Droopy fit log

Droopy fit log

Starting a log, will post occasional workouts (I keep a log of all workouts), PRs, new things or anything that might be remotely interesting or something I learned.

Currently I do something 4-5 x / week. I am limited due to injury (knee) that keeps me from anything squatting or running. Anyone go almost 3 months with no running at all? I wasn't any good at it but it really sucks to not be able to run.

Pic is similar to my knees...right one has flared up in the past few months.

Patellofemoral Arthritis

No goes currently? Running, squatting, jumping. Starting to do some airsquats along with other therapy for leg. Inflammation is a non-issue currently...haven't really pushed exercises that may hurt it. I understand I might be looking at 3-6 months of recovery. Need to strengthen leg and work on flexibility throughout.

No issues? PC, rowing, some DL, kb, press, push press, bench (obv)

Immediate goals/plans:

1. get knees back in order
2. attend Level 1 CF cert this weekend
3. Get some Oly coaching once healthy enough. Am still improving despite questionable form, esp. on 3rd pull.
4. Cutting out bad food (cookies, chips) that I like to eat at night. Overall my diet is pretty good.

About 5 lbs heavier in past 3 months. Started with Vegas trip, some continued questionable eating & no running (or basketball...was a 1/week thing). Not a good combo.

I do CF and have taken my down to time to try and work on some things:

Bench (bw x 5)...rarely have I done this lift
PC (bw x 2)
Push Press (.95 bw x 2)

My ideal programming? Other day did some bw exercises for warmup (3-4 rounds 5 pull / 10 push / 15 situps), turkish getup work (up to 44#) for reps/each arm (hurt left shoulder in fall and still not recovered, weak), PC (5x2), quick metcon (did 30 rep PC&J, lighter weight 95#-Girl Grace).

Lift or 2 per workout, some skill work (CF) and metcon (shorter the better). Will look to push my local CF box to move in that direction. Or just do my own thing.

Looking forward to continuing to learn....watching videos, reading, seeking out coaching (Oly esp). Will also get video of myself as a tool.

Want to maintain roughly same bw, get stronger and maintain a decent level of metcon/cardio fitness. Other than basketball or softball (is that a sport), CF will be my main activity. Did miss local Highland Games this weekend...someone I know was there and tried the caber toss. Also rec'd a pretty warm welcome from the local club. Will definitely be checking that out.

09 June 2010 at 01:09 AM

2 Replies

Earlier posts are available on our legacy forum HERE

Been a minute (or 18 months) since update. Shoulder continued to digress, decided to investigate ortho biologics (stem cell treatment) and talked to 3 providers before deciding on one that I felt most comfortable with. All 3 had different process: one had 4 treatments spaced out and use umbilical stem cells with my blood, other would harvest from me and send to lab to freeze and make a bunch of doses, third harvested my blood and adipose same day and make a cocktail with MVASC.

Went with the 3rd - most comfortable with the doc and explanation. When I started investigating I assumed I wanted umbilical cells from healthy baby. Came around to trying a process that used my unfrozen cells.

Process took 3.5 hours and resulted in injections in 4 major tendons each shoulder and another in the glenoid humeral joint in right (bad) shoulder. Been a week and right shoulder still uncomfortable. 1st 2 days were pretty rough, hard to move my right shoulder at all. The doctor used ultrasound to determine where to inject and confirmed that tendons in my right shoulder were in some rough shape.

Went to a PT yesterday to start looking at ways to help range of motion for the long-term picture. As I suspected, my scapula aren’t quite firing as my body’s way of likely compensating for pain and range of motion issues.

Now it’s kind of in the hurry up and wait mode. I’m going to mix in some very light and lower body focused exercises, but don’t wanna do anything with my shoulder. That’s too much to undo the process. It is going to be hard, because unlike having a major surgery where it’s easier to shut down in this case, I’m sure over the next week or two I’ll be feeling better and don’t wanna do too much. And I won’t in weeks, I can maybe incorporate some very light kettlebell carries or maybe swings but thinking barbell is going to be shut down for a couple months.

I’ve been active up until the procedure and doing what I can five days per week. Haven’t done barbell overhead work in a long time and some kettlebell overhead work. The wife and I did some hiking this summer, including a Grand Canyon rim to rim in a day hike two weeks ago we were fortunate that the hot weather started to slow down on the day of our hike. I do have hydration issues and carried a 3 L Camelback with electrolytes and probably consumed 10 L of electrolytes plus salt pills over the 11 hours. It took us we started at 4 AM and didn’t see the sun until probably 1030 or 11 and by the end, I was approaching my hydration limits .

Good luck! I'm in discussions with a doctor for a similar procedure.
