.

I think this might be much more zero sum than people would like to believe. Knowing what I know about male and female nature, one of the only ways that everyone wins and gets more of what they want is if men and women both put in more effort to being physically attractive; but perhaps especially men since the female threshold for experiencing involuntary arousal is so much higher than men's. And a lot of that can be done with what is otherwise +EV health stuff like not eating like a ****ing hippo, driving less, 10k+ steps per day, fiber, less saturated fat, hrt, and resistance training. If physically attractive partners that gave good orgasms and the corresponding cascade of serotonin become less scarce and disgusting slobs become more scarce I think pretty much everyone is better off no matter what.

A side note: Feminism often takes the blame for low birth rates in the western world. This is a contributing factor no doubt, but even countries without strong gender "equality" (female supremacy) seem to fall victim to this with economic development and none of the experts studying the topic of human fertility can not really conclusively say why. North Korea, for instance, is experiencing falling birth rates despite relatively slow economic development and a complete absence of feminism. That's the really terrifying can certainly address your own country's falling fertility through (female) immigration, but doing so actually makes the global fertility crisis worse. For instance, if a Nigerian woman comes to the US, she'll average 2 kids, but if she stayed in Nigeria she might average 4. Collapsing fertility is literally the most important global issue along with inflation fueld inequality, yet the experts studying it have no idea what the main source of the problem is and you will never hear a single mainstream politician addressing this issue, That's a black pill...

oh well... don't get too worried about it. Control your own life.

I read that back again and it makes me sound like a depressed and hopeless person. I am not. I am very happy with my life.

I trained today even though I normally do M/W/F because Monday and Tuesday I will be working the whole day basically.

low incline: 40kgx13, 9, 7
flat: 30kgx15, 10
machine flies: 26x17, 14
Dual cable curls: 3 sets
Hip height cable delt raises: 4 sets
prone db delt raises: 4 sets
pushdowns: 25kgx21, 17.5kgx3xfailure
db skullcrushers: 7.5kgx20, 3 more sets failure

I hit 13 reps again but I think its because I trained first thing AM with a ****ton of stims raging in my blood and normally the stim effects are basically gone when I train after work. The last rep was pretty grindey/dodgy. I consciously held back and had 2 reps in the tank for the last 2 sets. I'm gonna do 12, 10, 8 next week... or maybe even start some kind of Heavy/Medium periodization scheme every other week largely for injury prevention. I could do something like 3 sets failure/near failure one week at 40kg, then next week just do 30-35kgx10x3. I seem to keep training less hard and keep getting better results.

ok I realize despite my insistence to the contrary, the above sounds very negative. Cleanser:

I'm incredibly proud of everything I've done in the past 12 months. Maybe moving here was not a great choice, but I can't ignore the fact that there are still some advantages and even if it's a worse place to live right now, it's developing and growing fast and I actually might look back on this decision in 5 years once more stuff has actually been built here and thank myself for making this choice. The gym i now have, for instance, is better than every gym in Chengdu minus the one that was an hour away with the posing room. Being temporarily confined to a far away gym I had to drive to was what got me to switch to 3x/wk. Would I have made this realization if I was still in Chengdu in walking distance to the gym where I would be cucking away 6x/wk ppl? Maybe not...

I wrote a post about the courage and difficulty of telling that Muslim woman I wanted to break up but I deleted it b/c too personal LOL. Anyway, she was a loser. Hot, but truly an obnoxious toxic person. But being with such a toxic person ultimately ends up kinda holding up a mirror and realizing that you need to expunge all tendencies resembling hers from yourself in order to become a better person. Initiating a breakup with a super attractive slim 163cm 47kg fake boobed woman with relatively few past partners demanding marriage from you within a year... that is ****ing 'character building' as one of you olds put it a few pages back. And it feels like doing that is exactly what set off the chain of events to put me where I am now with a lot of very sudden alterations to my habits.

Doing that resulted in some pretty profound physical changes. I've been on steroids for like a decade now, but I've never made such a drastic physical transformation over any given 12 month period in that time I've been on. This might even be a bit more than my first year of actual weight training with Max-OT.

Here are the pics... 51 weeks apart. My PED stack was exactly the same in both pics, believe it or not. I feel like they are impressive on their own just visually, but what I'm really proud of are all the changes in mindset, mental and physical health, habits, and overall approach to living on this earth. I wasn't unhappy or depressed back then, but I wouldn't say I was a happy person either. Now, I very confidently am and I feel an incredible amount of pride in everything I've done over the last 12 months and a lot of enthusiasm and hope for the next 12...

December 2023 94.5kg fasted morning weight

December 2024 96.25kg fasted morning weight

Both of these are just like 'chillin like 6-7 weeks into a cut when things are still super easy and it takes exactly 0 willpower to stick to the diet and you never feel super hungry.

So yeah... all that said, i posted in here that I was planning to do nationals in 2025 November or 2025 December Amateur Mr O. both are pro qualifiers. I think even if my very fast rate of progress continues I will not be particularly competitive at either of these shows and the best possible outcome is "in the first callout" and placing somewhere around 6th at the very highest. Bodybuilding is a decades long journey and I'm totally okay with waiting until 2026 or even 2027 and just absolutely crushing it. It'd be cool to be literally at the classic physique weight cap at my first pro qualifier and win it on my first try with 0 Chinese social media presence and nobody even knows I'm coming.

I may do a local show if I don't need to fly or take a train that is more than 3 hours. Schedule isn't out yet so TBD.

