Poker Trips 2024 / 2025

Poker Trips 2024 / 2025

This trip report follows on from my WSOP trip report here

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02 August 2024 at 04:40 AM

266 Replies


by TonySoprano9 k

Yes big bet mix is fun. If you can find a small buy-in tournament somewhere it’s worth the price to learn it and you’ll have fun doing it.

JAX/HOU was a stay away game for me. Surprised Doug Pedersen still has a job.

NBA I don’t really start looking at until the playoffs.

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I'll be in Vegas during the Wynn WPT $1.1k big bet mixed side event later this month, but I'm too low roller to drop that much in variants I don't regularly play. I'll keep an eye out for smaller events in the future and/or chances to play good dealer's choice cash, which I've dabbled in previously. It's hard when you don't have regular access to a game. My local room only runs NLHE with some PLO/Big O and the occasional rare mixed tournament. Every year I tell myself I want to learn mixed, and 12 months later it hasn't happened.

Glad you didn't take my HOU/JAX advice. The line was 44 and the game landed on 43. Yikes. Vegas line precision scares me sometimes.

On that note, I had some of Portland +7, Portland +6, and Portland money line tonight. Dallas won by 6 after Portland flubbed a couple late possessions. Yeesh. I walked away with a small profit, but the feeling that it should've been so much more. I'm a relative neophyte in sports betting, but quickly discovering how slim the margins can be. Like you said, maybe it's about finding the right number. Even marginal line movement can make all the difference.

I think my strategy moving forward will be to abstain unless I think a line is screaming value, which happens from time to time.

Good luck in the O8 tomorrow.

Great write ups! Living the dream!

Rock ‘n’ Roll Poker Open
Day Fourteen - Monday December 2nd

This is the back door to the casino where we enter each day then walk through the shops and casino to the grand ballroom where the tournament series is being played.

Omaha 8 today. What did I come on time?

Start: 25,000
End level 4: 25,100

2 hours play for a 100 chip profit lol.

The next session is more productive however.

We flop top set on a K-5-2 board with two diamonds. We have no low draw and no flush draw but go for the aggressive approach and bet it all the way against 3 callers.
Turn: Q
And chance we can scoop this?
River: 5
Si señor. Scoop!

End level 8: 60,300

We power on to 90k before losing a couple of pots to sit on 70k at dinner break, slightly above average.

There’s a lot going on in the main tournament room today with the main, a $25k high roller and a $3k PLO so we get the hot pink clock [emoji23]

Last mint chocolate and rainbow sprinkles for this trip.

Down to 2 tables and I haven’t seen an Ace in over an hour. Then I do get a couple in hands like A25Q and wish I hadn’t as I ran into AAxx both times and we’re out in 15th.

And that concludes the tournaments for this trip.
We did have two 3rd place finishes and got within touching distance of the money on 4 other occasions but all in all a little disappointing.

Some good starts but we lost our way a bit in the middle stages through a combination of cold cards, bad luck and probably a little bad play mixed in as well.

We made it to the sports book for the 2nd half of MNF. I leaned Broncos pre-game but didn’t want to lay the -6.5

Live betting is about timing. Waiting for the right opportunity. Sometimes it doesn’t come, but if it does you need to be ready to pounce.

We chose our spot when the Browns scored a go ahead TD mid way through the 4th quarter.

It proved to be a good spot but not without danger. There was a huge roar when the Broncos picked off Winston and ran it back for a TD with less than 2 minutes remaining to seal the win. Probably 90% of people in the sports book were on the Broncos.
There was another roar a couple of minutes later when they intercepted him again to secure the cover and end the game.

Nothing better than cashing tickets. Online just isn’t the same. Cash money baby!

By the Numbers

Tournaments Played: 11
Bullets Fired: 13
Total Buy-Ins: $7,800

Cashes: 2
Total Prize Money: $6,685

Tournaments Net: -$1,115

Cash Games

Played 3 sessions and won all 3. +$6,500

Sports Betting

Only counting physical tickets placed here at the Hard Rock. +$5,000

So still a decent trip despite losing in the tournaments which is why I would never like to only rely on tournaments for income, although we will keep trying to win one of the damn things [emoji23]

Plenty of players are continuing on the tournament trail, either to the Bahamas or to the Wynn. We need to go home and spend some time with the family, but we hope to be back in January.

I’ll have to get Carmela something nice for Christmas so she let’s me come back in January, although I don’t think a pair of slippers and a d1ldo will cut it? [emoji23]

Happy holidays everyone and thanks for following along.

