Home games in the Washington, DC area.
CliffsNotes (CN) version in bold.
Long time lurker, first-time poster.
I am looking for micro stakes limit hold'em (holdem, LHE) or no limit hold'em (holdem, NLHE) games in Northern Virginia (NoVA), Suburban Maryland (MD), and Washington, District of Columbia (DC).
[Apologies for the goofy abbreviating, but I wanted to make sure this post gets picked up by the search function for future 2+2ers searching for the same information.]
I have used the search function and I didn't find anything on point. I also know about and have tapped into Meetup, HomePokerGames, and craigslist.
My ideal stakes are anywhere from $.25/$.50 to $1/$3 NLHE, and $.50/$1 to $3/$6 LHE, the smaller the better.
I also would be open to playing in HOSE or similar mixed-game formats if the stakes are low enough.
More specifically, I am looking for games without a rake. I have been to some raked games in the area and, while they're fun, I don't see any reason to pay a rake if there are unraked games out there.
Please PM me with information on unraked games and I'll respond with personal details and references if I'm interested.
1 Reply
I'm looking for a home game near Frederick MD -- so Moco, FredCo, or within 30-45 min. I play with a group but it's once a month, so I'd like to get out more