YTF: The Log That Put H&F On The Map (RIP)

YTF: The Log That Put H&F On The Map (RIP)

One of the biggest derails in OOT history came about when a thread about scams drifted into a discussion about airplane seating, which led inevitably to someone whining about sitting next to a fattie, which led to some remarks toward fatties that were so insensitive that they wouldn't be tolerated in polite society if aimed at an ethnic group, gender, or practitioners of a religion or alternative lifestyle--but it's still Open Season on Fatties, it's Anything Goes, you can say whatever you want about them, call them any slur you can think of...

I objected, convinced that some of us have tried EVERYTHING to lose weight, and concluded that it's just not in the cards for some of us. Either our bodies don't react to food the same way, thyroid, metabolism, heredity, there must be SOME reason why I can't lose this weight!

The derail was on. I was pilloried for my delusional thinking. The derail became so out of control the mods finally had to extract it and turn it into a thread of its own, and that new thread has been Front Page Above The Fold in OOT for over a week now.

I learned a lot in that thread, but above all, I learned that while I thought I knew everything there was to know about diet and exercise, it turns out that I didn't know anything!

At the urging of several helpful OOT'ers, I hereby launch this thread, where you can read all about my favorite subject: ME! ME, ME, ME!

TALE OF THE TAPE: 45 years old, 5'8", 380 lbs, my all time high.

A NOTE ON THESE LOGS: These logs will be all food and no drink. Unless otherwise indicated, presume I had 2-3 24oz Diet Cokes in the morning (one to wake up, one with breakfast, and occasionally one for the drive into work), then nothing but water the rest of the day. If you're worried that sounds like a harsh, unsustainable restriction, rest assured that I've been doing it for years, through (heh!) thick and thin.


BREAKFAST: Two Nathan's hotdogs on taco-sized flour tortillas (nutrition info aside, tortillas are GREAT for hotdogs! I'll never buy hot dog buns again!) with ketchup, mustard, and onions. Not my usual breakfast, but that OOT thread was very psychologically upsetting (you know, the thread where I found out everything I thought I knew about the world was wrong?), and my sleep pattern and appetite were out of whack for a few days. 616 Cals

Lunch: Taco Bell! Nachos Bell Grande and two chicken soft tacos. About half of my "old" Taco Bell order. 1130 Cals.

Snack: Slice of sausage/roni pizza. I don't usually have between meal snacks, but this was an extra long day. 300 Cals?

Dinner: Chipotle steak wrap, small bag of chips. I don't even know what was in the wrap. The chips were worth 160 Cals, + ??? Cals.

Total: 2206+??? (steak wrap). I'm pretty confident I stayed under (or at least near) my goal of 2710 cals.

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26 June 2012 at 09:55 AM

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