***Official H&F LC Thread***

***Official H&F LC Thread***

A valid strategy for getting ripped imo.

(From http://extrafabulouscomics.com/, kyleb's (RIP) favorite web comic)

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02 January 2018 at 09:19 AM

718 Replies


by Melkerson k

Come on, Rich. Are we doing that thing again when it's a fact you don't like, your standard for proof is unattainable. How exactly would anyone prove this to you if this is not enough:

They'd have to measure the IQs of a target college group (incoming freshmen, grads, grad students....whatever they're trying to measure in that specific study) and compare that to a population of non-college grads, for starters.

A study that shows that, maybe, some students gain a couple of IQ points from studying is not even remotely proof that college grads have higher IQs than non-college grads. The study itself didn't claim anything like that.

If someone wanted to prove that Kamala supporters are, on average, smarter than Trump supporters, they would have to conduct IQ tests of Kamala voters and Trump voters, compare the two populations, and show a statistically significant difference.

If you want to still stick to your guns and say, "Gee, I don't know, maybe education doesn't actually make people smarter. Sure, it makes sense, and there is data to suggest it, but who can really know?", then you're really beyond reasonable discussion.

I said you failed to prove your hypothesis. Education makes people more knowledgeable. Does it raise IQ in adults? The studies you shared are a starting point in that discussion, not any kind of definitive proof.

Well, perhaps I misunderstood you. What was this supposed to mean:

It was a mocking statement. Democrats always claimed to be the party of the working class. If they now want to be the party of the elite, it's a losing proposition for them. If they wish to say they're smarter (which they do), I encourage them to embrace that.

I don't know why you keep posting this stuff. Dems are bad at strategy and a lot of things. One of the reasons I am not a Democrat. These exchanges would be a lot shorter if you didn't feel the need to keep saying stuff that is irrelevant to the point and that I am not disputing.

We're discussing if Kamala voters are smarter than Trump voters. It makes sense to discuss the impact of that perception on what matters to political parties -- winning elections.

I think what you are implying is causation intelligence and who you voted for, and I don't think that that is the case.
ie. If you flipped the policy so that Trump was pro abortion and college debt forgiveness and Kamala was against those things,
then the vote of College educated women would have flipped.

I think the causation is the policy; and the distribution of the college educated vote reflects that.

by mindflayer k

I think what you are implying is causation intelligence and who you voted for, and I don't think that that is the case.

I'm not only not implying causation. I've said about 5 times explicitly that I'm not arguing causation.

People who are dumber tend to vote Trump. Is it because they are dumber, that they vote for Trump? Not necessarily.

by Melkerson k

People who are dumber tend to vote Trump.

That's just your opinion -- one that you failed to prove.


So you may not have gone to college, so let me explain how this actually works. First you matriculate, at which point you are an undergraduate, generally you work on this for four years, at which point you graduate and can be referred to as a college graduate. Or you don't finish and while in school remain an undergraduate. You can never simultaneously be an undergraduate and a graduate.

That meta analysis studies undergrads, not graduates.

If you want to make a jackassy point, atleast try to use the correct terms of art instead of either being entirely uneducated about the subject or just blatantly lying.

by Montecore k


Beyond your insistence that this survey data represents "objective facts" about which Democrats are more informed specifically, and that they are smarter in general (based on proxies like completing higher education, which I think you'd agree involves a population at least marginally selected for something other than raw intelligence), what exactly is the purpose (other than Melking) of getting Rich to "admit" this? Just personal satisfaction?

Just to circle back to this, since you were curious, mission is accomplished.

After dozens of AIDS posts Rich is finally able to admit that less educated people tend to vote Trump.

So all we're left with is "Are more educated people, as a group, more intelligent than people with less education?". Not "Is a random college grad smarter than a random non-college grad". But the average of all of them. This is something that should be non controversial. There are piles of evidence to suggest that this is the case both ways (more intelligent people tend to obtain more education and more education tends to make you smarter). There is extremely scant evidence to the contrary.

