Las Vegas Poker Player Vlogs
Gobbo other Thread got closed by the mod said it doesn't belong in the House of Blogs, hoping we can have this one without Trooper talk.
This thread is to discuss local professional poker players on their journey. Please refrain from mentioning the local youtube celebrity who plays poker.
Links to their youtube channels
Andrew Neeme
Rules of this thread and an excerpt from About The Forums Trooper97 discussion thread.
This now stands for this thread:
Trooper97 vlogs, discussions etc. will be allowed to continue in the new thread. That thread will not be unchained and I will work with the other LVL mods to keep it civil.
I personally am not going to allow a lot of the horrible posting that went on in the original thread to take place and I will be very generous with post deletions and bans if needed.
Posts the are overly derogatory, mean spirited, name calling (including using rude derivatives of names) , and demeaning posts towards any of the vloggers or posters in the thread will be deleted at the mods discretion. If any accounts persistently do this they will be banned or exiled from posting in this thread. In these cases we may issue a warning first.
Accounts that are used only to or substantially to troll post in this thread will be banned.
No personal family information or situations allowed in the thread.
Update April 2018
OK Vlogger Thread, we are going with some new parameters to try to make this the POSITIVE vlogger thread that it is supposed to be, not the AIDS vlogger thread where a few loonies ruin it for the rest. Note that 'positive' does not equal 'only positive', it means anything negative being said CAN'T be namecalling or wild, unsubstantiated speculation regarding any and all vloggers. Personal lives and anything aside from poker is OFF THE TABLE.
If exiled and you can't post in thi
Exiled posters:
Registered 2018
Alex Trebek's Cat
Stormtrooper97 - unexiled
A new update March 2019:
C'mon man! Rice's King of Queen sit com references are some of his best content.
I think it's gonna be the most interesting thing Rice does all year.
I honestly will be shocked if 10 people pay for that.
Also amazing he's in the NY area and not at borgata the last couple of weeks while they have their first real tournament series in 4 years.
Unlike the WSOP, wait lists aren't that long, and games aren't filled with euro dirtbags.
You don't understand Rice.
Rice is not playing in a game where a re-raise is gonna be a regular occurrence.
Rice hates playing in a game where he is going to be pushed out of a pot, pre flop, or post flop.
Rice has a particular type of game he wants to play in, and playing against aggressive players is not it.
Diesel used to say Borgata was a decent place, but now he will only play at Harrahs AC, he must have gotten whacked over there at some point.
For sure. I could see Rice possibly playing at Borgota mid week, during the day, but definitely not at nights or weekends, for reasons mentioned above.
Rice does not like playing poker in any type of aggressive game.
Yup, correct. Diesels worst enemy is aggro games, cause that means swings wich he is so scared of. I mean when you are having a panick attack/mental breakdown after losing 200 in a game, that says it all right there.
Its just so laughable that he even considers 200 loss being a big losing day, lmfao poker pro.
Someone will say like please chew with your mouth closed and he will say it shouldn’t matter to anyone how he eats
sounds like he's up next on the hATerZ hit list. your earnest contribution is noted, soldier. t'will be on the agenda for the next gathering of the HaTErZ Council Of Enemy Affairs.
go on now, get back to focusing on typing negative commentary on el deisel's personal life.
SPRKLI has their own YT channel now.
I think low six figures is more accurate.
YouTube, illegal gambling apps, loan sharking, endorsements.
There's no way he's only making low 6 figures off the app. I know people who've made that as agents and they have basically zero reach compared to rampage. He's straight printing money.
Did you make it far enough to witness him talking with a mouth full of sandwich? Amazing that he either doesn’t realize how disgusting that sounds or just doesn’t care.
What is it with some of these vloggers? They are so oblivious that they don't realize how disgusting they are? Nobody wants to see you eat! I made the mistake of watching about 8 seconds after he started eating, thinking he would quit shoveling food into his mouth when he spoke. Nope, wrong again.
I think of this from a few nights ago at the Emmy's, they are about to call an award that Paul Walter Hauser is a nominee for and he is shoveling food into mouth as they announce him the winner, So much food that he is still chewing it when he gets on stage and starts talking. lol
Skip to 35 second mark
Our journey LOL. She should slap the crap out of him.
