Football, Poker, Drinking, and maybe some bad drunken blackjack decisions
Isn’t that a beautiful push notification?
I fly out tomorrow afternoon, just in time to see the Seahawks play Thursday night football.
The core itinerary is bet like $3k across 20 football games, play all the 9/18 (I love those folks), and maybe hit the $50 bj tables outside the casino credit office at the bellagio.
And ALL the secret pizza. Oh and Saturday brunch at Bardot Brasserie with bottomless rose champagne, because that’s how I roll.
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Allllllllllllllllllright. Was up a rack at 9/18, dusted it off to get back to even, was feeling irritated so took a break to go play for $50 blackjack. Lit fire to $650 in about 20 minutes. Oops. Back to the poker table when my buddy (I flew in at 3, him at midnight) finally arrived.
Fired off another two stacks before calling it a night by way of secret pizza.
Other than flopping a striaght with 64, hand of the night was:
Limper, I raise in the CO with A♥ 4♥, other irrelvant people call then later
"I dunno I thought it was the best hand"