If you were to tell me that someone believed that "Nah, people who don't go to college are just as smart or smarter than people who don't", I'd believe you. But to actually see someone spinning the wheels of self-delusion in real time is just not something that you get to see every day.

by Rich Muny k

They'd have to measure the IQs of a target college group (incoming freshmen, grads, grad students....whatever they're trying to measure in that specific study) and compare that to a population of non-college grads, for starters.

A study that shows that, maybe, some students gain a couple of IQ points from studying is not even remotely proof that college grads have higher IQs than non-college grads. The study itself didn't claim anything like that.

It also goes the other way. People with higher IQs are more likely to go to college. There are lots of reasons for this that have nothing to do with IQ (like they tend to have smarter, richer parents who also went to college), but at the end of the day they do. This was covered earlier.

If someone wanted to prove that Kamala supporters are, on average, smarter than Trump supporters, they would have to conduct IQ tests of Kamala voters and Trump voters, compare the two populations, and show a statistically significant difference.

Come on, man. We know that would not be enough. If someone did that study we know you would claim liberal bias. You just did that a couple of pages ago, remember? To paraphrase you "Noble conservatives would never go out and try to prove someone is dumber or smarter. Never. The only people who would do that are liberal. Obviously they are biased against conservatives. They have an agenda. We can't believe that. "

I said you failed to prove your hypothesis. Education makes people more knowledgeable. Does it raise IQ in adults? The studies you shared are a starting point in that discussion, not any kind of definitive proof.

As I said, it has also been seen the other way. It's shown that people with lower IQs are less likely to go to college. This isn't even controversial. Let me know if you need more citations on that and if it will convince you. We know that it won't.

It's pretty hilarious that when it's something you want to believe "Texas punishes shoplifters more harshly in California", you don't need any evidence. No prosecution rates, incarceration rates, arrest rates. Nothing. You just know it's true. But if it's something that you don't want to believe, you become some sort of amateur data scientist who can confidently dismiss that overwhelming consensus of everyone who studies the topic.

It was a mocking statement. Democrats always claimed to be the party of the working class. If they now want to be the party of the elite, it's a losing proposition for them. If they wish to say they're smarter (which they do), I encourage them to embrace that.

That's too bad. I really thought you were awarding that trophy.

We're discussing if Kamala voters are smarter than Trump voters. It makes sense to discuss the impact of that perception on what matters to political parties -- winning elections.

Not really. We're not talking about winning elections. At least I'm not. You are and you seem to really want to, but it has nothing to do with what I'm talking about.

by Melkerson k

Rich is finally able to admit that less educated people tend to vote Trump.

I don't know why you keep misrepresenting what I wrote. I said support for Kamala tends to increase with educational level. As non-college educated women favored Kamala, I don't think you can just ignore the gender gap and lump them in with non-college educated men, as I keep explaining.

As I wrote earlier, you can say non-college educated men were far more likely to vote for Trump than for Kamala and college educated women were far more likely to vote for Kamala than for Trump. You can also say non-college educated women were more likely to vote for Kamala, but not to the extent of college educated women. And, you can say college educated men were evenly split between the two.

So all we're left with is "Are more educated people, as a group, more intelligent than people with less education?". Not "Is a random college grad smarter than a random non-college grad". But the average of all of them. This is something that should be non controversial. There are piles of evidence to suggest that this is the case both ways (more intelligent people tend to obtain more education and more education tends to make you smarter). There is extremely scant evidence to the contrary.

If you were to tell me that someone believed that "Nah, people who don't go to college are just as smart or smarter than people who don't", I'd believe you. But to actually see someone spinning the wheels of self-delusion in real time is just not something that you get to see every day.

It's not a logic exercise. It's a data exercise, and the data doesn't prove your hypothesis.

