Why didn't the US try to conquer Canada?

Why didn't the US try to conquer Canada?

There is no doubt that America in the 1800s was set on expanding its borders as much as possible and thus massacred and stole the land from natives and went to war with Mexico to gain territory. Why did the US never set its sights on Canada aside from the war in 1812? It seems like it would have been in its character to do so.

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02 July 2014 at 05:54 PM

3 Replies

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The real question is why aren’t we invading it today, before global warming makes just if the US uninhabitable?

Being land rich and labour poor (and consequentially, stability-poor, and militarily relatively weak) means you have to be very careful about overextending. C19 USA was still expansionist, but they presumably had a good sense about what they could chew and what would have been too much to bite off. They must have had the manpower to fight the war and defend their borders and expand into Mexico, but more of Mexico or any of Canada would have been too risky with too little benefits.

I'm surprised to hear that Canadians identify with the British at all. I assumed they all identified as culturally closer to Americans, or the French.

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