Calisthenics with Rest-Pause, and 2MAD with Low-Carb
Hi there
I got creative, and thought i try something new now, after losing 20kg the last 11 weeks.
The best form of my life has been reached with DoggCrapp training (by Dante Trudel) in the gym, about 15 years ago.
Since there is no good gym left in my town, i got fat... now i started calisthenics outside again, got a pair of 5kg and 10kg dumbells, and soon get a barbell to do frontsquats and SLDL with 60kg, too.
My focus will be on pull ups, chin ups, and ring-rows, as well as dips and push ups, which i will do as rest-pause sets, meaning i only take 8-15 breaths after my first part of the set, then do another one, then 8-15 breaths break again, then do a third and last time for a few more reps, and that's it for the exercise.
Those will be done in the forest.
I will do the same with dumbells for shoulders and triceps, with 6-12 breaths breaks.
I wont train biceps hard with any isolations (asthetic reasons/good genetics there/enough stimulation from back training), and also not go very hard on legs, neck, abs and back extenders (to not risk any injury/playing some basketball/and so but anyway)
All of these will be done at home.
I am 40yo, 1.98m tall and at 99.6kg atm.
I dont use any supplements at all. Neither legal, nor illegal.
Here are pics of my progress over the last ~11weeks (first low carb, then carnivore, then low carb diet again):
119.3kg on May 27th
107.8kg on June 29th
101.8kg on July 30th
On ~90% of the days, my diet is the same two low carbs meals, with only one snack of 100g of a berry-mix in between. I dont count calories, i just eat until i feel like i had enough.
Once every two weeks, i eat a high carb meal, usually with potatoes, from/with my 92yo grandma (or a burger, or smth with rice instead).
Start the day with five green teas, and one black tea from 11:00 till 16:00
Meal one, around 17:00:
5 eggs, lard and butter, and half a bell pepper and garlic.
Afterwards 100-200g of makarel, hering or sardines/anchovis and 50g of walnuts or macadamia nuts.
On days off, i usually dont eat the fish.
Snack = 100g berry mix
Meal two, around 23:00:
400g Beef, lard and butter, garlic, 70-100g cheese, and half a bell pepper.
My training volume and intensity will always be the same, with one 3x rest-pause set per exercise, finishing each part of the combo-set with one rep in reserve.
The frequency will switch frequently in between pull/push/legs 6x a week (each exercise 2x per week), upper/lower 6x a week (each exercise 3x per week), as well as any other sort of split with 3-5 trainings per week (1-2x of each exercise).
I dont plan ahead much, i just see how my muscles feel each day, and of course train on fewer days during WCOOP, or when i play basketball outside, for example.
Rest Pause Training allows for pretty easy progress, since i can simply take one breath less per break, when i cant add one more rep during the previous part of the set.
I'll log every workout, and post a pic and weight update on the last day of each month.
20 Replies
It feels so good to train rest-pause sets again. It's like a mix of HIT and HIIT, imo.
Made today a pull day
Chin-ups = 9x (15 breaths)+ 5x (15 breaths)+ 3x
Ring-rows = 11x (15 breaths)+ 8x (15 breaths)+ 5x
Hanging knee raises = 12x (8 breaths)+ 9x (8 breaths)+ 7x
5kg DB lateral raises = 16x (12 breaths)+ 11x (12 breaths)+ 7x
Plus light work with a few normal curl and shrug sets
Massive thunder and rain today, hence just a workout at home.
Push day:
Push ups (hands pointing left and right, next to stomach) = 10x (15 breaths)+ 6x (15 breaths)+ 3x
Dips behind the back = 20x
Lying 5kg DB extensions = 21x (12 breaths)+ 12x (12 breaths)+ 7x
Plus some light rotator work
Same muscles again after just 48 hours is too high frequency with RPT... Should have known before.
Will do push again tomorrow nevertheless, then lower body on saturday, and sunday off. Going for pull/push/legs 2x next week.
Pull day:
Pull-ups = 6x (15 breaths)+ 2x (15 breaths)+ 1x
Skipped ring-rows and knee raises
5kg rear delts raises, close to body = 15x (12 breaths)+ 10x (12 breaths)+ 7x
Plus a few light curls and shrugs
Push day:
Dips = 10x (15 breaths)+ 5x (15 breaths)+ 3x
Push ups = 20x
5kg 1 arm overhead triceps = 25x (12 breaths)+ 12x (12 breaths)+ 7x
My barbell with two 20kg plates has arrived today, means i can finally do frontsquats and SLDL with what i consider to be optimal weights, tomorrow. Only been doing goblet squats with a 10kg DB, and SLDL with two of them, so far.
