Soulman's RoFL and nomzies: vanity log

Soulman's RoFL and nomzies: vanity log


after mucking around with the Rapid Fat Loss diet (log here), I decided to stop screwing around and do SS properly. Warning: text ahead.

In my case, that means eating properly, 3k cals or so a day, sleeping properly (I suck at this) and foam roll religiously. That should help with the recovery problems I've had earlier. Particularly with the hip flexors (from what I've tried to find out, probably at the proximal insertion of the muscles at the anterior superior iliac spine - probably the psoas major in particular).

I originally started SS in mid-april, followed it till early June then went on a month long vacation, started up when I got home, got sick, started RFL etc. In other words, I was pretty much close to a complete newbie when I started up again 3 weeks again.

I've never done the power clean before, will be starting doing it this Thursday. Will start with hang cleans per Rip's recommendations in SS to get form down etc.

My goals: basically I want to finish SS. I'm 34 and don't play any other sports, so I don't have any sport specific needs. I just want to be strong and fit. Long-term I want to incorporate more metcon/endurance as well. I will trim down body fat % at one point, but probably not before I'm an intermediate. We'll see how much my fat OCD acts up (at 15% now).

06 October 2009 at 09:18 PM

3 Replies

Earlier posts are available on our legacy forum HERE

by Soulman k

Hey, I lifted some weights again!

Fatter than ever <3

by Soulman k

Yep, fattie. 86 kgs or so, haven't weighed myself in several weeks. Weigh-in tomorrow because...

I'm starting RFL, going for 5 weeks! #summerbody2021

Update? 😉

Old, fat, tired, weak.

Confirmed. Not as fat and weak as parasense of course, there are limits to how low I'll let myself fall after all.
