

Mods, feel free to change my last log to 'Singles FTL'. Going back to what was my core routine for years. 3 exercises, 3 times a week. Squat, push, pull. A few rules:
1. Work up to a heavy triple, double or single each day.
2. No more than 20 reps per/exercise per/day including warm ups.
3. Try to never miss a rep.
4. Every 4th week drop your main exercise and do a 'similar' exercise for 1 week. Work up to a heavy triple each day that week.

Main goal is still to push press body weight and I have a few more pounds to lose. Secondary goals are to stay healthy and get my squat numbers going up. I switched from this routine last year because I felt like 3 days a week was too much at my age and my legs were killing me at work. Turns out that my legs are feeling much better now that I bought new mats for behind the bar so I'm hopeful that I can handle the 3 day a week regimen.

Front squat: 95x5; 115x3; 135x2; 145x2; 155x2; 160x2; 165x2
Push press: 95x5; 135x3; 145x3; 150x3; 155x3; 160x3
Bent over barbell row: 115x5; 135x3; 145x1; 155x1; 165x1; 175x1
Weighted sit ups: 40# 8,8
Back extensions: 10# 8,8

I tried to keep these well within my limits since I try to add 5# each week to the top set.

Weight: 208.

29 September 2009 at 07:00 PM

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OLAD Week 235

11/18 DB push ups: 5x10 Weight: 181

11/19 TB DL: 5 @ 230x5 Weight: 180

11/20 DB push ups: 5x10 Weight: 181

11/21 Goblet squat: 5 @ 95x5 Weight: 183

11/22 DB push ups: 5x10
Curl: 3 @ 60x10 Weight: 182

11/23 TB DL: 5 @ 230x5 Weight: 182

After a week off I started back up really light on DL's and cut back the reps on squats. Slowly my hip began to feel better and I increased the weight on DL's until I could get 5 sets at 230. I've been in a holding pattern for a couple of months now. My hip still gives me trouble on occasion. If I move the wrong way or after an 8 hour shift on my feet I'm in pain. Sucks but getting old isn't for the faint of heart. Turned 68 in July and at this point I'm just trying not to regress. On another note I ran into an old gym buddy and he told me our old gym actually reopened with limited hours after being closed for almost 4 years thanks to covid. I'm going to check it out in a couple of weeks and probably rejoin. It would be nice to be able to do some different exercises. I really miss the safety squat bar.
