Faster than Ever: Loco runs a sub5 Mile
Blood work came back with excellent results. I am healthier at 35 than I was at 19!!! If you guys remember from my old
USA#1. 9th and 10th grade. I feel like that's where I can make a difference. Cross country and math and some bilingual education. Just give back a little, I had some darn good teachers. I'd be a Cholo without them.
I had one teacher in 4th grade that I now flash back and realize she moved over to 5th grade and got me again. I don't think it was coincidence. She was there during the spelling bee championship crying fiasco after I misspelled parakeet. She was the first teache
damn bro, glad you had some good experiences. I didn't really get memorably good educators until I was around 19.
When you have a relatively shitty home life, a teacher who believes in you can make a huge difference. USA has a lot of kids with shitty home life so I can see why you would want to teach there; Middle East/Asia is where you go to make money but generally you make a smaller difference because families are more intact and functional overall.
Protein bars are universally donk food. Yogurt/cottage cheese/shakes if you need protein convenience food. Never seen a protein bar that wasn't overloaded with cals for how minimally satiating it is.
Not sure that tracks with teaching physics and calculus. Most USA#47 kids aren't taught those things until later. If you're stuck on those subjects, Asia might need to be where you need to go. Now if we can interest you in some algebra, geometry and possibly chemistry, then we're in business.
damn bro, glad you had some good experiences. I didn't really get memorably good educators until I was around 19.
I didn't realize how good I ran until I graduated high school and talked to people from other places. Didn't have a single bad teacher in high school and most were first ballot HOFers. Even prior to that, I can't remember any bad ones.
My first experience with shitty teachers is with my own kids.
Been lifting and running. Had a 7 mile run in California and it was 9:40 pace. Fat, Cut. Diet coming along slowly, just adding simple rules. No chips and salsa unless fresh made tasty salsa. No rolls at cheddars/roadhouse/etc etc. Went to a fancy steakhouse and split a fish. Etc etc.
Here is the damage report 171lb body
That's worse than it looks. Gotta be 34"+ at navel and ldl cholesterol definitely around 100 even with a 20mg statin. I am going to see if I can get it to 60 with the weightloss and statin. If it doesn't work, probably need to stack statin with pcsk9 inhibitor, but that's pricey.
Fat, cut indeed, though your diet rules sound reasonable and I'm sure you'll get back to true ant status in no time.
This cholesterol level talk reminds me that my physical got skipped last winter because of some doctor's office shenanigans and I'm not due back until December - pretty interested if my cholesterol has gone down any further (~LDL 65 on 5 mg).
Thanks guys, it was a long time coming to knock out some of these goals.
Mostly recovered today, ran a couple of miles yesterday with slight calf pain on the nonproblem leg. On Tuesday I did upperbody and today planning to hit a light lowerbody session.
It was probably my favorite marathon of all time. It started off with some Jay Z new york new york action followed by Sinatra. Then the national anthemn, followed by the gun. I was in the corral right behind the élites, so zero fatties
An oldie but a goodie; hopefully Monumental goes as much to plan as this one did (obviously I will be nowhere close to sub-3, but still).
Small steps yugo. Exercise you enjoy. Good food selections you enjoy. I have no choice, I have to bring back salads, soups, ceviche, steak and veggies, etc etc etc. Slowly we can beat out this YTFian habitddiction.
Yeah. I really should use YTF as inspiration. I do think about him sometimes and wish he had stuck with H&F forever. Maybe he'd have dodged a couple more health scares, I dno.
Well, there are two of you now, so 342lbs imo.
23 miles this week and a few lifting sessions. Building a little momentum but I was in California and that weather always solid.
Diet getting better too. Went back to the chick fil a two egg white grills and damn, that keeps you full for a while. 600 cals and 57g protein. Filling.
there's a marathon in china where sections run on the great wall
you'd probably hate it but worth checking out and you can go hang out with evo while you are there
never watched this vid but figured you may be interested
Sydney marathon was this weekend. iirc you were going to do it?
The route has changed from when I ran it and it now finishes at the Opera House as opposed to the Olympic stadium. Which should make it less hilly that it was. It’s grown though - 25k runners now. iirc only about 4000 back then (2002)
Pretty cool that they close the harbour bridge for a few hours though - memorable experience running across that. And then running through the nightclub district at 7.30-7.45am on a Sun is fun…seeing all the stragglers falling out of the clubs wearing sunglasses
I was in super hot weather last week, only 16 miles.
This week at 14 miles but I have a hiatal hernia that has been bugging me.
As I approach my 50s, these are the issues that started rearing.
* Tinnitus
* calf strains
* hiatal hernia
* Far sightedness
And of course atherosclerosis since my 30s.
Feeling Father Time's punches really good now. Maybe a knockdown coming soon unless I get my shiet together.
Best of luck recovering from the hiatal hernia.
* Tinnitus
* Far sightedness
* Really ****ing dry eyes (incredibly annoying)
Feeling Father Time's punches really good now.
Yuuup. Will only get better from here on in.
I console myself with being in better shape than 90% of my age cohort and having no major owies, which I credit lifting and a bit of genetic luck with.
Weighing about 168 now. Feeling a lot better from the heartburn last few weeks. Ran 20 miles last week, jogging helps with bloatedness (maybe the belly breathing).
But i also stopped taking my cholesterol medication. Might go back on tomorrow, trying to isolate variables.
Also making appointment to see if it really is hiatal hernia. I am assuming yes but guy I know has identical symptoms and he has had two heart attacks.
Also making appointment to see if it really is hiatal hernia. I am assuming yes but guy I know has identical symptoms and he has had two heart attacks.
Smart. Get it checked for sure....
Feeling Father Time's punches really good now. Maybe a knockdown coming soon unless I get my shiet together.
One reality of Father Time is that we have to have doctors check stuff like that out.
24 miles last week. Feeling good but no cholesterol meds for a week. I have a 5k for turkey day next month. Probably will run 23:xx or better (I hope).
Crying uncle at 45 yo due to olds is weak bro. Kane would be disappointed in u. I’m 35 and half crippled and still hitting the gym. Also congrats on getting married .. soon, ur life is officially over. Lol but seriously congrats it’s much better than balancing having 3 gf trust me.
It had been years since I ran a 5k. Last one was 18:15 but I was definitely in 17:5x shape.
My strategy was 7:00 per mile and take it from there. I have different max heart rate now and the cardiac drift from being this slow is also different.
5k 21:56
Nailed it.
What's crazy is that in 2021, I ran 26.2 miles at 6:44 a mile. And today 3.1 miles at 7 minute pace. Still though, happy with this time. It's been over a year of about 18 miles a week.
I am still 166 so 8 pounds automatically takes me 20:45. And then bump miles to 30 a week and I am back to <20min 5k.
I did miss the deadline for the tokyo 6star lottery. London lottery next week, gonna pass because that's week after wedding. Oh well, 2026 marathons here we come.
sup daddy