Another important lesson:

You need to bulk and cut if you care about body composition. And you need to not stay in either phase for too long of a time. And neither phase should be too extreme in terms of either surplus or deficit. Small deficits, small surpluses, frequently change directions. Literally the opposite of 2011 T-nation era platitudes. Around 16/16 is fine, 12/12 is also fine. even something like 6/6 or 4/6 or 6/4 is also fine. You should stay fairly lean while adding muscle, whether natty or enhanced doesn't matter. Eating at a huge surplus and gaining a lot of bodyfat is literally always counterproductive to the goal of improving body composition; never do it.

My weight is around the same in both photos, but if I'd just eaten around maintenence the entire time with no actual 300-600 cal deficits or surpluses, I would not have gotten nearly as good of results.

I wrote a long thing out. Then went out to drink beers on a Sunday,

Thank you. I enjoyed that.

Even I can tell the difference. Damn. Emoken living his best life. Hope you're dating or will be dating someone not toxic.

by GuyThatGoesToDaGym k

Leg extensions: 3 sets failure didn't really track reps/weight
Seated ham curl: 41.25x25, 16
Paused toes elevated SLDL: 115kgx15, 12 second set sorta hard
lying ham curl: 32x17, 12
Leg press: 3ppsx24, 12, 13

leg extensions: 3 sets failure
Seated ham curl: 45kgx30 ???, 54kgx10 maybe seat position error? idk
paused toes elevated SLDL: 120kgx15, 12
lying ham curl: 39x19, 10
leg press: 3ppsx15x3

Gonna end the cut prematurely in around 7 days.

Finished Frieren on your tout.


by NotThremp k

Finished Frieren on your tout.


Glad you enjoyed it! I liked it as well, but think they could have cut a lot of filler.

V-handle pulldowns: 80kgx15, 12, 10
underhand rows: 70kgx15, 10
hammer rows: 2ppsx16, 12
single arm plate loaded pulldowns: 2ppsx12, 7
selectorized machine rows: 40kgx13
Pullovers: 13.75kgx16, 9
Dual cable curls: 8.75kgx17, 2 more sets
ez cable curls: 3 sets failure

80 minutes.

IDK how I feel about doing more exercises and less sets. I might go back to doing just 4 exercises and 3 sets each. Pullovers especially... something magic about those they probably deserve 3 sets and not done as a sort of afterthought. Maybe next time 3 sets pulldowns, 3 sets underhand rows, 3 sets hammer rows, 3 sets pullovers. Doing it this way also too me a long time to get through everything. I'm not really sure yet. I also don't understand why I've had this sustained performance drop on my pulldowns, down 3 reps from my strongest. My bodyweight has actually been up slightly since I did that. It might be forearm/arm fatigue related. I'm tempted to simply take next friday completely off, don't do a compensating workout, and come back to it on the following friday. My left forearm is very sore on the meaty part.

My hamstrings are still experiencing doms from Wednesday.

A few powerlifting bros in a post from a local competition club to remind you that switching to BB was for the best

3 morbidly obese strong guys who would get very little pussy

by NotThremp k

Finished Frieren on your tout.



ugh... cringe... "I'm not morbidly obese, I'm a powerlifter"

by NotThremp k

Finished Frieren on your tout.


In my manga queue. Will expedite.


That is obviously clear for virtually any anime of that length. I'm watching Bleach and I'm mired in some asinine bullshit in Season 13. I'm 250 eps in and have another 150 and somehow everyone teleported away from a WORLD ENDING EVENT to **** around with another WORLD ENDING EVENT.




Hope you enjoy!

The cringe comment was directed toward the powerlifting social media image celebrating people for extremely unhealthy bodyweights and unaesthetic bodies. Frieren is not at all cringe and was very well written and directed. Incredibly visually beautiful too.

I'm aware. I was simply talking about the filler bullshit.

One of the weirder aspects is when we look at HW WLers, strongmen and PLers. PLers are the only subset of strength athletes that benefit from obesity. If we even widen this to "strength sports" like highland games (shouts G4S) and their associated real sports (throwers, etc), we see that none of these people are obese. Some are definitely fat but they're more elite HW WLer fat or strongman fat than Jabba the Hutt (women are weird tho, won't touch on that). I don't think anyone looks at Brian Shaw and thinks "Wow what a fat ****". In the above image I'd draw that conclusion for 2, the brown dude looks pretty reasonable tho.

what anime is a good one to start watching for people who've never given them a chance but doubt they'd be impressed (have seen a bunch of the classic films and never really thought much of it - stuff like akira and moving castles etc and totoro and monoko stuff just meh imo)

by rickroll k

what anime is a good one to start watching for people who've never given them a chance but doubt they'd be impressed (have seen a bunch of the classic films and never really thought much of it - stuff like akira and moving castles etc and totoro and monoko stuff just meh imo)

Man... I know this is the Emoken thread, but I got so many feels on this. So I'mma pop off with a small one. So I've watched probably thousands of hours of stuff across a not very diverse part of anime (dude stuff).

So some questions I'd ask? What do you like about animated stuff? Batman TAS is amazing. The Last Airbender is amazing. (I'm working through Legend of Korra atm). None of this is "anime", but there are western animated cartoons. Why do you like them? Can you articulate that idea to another person?

Anime is probably temporally dictated, along with thematically. The modern art style in something like Demon Slayer is vastly different than Akira despite them having virtually the same initial audience.

So the real questions would be more along the lines of understanding what the person wants to view and how to ease them into that experience. Mobile Suit Gundam is a classic anime. I'd never start a random normie out on that tho. I think I watched Wing first. So figure out what people wanna watch, give some solid recommendations within that space, and then go from there.

Also, there is a massive amount of female oriented anime and slice of life **** I don't even touch. So someone else can pick that one up. But go nuts.

i want strong plot lines - battlestar galactica reboot not original series

if anything plot wise doesn't make sense to me (ie they are trapped inside a canyon for a week but never address how they'll get water) i immediately lose interest

ie i will lose my sh@t if there's stuff like the holdo manuever