"More education tends to make you smarter..." More educated makes people more knowledgeable. Consensus has long been that IQ is locked in at an early age. Studies showing minor changes are interesting. Do they reflect students getting better at test taking? Are their other biases? I think we'd need to see a lot of studies with a lot of rigor before the claim that adults can increase their IQ by studying more can be even close to proven.

Just because someone conducts a study doesn't mean it's proven. Look at all those now-debunked food studies,, for instance. A study is a starting point.

by Melkerson k

It also goes the other way. People with higher IQs are more likely to go to college. There are lots of reasons for this that have nothing to do with IQ (like they tend to have smarter, richer parents who also went to college), but at the end of the day they do. This was covered earlier.

You're trying to argue that A has a relationship to B, and B has a relationship to C, and C has a relationship to D, therefore A>D. Sorry...that's not proof.

Come on, man. We know that would not be enough. If someone did that study we know you would claim liberal bias. You just did that a couple of pages ago, remember? To paraphrase you "Noble conservatives would never go out and try to prove someone is dumber or smarter. Never. The only people who would do that are liberal. Obviously they are biased against conservatives. They have an agenda. We can't believe that. "

I said conservatives aren't out calling voters dumb because we know that's a poor strategy. The only people who ARE doing that are (for the most part) liberal.

It's pretty hilarious that when it's something you want to believe "Texas punishes shoplifters more harshly in California", you don't need any evidence. No prosecution rates, incarceration rates, arrest rates. Nothing. You just know it's true. But if it's something that you don't want to believe, you become some sort of amateur data scientist who can confidently dismiss that overwhelming consensus of everyone who studies the topic.

. They also have had lax punishment, especially when thefts are <$950. Voters there even finally took some action. LOL that you even want to argue it.

by Rich Muny k

I don't know why you keep misrepresenting what I wrote. I said support for Kamala tends to increase with educational level.

Yeah, that's the same as less educated people tend to vote for Trump. Fill in the blank below:

If above is true, then at lower education levels, support for Kamala tends to decrease and people vote for ______ instead.

I'll give you a hint: Orange.

Is this really that hard?

It's not a logic exercise. It's a data exercise, and the data doesn't prove your hypothesis.

"More education tends to make you smarter..." More educated makes people more knowledgeable. Consensus has long been that IQ is locked in at an early age. Studies showing minor changes are interesting. Do they reflect students getting better at test taking? Are their other biases? I think we'd need to see a lot of studies with a lot of rigor before the claim that adults can increase their IQ by studying more can be even close to proven.

Just because someone conducts a study doesn't mean it's proven. Look at all those now-debunked food studies,, for instance. A study is a starting point.

Of course you think bolded. And "a lot of studies" is always going to be more studies than exist.

Yeah, I get it. You reject facts that you don't like. It's very clear. I don't know why you are bothering with the charade. It's completely transparent.

You're trying to argue that A has a relationship to B, and B has a relationship to C, and C has a relationship to D, therefore A>D. Sorry...that's not proof.

Sure, man I get it nothing is proof. Yes, if A is correlated to B and B is correlated to C, then it is highly likely that we can correlate at to C. Sure there are weird edge cases we could likely construct.

I said conservatives aren't out calling voters dumb because we know that's a poor strategy.

That isn't all you said:

nor are we trying to prove someone is smarter than someone else.

You said conservatives aren't going to do a study that would "prove" dumber people tend to vote Trump. Only liberals would. Therefore we can't believe it. You can drop the charade, this would be your exact line.

California has had a clear retail theft problem. They also have had lax punishment, especially when thefts are <$950. Voters there even finally took some action. LOL that you even want to argue it.

I spit my drink out at this part. "LOL that I want to argue this*". But the fact that you want to just throw out nearly all known research on the correlation between intelligence and college, well that's just common sense!

*I'm pretty sure you don't know what I'm arguing, but that's irrelevant.

Soulman was wrong. This was better than I thought. Please, Rich, tell me more! If "On average, less educated people are just as smart or even smarter than more educated people" is in your range, I need to know what else is rattling around in that brain of yours.

