Thremp - No More Fatties - The Return
I am kinda fat. Smiley can verify. While I have not yet joined the elitist ranks of old Dids of gobbo-"I'm a freak and a very weird dude who is also quite young"-boy, I am fatter than I like. I have also given up on my journey to get hooge. Part of this is 1) I'm lazy 2) My knee is bogus 3) I'm lazy. But I digress. First to cover my knee troubles. I've been having pain in my right knee. It happens sometimes when I squat. Sometimes when I lock out a deadlift... other times when I just lean over and put weight on it awkwardly. Sometimes it feels just kind of unstable. I'm not really sure whats wrong with it or if I'm just paranoid, but I wouldn't like it to blow out on me during a heavy set of squats. So I've been spending the last few weeks (this is after spending 3 weeks in my car and walking around looking at stuff) trying to "rehab" it. This has mostly been BW exercises and some light gym work. Though it felt pretty bad the other day while I did some power cleans. It seems to be looking better as it just felt unstable instead of giving scintillating pain and "giving out".
Onward. So recently I've been trying to gain weight. While this has been a somewhat fruitful endeavor (I did get upto ~173-175 or so) it was not what I expected it to be. Granted I will never be really huge, and will never be even kinda be jacked given my current lifestyle (OMG fitness isn't your #1 priority?!? No. It is not. Ballerness is. Though it is an aspect and why I have not taken the durrrr diet on). After the road trip and my little excursion with my knee... I find myself at a somewhat palatable 169 without putting on some extra weight from creatine. Though given my consumption of fish and red meat. I'm unsure of whether the additional creatine does anymore than cost me 20c a day.
So, what I am doing about this. While I am not ready to commit myself to a strict Zone diet, I am making some rather large notable changes.
1) Less alcohol. Getting shammered is unballer. So the physical benefits are a side benefit. Cutting down from the 30+ drinks to a manageable 5 or less should be an easy change.
2) Some sort of activity 6-7 days a week. I've written posts about feeder workouts, but never seem to apply them myself. Alas, this must change. While I don't have to kill myself doing 60 pushups/100 squats/100 situps will do some wonders for my GPP and provide some nice active recovery.
3) Runaments. LOLZ. I wanna die. Maybe get back to a sub 6 min mile (not that I ever really ran timed miles past the age of like 13?)
4) I'm cutting down on the meals and calories. I'm moving to mostly "instinctual" eating with some healthy reminders thrown in. Not going to count calories atm. Going to see how changes 1-3 affect things with a diet I'm happy eating and make adjustments from there.
Speculation: I think I can "tighten up" and end up somewhere in the 166-170 range in early spring. My lifting goals will obv be on somewhat of hold though I do think I can continue to set PRs as I'm not so much in a "cutting" phase as a normal person would be. I have ~3-4 months to make some minor body comp changes which shouldn't be too hard given the general changes.
Yawn, this is long and I just got done "jogging" which is a pretty **** word. But I don't think anyone would pass off what I just did as "running".
7 Replies
It's decent but it has to compete against the best brisket in the country. So many great spots in the Dallas and Austin areas. Not sure about houston, I prefer other types of food in Houston.
4 to 6 ounces is the optimal brisket intake (up to 4 fatty, up to 6 normal). Maybe 3 or 4 ribs. Then I will go with 4 ounces turkey (I know a spot that throws turkey into the smoker, damn good). Of course zero donk sides, maybe green beans for some veggies.
And that's how you BBQ in Texas. I probably go once a month. Double statin in the morning.
It's decent but it has to compete against the best brisket in the country. So many great spots in the Dallas and Austin areas. Not sure about houston, I prefer other types of food in Houston.
4 to 6 ounces is the optimal brisket intake (up to 4 fatty, up to 6 normal). Maybe 3 or 4 ribs. Then I will go with 4 ounces turkey (I know a spot that throws turkey into the smoker, damn good). Of course zero donk sides, maybe green beans for some veggies.
And that's how you BBQ in Texas. I
What do you do with the bread, just throw it away or tell them not to give it to you?
Wait till loco finds out the BBQ sauce for poultry is mayo based.
Went to the sauna. Was a nice 110.
Have had bronchitis for the last month. Apparently being unable to take a deep breath without having a coughing fit impacts your ability to do "fitness". Who knew. Eagerly awaiting the results on an X-ray that had "Pneumonia?" as the doctor's note.
Yikes! Good luck, hopefully it's a quick recovery.
Hope you're "feeling better?" soon.
1xBW Pullup