Friendly Kitchener/Waterloo/Cambridge games?

Friendly Kitchener/Waterloo/Cambridge games?

Hi there

Was wondering if someone has an open seat to any low stakes NL games in the area. Brantford is too much of a trip for me to make so would be nice to play something more convenient here. Somewhere I can play with other poker nerds like me!

So if anyone has an open seat, or needs a person to sit in on one of their games, send me a message

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17 July 2024 at 06:17 PM

4 Replies

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I have a $1/2 game in Cambridge Friday and Saturday nights

by Bunn k

I have a $1/2 game in Cambridge Friday and Saturday nights

Hey bunn tried messaging you but no option to DM

by Bunn k

I have a $1/2 game in Cambridge Friday and Saturday nights

What’s your cell or email lol

I too am interested! Message me when you can
