Pay-to-Play (Any Type of Rake) Game Listings

Pay-to-Play (Any Type of Rake) Game Listings

This thread will be used for the listing of 'non-traditional' games that YOU are hosting. (read: games with tipped dealers, games with any type of fee, and raked games not held in brick & mortar cardrooms.)

Please only post your game one time. You may reference the post occasionally in another post, in a reply to someone looking for a game, but don't spam your game or you won't be able to list it any more.

Make the title descriptive and succinct, without too much detail (see the sticky). Something such as "Game with limits Y, in X area" (give a nearby location or something, don't list statewide)
If I get to it, I may edit or remove as I feel necessary.

If your raked game might be illegal, it's likely to be removed. If you aren't sure, here's a place to start your research:

Note that 2+2 is not responsible if you post about your game in defiance of your own state laws.

Don't post about games you are not hosting yourself. Only the one responsible for the game should decide if he/she is interested in opening it up to the world.

Be aware that you cannot edit your post in the future. You'll need to live with what you post here. But you can request your post be deleted. Include a link in your PM to a moderator. You will find a list of moderators at the bottom of the page.

) 1 View 1
19 March 2008 at 05:59 AM

5 Replies

Earlier posts are available on our legacy forum HERE

1/3 NL Hold'em in Harrison NJ

Once a week on Wednesday (7:30pm) , and it has absolutely great action.

DM me for more more info !

Date: Wed, Fri, and Sat
Time: 7 PM
Stakes: 1-3
Location: Lodi, NJ
Buy-in: $200 minimum, $500 maximum (or match the stack)
IG: @ayeekayyy - message me to lock up a seat.

Long shot, but any games near Champaign Illinois ?

Poker in central Bangkok

NLH and PLO5 games 2 times a week
100/100 or 100/200

Games usually start 8pm and end around 4am

DM if keen

Hosting a NLE game in Gangnam, Seoul Korea!
Blinds are ₩2,000//₩4,000 (~1USD//3USD)
Min//Max buy-in from ₩500,000 to ₩3,000,000 (~350USD//~2,000USD)
Free food and drinks
Great dealers and a friendly environment
Age group from mid 20's to mid 40's
If you're visiting Seoul or already residing here give me a DM or call at 010-5654-1023