After reading the wall... I ran out of popcorn again.

by Melkerson k

Yeah, that's the same as less educated people tend to vote for Trump. Fill in the blank below:

If above is true, then at lower education levels, support for Kamala tends to decrease and people vote for ______ instead.

I'll give you a hint: Orange.

Is this really that hard?

At lower education levels, support for Kamala among women tends to decrease, but women still favor Kamala.
At lower education levels, support for Kamala among men tends to decrease and men go from split between the two candidates to favoring Trump.

Of course you think bolded. And "a lot of studies" is always going to be more studies than exist.

Yeah, I get it. You reject facts that you don't like. It's very clear. I don't know why you are bothering with the charade. It's completely transparent.

LMK when the American Psychological Association accepts that as fact. LOL that you think every college student sees a statistically significant gain in IQ from undergraduate studies. You have a habit of overrepresenting studies and their conclusions.

Sure, man I get it nothing is proof. Yes, if A is correlated to B and B is correlated to C, then it is highly likely that we can correlate at to C. Sure there are weird edge cases we could likely construct.

I didn't say you can't think it. I said you failed to prove your hypothesis.

You said conservatives aren't going to do a study that would "prove" dumber people tend to vote Trump. Only liberals would. Therefore we can't believe it. You can drop the charade, this would be your exact line.

And for the same exact reason. Why would the GOP want to look elitist when we actually want the votes of the working class?

I spit my drink out at this part. "LOL that I want to argue this*". But the fact that you want to just throw out nearly all known research on the correlation between intelligence and college, well that's just common sense!

Even if you were correct, you'd have to break down the voters by a lot more than educational level to have a good estimate of their respective IQs. LOL at you thinking you've shown a statistically significant difference in IQ between the two groups.

But, since you think you know, please tell us the average IQ of Kamala voters and the average IQ of Trump voters, and please show that the difference to be statistically significant. That's the standard for proving your hypothesis.

by Rich Muny k

At lower education levels, support for Kamala among women tends to decrease, but women still favor Kamala.
At lower education levels, support for Kamala among men tends to decrease and men go from split between the two candidates to favoring Trump.

Whoa there, buddy. We're going backwards. Remember when you said above (and it's fine, I don't disagree with it) repeatedly a couple of posts ago, and I said OK what if you add up the groups. You finally said:

by Rich Muny k

I don't know why you keep misrepresenting what I wrote. I said support for Kamala tends to increase with educational level.

So we've already added up the men and women. You seemed to get it just a few posts ago. Now we're regressing. Yeah, there is a disparity between men and women, and that might be relevant if I were making any arguments about causation. But I'm not, so that doesn't matter.

Once you have concluded bolded, which it seemed you had just a couple of posts ago, it necessarily follows that support for Trump will increase with lower educational levels. The logic on this is not that hard. I think you have it in you.

LMK when the American Psychological Association accepts that as fact. LOL that you think every college student sees a statistically significant gain in IQ from undergraduate studies. You have a habit of overrepresenting studies and their conclusions.

I didn't say you can't think it. I said you failed to prove your hypothesis.

And for the same exact reason. Why would the GOP want to look elitist when we actually want the votes of the working class?

Even if you were correct, you'd have to break down the voters by a lot more than educational level to have a good estimate of their respective IQs. LOL at you thinking you've shown a statistically significant difference in IQ between the two groups.

But, since you think you know, please tell us the average IQ of Kamala voters and the average IQ of Trump voters, and please show that the difference to be statistically significant. That's the standard for proving your hypothesis.

Look Rich, I get it. You don't want to believe it, so there is no proof that you will accept. The mental gymnastics you've gone through to make this literally unprovable to you are quite hilarious.