Nice progress!
Thanks, mate.
Like a true bro, i skipped leg day after realizing how heavy 60kg can feel when not being used to barbells anymore... Only did 3x3 hang-cleans on saturday.
Visited my grandma on saturday, and my father on sunday, and have eaten lots of carbs in every meal, because i also got some food to take home with me.... Will take a few days to get back into ketosis now.
Pull workout:
Pull ups = 7x (15 breaths)+ 3x (15 breaths)+ 1x
Ring rows = 12x (15 breaths)+ 8x (15 breaths)+ 5x
Plus light work for rear delts, biceps and neck
After 12 weeks of being sober, i got very drunk on friday and monday... At least i didnt start smoking again. Messed up sleeping schedule, and missed two workouts due to hangover.
Not gonna drink again until WCOOP is over, in October. Also back to very low carbs now.
Only did one set of push ups for 18 reps yesterday.
Leg day:
Half ROM frontsquats 60kg = 3x5
ATG paused goblet squats 10kg = 1x8
SLDL 60kg = 3x8
Plus a few sets of crunches and supermans
I guess i will be able to do full range of motion frontsquats with 60kg on saturday, at least for three sets of three reps.
Back onto normal sleeping schedule, and most likely burning fat for fuel again now. Way more steady energy and mood.
Pull day:
Chin ups = 10x (15 breaths)+ 5x (15 breaths)+ 3x
Ring rows = 13x (15 breaths)+ 8x (15 breaths)+ 5x
Plus light work for rear delts (and biceps during MTT breaks, later on)
Been on a nice heater on PokerStars the last days, but cant play due to technical issues on their side today, so far...
If PokerStars still wont work in the late afternoon (when i usually have my first meal), i will start a hunger strike!
...I mean, i'll be fasting until tomorrow 17:00, for a roughly 40h fast, by then. Cant hurt to clean the system once more by letting Autophagy do it's magic.
At least the WCOOP schedule is in the client now, and im pleased with nearly all of the Omaha and Mixed events starting at 17:30 or 19:30 CET, and having one day off per week.
I'll likely go for a only one exercise per day split during WCOOP, but do a full legs workout on the days off (fridays), to ensure optimal focus for potentional +10 hours sessions.
Push day:
Dips = 11x (15 breaths)+ 5x (15 breaths)+ 3x
Push ups = 22x
5kg 1 arm lying triceps = 23x (12 breaths)+ 11x (12 breaths)+ 6x
Plus some high rep sets with 5kg DBs for lateral delts.
PokerStars been working again yesterday afternoon, i didnt fast, and took down the nightly 55$ NLO8 KOmania for about 900$.
Bought some fat sausages with cheese and jalapenos today, and ate them for breakfast. Delicious.
Leg day:
60kg Frontsquats ATG = 3x3
60kg SLDL = 2x10
10kg Goblet squats, paused ATG = 1x8
DB SLDL = 1x14
Plus some planks and chrunches.
Had some reps left in the tank during frontsquats, but been carefull to keep my kneejoints healthy.
Taking sunday off, as usual.
I'll be starting with a new way of eating tomorrow, and see if i can actually further improve how i feel, which is already really well.
The only new thing i'll add is a shot of extra virgin olive oil and pepper, and i'll combine it with all vegetables, berries and nuts that i eat. It'll be a small vegan breakfast, while my other two big meals will be 100% carnivore.
20ml extra virgin olive oil
Fresh pepper
2 pieces of garlic
Half of a red bell pepper
30g of walnuts
60g of berries
Plus the first of my five daily green teas
400-500g beef
100-200g fish
4-5 eggs
1-2 slices of cheese
Eggs, Butter, olive oil and bell peppers are always highest quality, beef and fish varies, same as walnuts and berries, and the cheese is usually the cheapest that i can find on offer.
I've come a long way, since SCOOP in May, playing on addys, smoking cigs and weed, and drinking beers after each session. Eating badly...
