Your thoughts on this invite

Your thoughts on this invite

So I've met and played with this guy in my local casino at a 1/1 cash game table (UK) and he seems... ok. Pleasant enough but at the same time, I'm not sure how much I trust the guy given how I've seen him **** talk people who have left the table (having been nice to their face).

Not sure what he makes of me. First time we played together I was stomping the table, but made a terrible loose play at the end of the evening that cost me about £700 (half my stack) - since then I have been card dead and made losses in his presence.

I do talk to him a bit, I try to be nice to everyone at the table and I'm respectful and complimentary to him.

As I was leaving the casino last time we played he invited me to a raked 1/2 home game that he deals at. He says he deals to 'help out' and because he 'loves the game so much' - tips aren't a bad reason either right? I asked him if what the field was like and he claimed 'not that good', but/and minimum buy in is £300.

Can't tell if I'm being invited because he thinks I'm a soft rube or he is just genuinely inviting in good faith. TBH, I'm tempted to go just to feel it out but wondered what everyone here thought of the situation. The guy seems like a solid reg who likes to make money at this game, and I would've suspected his friends would be similar. The claim that its 'not good' (i.e. hard) and that he is taking part as a dealer for an almost charitable reason also set alarms ringing. Also, £300 isn't chump change but there are alot of degens out there.


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18 January 2024 at 04:02 PM

3 Replies

Likely he gets a cut from new players he ropes in. No reasonable chance from description this is him being nice.

If it's not inconvenient, and the buy-in is affordable to you, what's wrong with going and checking it out?

Have your radar on. Many non-poker things can also make it a game in which you decide not to participate--sketchy neighborhood, long commute, just don't click with the other players, whatever. Go once, reevaluate afterward.

Lettuce know. GL either way.

I have a lot of questions before I decide I'm going to go, but I'd consider it.

I doubt robbery is the big plan, because it's small stakes.

Maybe there is something in it for him for bringing players.

Could be the game needs an influx of players. When fish get gutted they quit. An over-raked game will dry up. Neither are good.

Friends and raked don't go together for me. He might be helping his friend run the game, but he isn't playing with their friends.

It's possible that he's just inviting you because he thinks you'll enjoy it.

For me:
It's easy enough for me to get to a regulated room to play hold'em.
I play dealers choice with guys I know for small stakes.
I'm not likely to take an invite from a player at the casino table.
I've been to 2 or 3 games with a friend where the only one I knew was the friend that brought me. I didn't go back.