First, according to you even if I proved that less educated people tend to vote for Trump and that less educated people are less intelligent, that doesn't mean that less intelligent people tend to vote for Trump. When two things are correlated to a third thing, the correlation of the two things can be deduced (by a rational person). Again, there are probably some rare edge cases we can construct where that wouldn't apply, but it nearly always does. Too bad, says Rich Muny. That's not proof!

So, what is proof? Well according to Rich Muny, the ONLY way to do it is to take a bunch of Harris voters test their IQ, take a bunch of Trump voters test their IQ, and then compare the two. But wait, even that isn't enough. That's only one study. Sorry, not enough says Rich Muny. You really need multiple studies. Ok, lets say we somehow miraculously get the requisite number of studies to satisfy Rich Muny. Sorry still not good enough. You see, the only people who would set out to do such a study are liberals (conservatives would never set out to prove such a thing). And if they are liberals, they are biased and we certainly can't believe any data they generate. After all they have an obvious agenda.

Voila, we've got a completely unfalsifiable belief. It doesn't matter that more intelligent people are more likely. It doesn't matter that we've got evidence that less educated voters tend to vote Trump, which you essentially agreed to a few hours ago, and seem to have second thoughts about. It doesn't matter that voters who self-identify as less informed, tend to vote Trump. As far as Rich Muny is concerned all of this data tells us nothing and can't be trusted.

The cherry on this illogical sundae is that when it comes to the things that Rich Muny claims to have "proven" or "shown" himself in the course of this weeks long AIDSfest of a discussion, he doesn't feel the need to cite data. He doesn't need stats or statistical significance. He barely needs citations. He can dismiss evidence without even reading it ("NBC news survey? Sorry, biased. Who cares what it actually says? Also, here's some other data from NBC news that supports a point I'm trying to make. We should definitely look at that"). He can simply assert things to be true and he has proven his point. Non peer-reviewed articles? No problem when they are on Rich Muny's side.

This is how Rich Muny's mind works. Again, I was certainly aware that some people are this delusional, but it's quite another thing to just see it play out in real time. Fantastic stuff.


It seems you're trying to draw the conclusion that dumber people vote for Trump, which I agree with to a degree. Just so everyone is on the same page, can you give a 1-10 estimate of the effect size and the level of certainty that you hold for that viewpoint.

Now can you do the same while swapping Kamala/Trump for White/Black. Or as a person who believes in "facts", perhaps I should say 13/52 and Whites?

by Melkerson k

Whoa there, buddy. We're going backwards. Remember when you said above (and it's fine, I don't disagree with it) repeatedly a couple of posts ago, and I said OK what if you add up the groups. You finally said:

No. You're going backwards. You keep trying to expand what I said, when I was very precise. I wrote that support for Kamala tends to increase with educational level. That means what I said it means, not what you tried to expand it into.

Also, I checked your reply carefully and couldn't find the average IQ of Kamala voters, the average IQ of Trump voters, or your analysis showing the difference to be statistically significant.

Look Rich, I get it. You don't want to believe it, so there is no proof that you will accept. The mental gymnastics you've gone through to make this literally unprovable to you are quite hilarious.

No. It's just that proving things like this is hard.

First, according to you even if I proved that less educated people tend to vote for Trump and that less educated people are less intelligent, that doesn't mean that less intelligent people tend to vote for Trump.

You never showed that less educated people are less intelligent. More importantly, you don't know who the voters are within these groups. What if STEM majors tended to vote Trump and gender studies majors tended to vote Harris? Similarly, what if military NCOs and small business owners tended to vote Trump and welfare recipients tended to vote Harris?

Your blanket statements don't even attempt to account for any of that. It's pretty clear you just think Trump voters are dumb, and your unfounded opinion is the basis of your argument.

The cherry on this illogical sundae is that when it comes to the things that Rich Muny claims to have "proven" or "shown" himself in the course of this weeks long AIDSfest of a discussion, he doesn't feel the need to cite data.