Not smoking or doing any drugs/meds anymore. Hope it pays of with a WCOOP title next month.
My female portuguese neighbour invited me to eat some grilled things on her balcony. I lately helped her moving some furniture outside when we met in the Treppenhaus, and she wanted to say thank you.
She has a 17yo son with whom she lives (but is divorced). Her son was done eating, and has left to visit friends, and we enjoyed some thin beefsteaks and sausages, and a few grappas (italian alcohol). We vibed really well, but after about two hours - without me trying to escalate things - she suddenly told me i should leave now, because her son might be back soon (she didnt check her phone once, and it was just ~16:30 o'clock). Guess i'll get some action, when her son moves out...
She's really hot, and a very charming person, but she made me tipsy again for nearly no reason yet, as it seems, and of course my blue balls escalated elsewhere...:
I've already lost my daily safety limit of 250€ on Pokerstars shortly after 00:00 o'clock, playing nearly unbeatable plo100 Zoom (~30% more rake for Germany)...
Hence why i deposited 50€ on a sportsbetting site, and made a 7/8 system-bet to either just roughly get my money back with 7 of 8, or win 1513€, if i win them all...
Now i've secured 6 of 8 already, and just need FC.StPauli to win their football match ("soccer"...), and the Denver Broncos to beat the Arizona Cardinals to win +1.5k.
Half time at "soccer" match at 0:0...
If my team wins, i will definitely hit the bar for some beers to sweat the Broncos Game (starts at 22:00 CET).
A week ago, i went to that bar, and met two hot lesbians. Both are DJanes, and one told me that they're only halfwayish together, and gave me her number. Will most def call her, if i end up there.
Anyway, eat a big steak with 2 eggs now, sweating second half of FC.StPauli (the Reeperbahn Club).
Pull workout:
Pull ups = 7x (15 breaths)+ 3x (15 breaths)+ 2x
Ring rows = 14x (15 breaths)+ 9x (15 breaths)+5x
Just added light rear delt work, cause biceps and neck were done pretty well already at the ring rows, by adding 2 more reps total.
Edit: Been at 102.1kg yesterday, but cant see much of a difference in form.
Poker is going well, weather is amazing, and i started buying my eggs from a local farm, which i kept procrastinating for a long time. They taste amazing, and are only ~15% more spensive than the best supermarket eggs i used to get. Seeing the chickens roam around freely there definitely gives a good feeling.
Push day:
Dips = 12x (15 breaths)+ 6x (15 breaths)+ 3x
Push ups with 3sec pauses ATG = 17x
5kg 1 arm overhead triceps = 26x (12 breaths)+ 12x (12 breaths)+ 8x
And i will spam lateral raises with 5kg DBs during my MTT breaks later on.
Still easily progressing in reps everywhere is nice. Lots of room to shorten the breathing breaks in the rest pause sets, in case of plateauing.
Leg day:
60kg Frontsquats ATG = 3x4
60kg RDL = 2x10
10kg Goblet squats, paused ATG = 1x10
DB RDL = 1x15
Watched a YouTube video that told me that i do romanian deadlifts, not stiff legged, because i dont put the weight on the ground at the bottom of the movement.
I'll easily be able to do 3x5 reps of frontsquats on saturday.
Sucks to wake up ****ed up, reading all that nonsense... Back to total sobriety now.
Won +1k at 6+ holdem and 6card PLO this night, tho.
Trying to sleep a few hours again now, to get through this day.
Slept well for another 5 hours in the morning, but only did 3x20 reps of 10kg DB rows and 1x20 push ups today, because i'll play a long session, and still felt a bit weak physically. Allow myself a sugar free energy drink.
Update with weight and photo tomorrow.
Leg day:
60kg Frontsquats = 3x5
60kg RDL = 12x, 10x, 9x
Plus some failed attempts at pistol squats and a few sets of crunches and supermans.
Bodyweight is at 101.2kg, but dont see any change in new pic. Must have simply gained a kilo on legs.
I'll take a break from posting ITT for a month.
During WCOOP i'll just do the schedule below, and focus on sobriety, grind and peace:
Monday = chin ups, one rest pause set
Tuesday = dips, one rest pause set
Wednesday = core and rotators
Thursday = pull ups, one rest pause set
Friday = legs
Saturday = push ups and shoulders
Sunday = day off
See you in October