FloppyJ's Log - 45yo gets fit - bodyweight exercises+
Stats – 45 years old, 5’10”, ~162 pounds, stickman legs and arms, increasingly pudge center
Activity level – extremely low, desk job with long hours, no sports in years, have not exercised regularly in over five years with exception of some really light core stuff I did a couple years ago to help with lower back pain
Diet – not good, bad habit of often skipping breakfast and only eating two meals per day, not eating a well balanced diet, too much junk and processed foods
Sleep – generally get to bed too late, sleep often interupted by young kids during night and they often have me up for the day way early in the morning
Goals – look better, feel better, tone up first, possibly put on some muscle later
Tools at my disposal – my body for bodyweight stuff, doorway chinup bar, couple kettlebells, hyper bench, elliptical, wife’s bike is on a bicycle trainer which I could use, flat/incline/decline bench with leg extension/curl attachment just showed up in the last few days as well
Working out at home is much more likely to happen than ever taking advantage of a gym. Minimal room to add much to a home gym without a creating some space in the garage (which is not insulated and has to deal with Canadian winters)
Plan – bodyweight exercises as a starting point, improve flexibility/mobility, eat better, get more sleep
Wife has just started working out and dieting as of late and keeps adding to the list of tools at our disposal, which should help.
1 Reply
Hope you're doing well and still tracking everything!