Rich's training log
I've been training for a bit (my old log is here), focused largely on powerlifting. I used to train Westside style but now use Wendler's Beyond 5/3/1 (the version where deload week falls every 7th week). I don't train with very heavy bench pressing due to past pectoral injuries, so I focus more on squats, deadlifts, presses, rows, and stuff like that.
My goal is simply to get stronger while staying healthy.
Pendlay row: 135x5, 185x5, 225x6x3
Shoulder shrugs: 495x10, 585x25, 675x20, 315x12
Lat pulldown machine: 5 sets
Dips (flexed lockout): BWx12, BWx10x2
Dips (partial to lockout): BWx10
Hammer Strength incline: 90x10, 110x16, 140x15x2, 90x15
Machine bench press: 4 sets
Rope pushdowns: 4 sets
Cable triceps kickbacks: 2 sets
DB front raise: 40x15, 50x12, 60x6
Hammer curls: 40x15, 50x10, 60x6
Deltoid raise machine: 4 sets
SSB squats (pin 43): 155x5, 245x5, 295x3, 335x3x3
SSB good mornings: 155x15, 205x10
Leg press: 360x5
High incline bench sit ups: BWx15, 50x8
Pendlay row: 135x5, 185x5x3
Shoulder shrugs: 315x12x3
Lat pulldown machine: 3 sets
Deload week
Recovery has been worse, even with reducing cardio, so it's deload time.
Dips (flexed lockout): BWx12x3
Dips (partial to lockout): BWx15
Hammer Strength incline: 90x10x2
Rope pushdowns: 2 sets
Cable triceps kickbacks: 2 sets
DB front raise: 40x10
Hammer curls: 40x10
Deload week
Zercher squats: 135x5, 185x5x2
Deficit Romanian DL: 135x10x2
Smith machine incline: 25x10, 75x10x2
Incline bench sit ups: BWx15x2
Deload week
Pendlay row: 135x5, 185x5, 225x6x3
Shoulder shrugs: 495x10, 585x30, 675x35, 765x12, 315x12
Lat pulldown machine: 5 sets
Dips (flexed lockout): BWx16, BWx14, BWx16
Dips (partial to lockout): BWx15
Smith machine incline press: 95x5, 135x5x2, 155x5x3
Machine bench press: 4 sets
Rope pushdowns: 4 sets
Cable triceps kickbacks: 2 sets
DB front raise: 50x15, 60x6
Hammer curls: 50x10, 60x6
Deltoid raise machine: 4 sets
DL: 135x5, 225x5, 275x3, 325x3, 365x5, 385x2
Deficit Romanian DL: 135x10, 185x10, 235x10
Incline bench sit ups: 45x15x2
Pendlay row: 135x5, 185x5, 225x6x3
Shoulder shrugs: 495x10, 585x25, 675x35, 765x12, 315x12
Lat pulldown machine: 5 sets
Dips (flexed lockout): BWx20, 25x8x2
Dips (partial to lockout): 25x8
Smith machine incline press: 95x12, 135x5x2, 155x5x3
Machine bench press: 4 sets
Rope pushdowns: 4 sets
Cable triceps kickbacks: 3 sets
DB front raise: 50x15, 60x6
Hammer curls: 50x10, 60x6
Deltoid raise machine: 4 sets
I haven't done a rope pushdown in a decade or more. You prefer them to ones with the inverted v shape small bar?
I have shoulder issues that limit some of what I do. Rope pushdowns are way friendlier on my shoulder than the v shaped bar.
SSB squats (pin 43): 155x5, 245x5, 295x3, 335x4, 335x3x2
SSB good mornings: 155x15, 205x10
Leg press: 360x12, 450x10, 540x3
High incline bench sit ups: BWx15, 50x8
Pendlay row: 135x5, 185x5, 225x6x2, 245x2
Shoulder shrugs: 495x10, 585x25, 675x22, 765x12, 315x12
Lat pulldown machine: 5 sets
Dips (flexed lockout): BWx25, 25x10x2
Dips (partial to lockout): 25x10
Hammer Strength incline: 59x15x2, 90x15x2, 110x15
Machine bench press: 4 sets
Rope pushdowns: 4 sets
Cable triceps kickbacks: 3 sets
DB front raise: 50x15, 60x6
Hammer curls: 50x10, 60x6
DL: 135x5, 225x5, 275x3, 325x3, 365x5, 385x2
Romanian DL, paused on floor: 135x10, 225x5, 275x5, 315x3, 335x1
Pendlay row: 135x5, 185x5, 205x7x3
Shoulder shrugs: 495x10, 585x25, 675x37, 765x15, 315x12
Lat pulldown machine: 4 sets
Dips (flexed lockout): BWx30, 25x10x2
Dips (partial to lockout): 25x10x2
Machine bench press: 4 sets
Rope pushdowns: 4 sets
Cable triceps kickbacks: 3 sets
DB front raise: 50x15, 60x7
Hammer curls: 50x10, 60x7
Deltoid raise machine: 3 sets
Seated cable row: 4 sets
Hammer strength rows: 4 sets
Lat pulldowns: 4 sets
I twisted my knee a couple of days ago, so I skipped leg day and took today lighter than usual.
Dips (flexed lockout): BWx35, 25x15x2
Dips (partial to lockout): 25x15, 45x7
Machine bench press: 4 sets
Rope pushdowns: 4 sets
Cable triceps kickbacks: 3 sets
DB front raise: 50x16, 60x7
Hammer curls: 50x10, 60x7
Pendlay row: 135x5, 185x5, 205x8x3
Shoulder shrugs: 495x10, 585x30, 675x37, 765x16, 315x12
Seated cable row: 4 sets
Lat pulldowns: 4 sets
Close grip lat pulldowns: 1 set
Dips (flexed lockout): BWx5, BWx40, 25x20, 45x6
Dips (partial to lockout): 45x7x2
Machine bench press: 4 sets
Rope pushdowns: 4 sets
Cable triceps kickbacks: 3 sets
DB front raise: 50x16, 60x7
Hammer curls: 50x10, 60x7
DL: 135x5, 225x5, 275x3, 325x3, 365x5, 385x2
Romanian DL to floor: 225x5, 275x5, 325x4x2
Deltoid raise machine: 3 sets
Incline bench sit ups: 45x15x2
Pendlay row: 135x5, 205x8x3
Shoulder shrugs: 495x10, 585x30, 675x30, 765x17, 315x12
Seated cable row: 3 sets
Lat pulldowns: 4 sets
Close grip lat pulldowns: 1 set
Dips (flexed lockout): BWx5, BWx45, 25x20, 45x10x2
Dips (partial to flexed lockout): 45x7
Machine bench press: 4 sets
Rope pushdowns: 4 sets
Cable triceps kickbacks: 3 sets
SSB squats (pin 43): 155x5, 245x5, 295x3, 335x4, 335x3x2
SSB good mornings: 155x15, 205x10