WSOP - looking for house chop

WSOP - looking for house chop

Paul Gibbons here - WSOP reg.

I'm looking to get a room in shared house. Not stupid-far from Horseshoe.

Dates? AT LEAST June 15 to 29th..

I'm an older reg... studied... don't mind partying except between 2AM and 10AM - but I don't myself...

Would be good to chop with people who eat healthy and workout.

25 April 2024 at 09:55 PM

5 Replies

OH - and BTW - I don't want to do this myself - but I usually get a six bedroom (sleeps 8) 5m drive from horseshoe with huge ass pool - and massive deck - and huge TV room.

I usually finance it and get people - but not doing that this year. HELLA cheap - I think was like 1500 pp for WHOLE six weeks. Isn't fancy - but really close. LMK if you want introduced to lady who owns it.

Dates prob June 3 to Jun 30 now.

UPDATE - I just locked up a 2br condo about 1.5 miles from Horseshoe. June 18 to 28. Looking to share $75 pppn

there's a sticky thread for this ("looking for roommates")

ty man - didnt see that