Hamster 97 is the Uber Eats delivery guy for her company. That's his contribution.
The rest is her work. She's succeeding in spite of him, not because of him. Best part is he KNOWS IT. Must be consuming him from the inside out that she's a legitimate entrepreneur and he's a Hamster who can't ever get off the 1/2 wheel hosting the shittiest game in Vegas once a week.
I'm not watching their crappy videos so please inform if there's a standard Costco trip included or not.
He's probably chillin' TBH. Doesn't seem like a bad gig at all. He's in the top 1%'ers of job security.
I'm interested to see whether ElD gets into a game at Mohegan early in the morning. If he had a smart phone or chose to look at the PokerAtlas website, he would notice that they open the poker room at 9 am. So that sets the timetable back by several hours, making the Delaware room pretty dicey.
Also, Chaser's -> Encore -> Twin River -> Foxwoods (or reverse order) would be 4 rooms/states with only 3 hours travel, so there might be a way to lower the world record time next year.
Must be consuming Trooper from the inside out that
Christina's a legitimate entrepreneur.
Grossing maybe $30/40K a year does not make you an entrepreneur.
I doubt the business makes $10K/year in real profits.
There's a saying: If it doesn't pay the bills, it's a 'hobby'.
Christina supports her and the Trooper from her 'Trust Fund'.
Trooper wearing gloves.... he must be serious.... surely not a mask as well!
Grossing maybe $30/40K a year does not make you an entrepreneur.
I doubt the business makes $10K/year in real profits.
There's a saying: If it doesn't pay the bills, it's a 'hobby'.
Christina supports her and the Trooper from her 'Trust Fund'.
That's the old business. They're trying to expand. Farmer's market even, Trooper bought a Costco folding chair, because manning a stand is real work. Not being sarcastic, he's going to have to sit there and peddle their stuff.
When shopping for lollipops, I go for those with giant labels like I'm buying a weed edible.
14g non GMO. GMO sounds woke to me. Trooper explain
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Our journey LOL. She should slap the crap out of him.
Hamster 97 is the Uber Eats delivery guy for her company. That's his contribution.
The rest is her work. She's succeeding in spite of him, not because of him. Best part is he KNOWS IT. Must be consuming him from the inside out that she's a legitimate entrepreneur and he's a Hamster who can't ever get off the 1/2 wheel hosting the shittiest game in Vegas once a week.
I'm not watching their crappy videos so please inform if there's a standard Cost
Meh, idk. Yea she makes the candy, but who would she sell it to without T97? Do they even have customers outside of his viewers? How do they even market this stuff outside of his vlog? I have so many questions. The whole thing seems unsustainable if his view counts are trending downwards.
Okay not a Vegas vlog per se, but this new poker vlogger is hilarious.
Meh, idk. Yea she makes the candy, but who would she sell it to without T97? Do they even have customers outside of his viewers? How do they even market this stuff outside of his vlog? I have so many questions. The whole thing seems unsustainable if his view counts are trending downwards.
Same here, i am really skeptical in regards to this. Can they make a few grand pr year in profit as a small hustle? Sure. Can they turn this into a bigger operation to support two people for a solid yearly salary though+ taking it even further?
Also it is so hilarious seing the Trooper working for his women and she being the boss. The guy that have spent his whole life basically boasting about he is _never_ going to work for the man again. He only does what the Trooper wants to do at all times, and now he is gonna be on a farmers market stand to sell candy lol. I guess you do anything even breaking your word when you are broke and out of other options.
Technicality: unless she has a penis, he's not working for the man.
Reality: she wears the pants. She calls the shots. How do you think Hamster’s game got moved to Sundays?
She’s in charge of everything. Including him.
“Back in your cage Hamster, you’ve done your deliveries for today. If you behave, I’ll change your wood shavings in your cage while you’re out doing my deliveries tomorrow.”
Before Diesel even started, he panicked and changed the rules of the challenge.
Playing 30 minutes a room is such a cop-out.
He is basically just sitting at each table for 30 minutes.
Don't be surprised Diesel doesn't win or even play a single pot in the 7 poker rooms.
Winless in 7 poker rooms.
That is the record Diesel will be setting