I'm not trying to prove anything. You are. I just had to debunk your hypothesis, which I've done.

ive only been skimming lately. only somewhat related is that this thread caused me to wonder about what actually would make a useful metric of how well the system is working towards creating good opportunities for healthy lifestyles for the masses. i came up with the thought that looking into stats for what % of united states citizens leave behind something of value worth recording when they die.

according to my layman's search, the experts estimate* that about 70% of united states citizens dont leave anything resembling an estate when they die. are all those people that leave nothing just lazy or unlucky? i don't think so. i hope this improves for the next generation. i think this should be an economic talking point. its something average people can understand, and its plainly illustrative of where the spoils of our capitalism are going.

*there are no official stats on this.

Hi Rich,

The first part of your post is so nonsensical that it's not worth responding to. If you can't understand that support for Harris goes up with higher education levels means that support for Trump goes up with lower educational levels, you need serious help. More that I can provide, I'm afraid.

But let's get to the best part.

by Rich Muny k

I'm not trying to prove anything. You are. I just had to debunk your hypothesis, which I've done.

You've got that right. According to the Rich Muny system you haven't proven anything about anything. For example does California have a bigger problem with shoplifting than Texas? Who knows? You certainly can't say that. Do we have any studies which show a statistically significant difference after correcting for factors like population, number of stores, and socioeconomic status?

Is a plant based diet worse than one with animal products for 'optimal' health as you put it? Who knows? Do we have any studies that have compared the two groups, monitored for compliance, corrected for activity levels and found a statistically significant difference between the two groups in various health outcomes. And how were those outcomes weighed against each other? No? Well, you certainly can't claim that.

How about this one. Do liberals think conservatives are stupid? Do you have survey data from an unbiased, non-partisan source that shows liberals thinks conservative are more stupid than other liberals or just people in general? Oh, and is that difference statistically significant? No? Well, I guess you can't claim that either.

Hey, wait a minute! You are claiming all of those things! But Rich Muny is claiming all of those things knowing fully well that they aren't proven. Why would he do that? Does that mean Rich Muny is knowingly full of shiet? What other conclusion can we draw if he is going to advance all of these claims which don't meet his own rigorous standards?

Kamala voters are definitely smarter.

But here is the thing, 100 million people didn't vote. And they would tend to lean democratic. They definitely dumber than Trump voters.

So overall, Democrat and Republican supporters about the same intelligence.

We move on.

Wow. Gaetz. Patel. Hegseth. Vance.

That equals 100% chance 2020 election would have been overturned. Good thing Trump is about to die and not interested in 3 terms.

Mike Pence is an american hero.

meh, bring back supreme warrior overlords pls.

i think a lot of smart, well educated democrat voters are simply clinging to their faith in the system which has been pretty good to them. they missed the part where dems sold out to the war mongers and big pharma.

standing in line, believing the lies.

by loco k

Kamala voters are definitely smarter.

But here is the thing, 100 million people didn't vote. And they would tend to lean democratic. They definitely dumber than Trump voters.

So overall, Democrat and Republican supporters about the same intelligence.

So you raise a couple interesting and salient points:

1) Registered D and registered R are about 35/25 of the population last I checked.
2) Voter turnout is correlated with intelligence (unknown why).

Again, what percentage of black people vote and what percentage actually vote? These are some of the stupidest people in society. I struggle to find another easily understood demographic qualification for being of low intelligence other than being black in America. Whether you want to debate the avg black is .66 or a touch over 1 SD below the norm, it is ****ing comically massive compared to other things that are incredibly difficult to study and we're essentially reading tea leaves for. While I may hold a low confidence assumption that Cumula voters would score higher on an IQ test than Trump voters, it is difficult to know or prove that, and I take that position in accordance with my certainty.

But we are damn near 100% sure that a random black person is SUBSTANTIALLY dumber than a random white person. (Not even to the degree that a Jew/Asian is smarter than a White.)

