cheap poker games
I'm thinking about starting a home game. I have a table and a chip set. I was planning on inviting some old friends who used to play for quarters in a dealers choice game on a kitchen table.
I think the game could improve with a real table and a permanent game like hold'em.
But I don't know much about running the game. It will need to be cheap. I'm thinking 5 dollar buy in. How do you manage the cash and chips? What should the denominations of the chips be?
calculating side pots?
3 Replies
It's an old site but still some good info:
If you're inviting the same guys, play the same games with the same stakes to start.
Cheap chips sets can just become a quarter a chip.
For a quarter a chip home game, I probably wouldn't invest in a 'real table', but maybe look for a table topper instead.
Your first step was to ask people on 2+2, next step is to ask your friends. Send out a group email and ask the following questions (and any others you might think of).
1) are you interested in playing a home poker game:
if yes:
2) would you like to play a cash game or tournament;
3) would you prefer to play holdem only, or mixed games/dealer's choice; no limit or fixed limit
4) what stakes would you prefer - for tournament, give some optional buyin amounts; for cash games have some options for blinds, or antes, depending on if holdem or other games.
5) what day or days are preferable
If it turns out you have enough people who are interested, then you can try to get a consensus on the format and stakes. Maybe everyone can throw in a few dollars for pizza or something. Once you have it, you will be able to modify things if people want. Maybe the stakes are too high, maybe too low. The most important thing (in my opinion) is that you have fun.
But one thing that is very important - ONE person (probably you) should handle all distribution of chips, and collection and payout of money. For some reason, it is not at all uncommon for the chips and money to not even out at the end of the night. Among friends, it is hardly ever because someone is stealing - it is just that somehow errors are pretty common. Best if it becomes one person's responsibility and they take charge of it. The fewer hands involved, the less of a chance of an error.