But then we have the Melkman "dunking" on Rich, which is hilarious because he engages in newspeak without even being cognitively aware he is doing so. Nor is he capable of acknowledging the above facts. Yet somehow wants to ridicule someone else for their self-delusional world.

Honestly ****ing wild. The mind of the self-deluded. How do you even comprehend these things? Do beings who lack self-awareness even grasp it? Do they realize they're essentially puppets incapable of independent thought? These are the questions I ask myself.

by Bob148 k

meh, bring back supreme warrior overlords pls.

i think a lot of smart, well educated democrat voters are simply clinging to their faith in the system which has been pretty good to them. they missed the part where dems sold out to the war mongers and big pharma.

standing in line, believing the lies.

It is honestly kinda wild.

So let me posit a couple scenarios:

1) We build out Obamacare to cover everyone at a reasonable cost and have actualized universal healthcare.
2) We burn down Obongocare, institute massive tort reform alongside healthcare reform unifying and guaranteeing healthcare for the poors.

Which of these seems quicker and more likely?

Trump should have waited til January and then pardon the Qanon Shaman and then appointed him Fbi director.

Only that beats out this Patel nomination.

Oh man, great stuff. I love it.

Super wild they used to be childhood friends playing at the Motel 6 Patel's dad ran.

by Melkerson k

The first part of your post is so nonsensical that it's not worth responding to.

Your claim that IQ increases for every adult in college is quite unproven. The accepted evidence is that IQ is locked in during childhood. If you think a couple of studies prove otherwise, despite the premise not being accepted by any major medical group, then I guess you believe all those Nestle-funded nutrition studies too.

But, we can test it. Next time you talk to a gender studies grad, give her some complex instructions. When your Starbucks order comes out, check it to see how well she did in placing your order.

If you can't understand that support for Harris goes up with higher education levels means that support for Trump goes up with lower educational levels, you need serious help. More that I can provide, I'm afraid.

I summarized what the data says regarding education levels. You are determined to expand upon that, despite having no evidence for your claims.

You've got that right. According to the Rich Muny system you haven't proven anything about anything. For example does California have a bigger problem with shoplifting than Texas? Who knows? You certainly can't say that. Do we have any studies which show a statistically significant difference after correcting for factors like population, number of stores, and socioeconomic status?

California has a bigger shoplifting problem than Texas, as evidenced by actual elections hinging on the matter. I don't require the conditions you mention because I didn't expand my point beyond what is actually known.

Is a plant based diet worse than one with animal products for 'optimal' health as you put it? Who knows? Do we have any studies that have compared the two groups, monitored for compliance, corrected for activity levels and found a statistically significant difference between the two groups in various health outcomes. And how were those outcomes weighed against each other? No? Well, you certainly can't claim that.

I absolutely didn't say that. I simply said humans are omnivores and that is our optimal diet. Plant-based diets can be fine with proper planning. Without planning, it can become suboptimal very quickly, which is why so many quit veganism.

How about this one. Do liberals think conservatives are stupid? Do you have survey data from an unbiased, non-partisan source that shows liberals thinks conservative are more stupid than other liberals or just people in general? Oh, and is that difference statistically significant? No? Well, I guess you can't claim that either.

I didn't say every lib thinks every conservative is dumb. I said it's a talking point that's out there, especially on social media. Again, I don't require the data you suggest because I didn't expand beyond what is known.

by NotThremp k

It is honestly kinda wild.

So let me posit a couple scenarios:

1) We build out Obamacare to cover everyone at a reasonable cost and have actualized universal healthcare.
2) We burn down Obongocare, institute massive tort reform alongside healthcare reform unifying and guaranteeing healthcare for the poors.

Which of these seems quicker and more likely?

2 seems quicker and more likely, but not very probable on short timelines. thing is that when we say "healthcare reform," we really mean "health insurance reform." obama talked a good pregame, about taking on the insurance companies. fast forward to now, it seems he lost, or he threw the game. can trump and his team win one for the people? time will tell.