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Maybe a pair of dildos and a slipper?

Great TR! Thanks for letting us tag along.

by feel wrath k

Maybe a pair of dildos and a slipper?


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FANTASTIC trip report, good sir

New Year - New Trip!

If everyone is sitting comfortably, then I’ll begin.

Once upon a time, a long, long, (long) time ago, December of 2013 to be exact, in a far-away place called Atlantic City we did actually manage to win a tournament. :shocked:

Yeeeesssss we won a preeeeeccciiioouuusssss.

We won it from some filthy hobitssss

We was more trixy and clever.


Shut up.

Where was I? Oh yes, I was saying we once won a tournament in Atlantic City, so why not return to the scene of a former triumph? It was actually in Harrah's, not Borgata, but we'll overlook that minor detail for the sake of the narrative.

Was just looking back at that trip repor... Good memories, but onto the task in hand:

The BEAST goes down to the SHORE to dip his TOE in the water and HOSE the locals.

Hopefully we’re the beast in the above scenario!

A fun looking schedule for the Borgata’s Winter Poker Open including a mixed game leaderboard. And we’ll be calling in at the Hard Rock again on our way home for their Lucky Hearts Poker Open which also features a mixed game leaderboard and a $3,000 HORSE finale.

Our full itinerary for this long two-stop trip is:

Jan 1st: Travel Day. Medellin - Fort Lauderdale - Atlantic City

Jan 2nd: $500 Omaha 8

Jan 3rd: $500 HOSE

Jan 4th: $500 Big O

Jan 5th: $500 Deuce to Seven Triple Draw

Jan 6th: $500 BEAST

Jan 7th: $1,140 PLO

Jan 8th: $500 SHORE

Jan 9th: $500 Eight Game

Jan 10th: $500 PLO Mix

Jan 11th: $500 TOE

Jan 12th: Travel. Atlantic City - Fort Lauderdale

Jan 12th: $600 PLO Mix

Jan 13th: $600 TORSE

Jan 14th: $600 Nine Game

Jan 15th: $600 PLO 8

Jan 16th: $600 Omaha 8

Jan 17th: $600 Big O

Jan 18th: $600 Deuce to Seven Triple Draw

Jan 19th: $1,100 PLO Mix

Jan 20th: $3,000 HORSE

Jan 21st: $600 OE

Jan 22nd: Fly Home. Fort Lauderdale - Panama - Medellin

Damn. That's a brutal schedule. Looking forward to you crushing!

All 1 day tourneys I assume? Have fun and run well.

Is there much to do in AC at this time of year other than win MTTs and take pics of expensive steaks?

by feel wrath k

All 1 day tourneys I assume? Have fun and run well.

Is there much to do in AC at this time of year other than win MTTs and take pics of expensive steaks?

Thanks. Yes all 1 day tourneys with the exception of the $1k PLO at the Borg and the $3k HORSE at Hard Rock.

No, not much to do in AC this time of the year. In fact I’m probably a dog to even leave the casino [emoji23]

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by TonySoprano9 k

Thanks. Yes all 1 day tourneys with the exception of the $1k PLO at the Borg and the $3k HORSE at Hard Rock.

No, not much to do in AC this time of the year. In fact I’m probably a dog to even leave the casino [emoji23]

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Not sure the outdoor pool would be advisable

GL Tony. In the event that you crush in January and bink something big, there's a high roller mixed game series at the Aria studio starting in February:

Yep, I was in AC in January two years ago. It was cold, empty, dark and miserable. Better stay in the casino. The poker games I was in were not great either, but I only played cash and didn't grind hard. But good luck to you.

by feel wrath k

Not sure the outdoor pool would be advisable


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by DogFace k

GL Tony. In the event that you crush in January and bink something big, there's a high roller mixed game series at the Aria studio starting in February:

Nice series. Think I’d have to go beyond crushing to consider those buy-ins though.

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by marknfw k

Damn. That's a brutal schedule. Looking forward to you crushing!

Yea, hopefully haven’t bitten off more than I can chew schedule wise.
Maybe I’ll work a day off in somewhere if I’m not in contention for the leaderboards.

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Borgata Winter Poker Open
Day One - Wednesday January 1st

Happy New Year!

Celebrations started mid-December for the green and white half of Medellin with Atlético Nacional winning both the league and the cup.

I didn’t see much fireworks last night, probably because they used them all at this game lol.

And also because I was busy checking in for my flight ……. at midnight on New Year’s Eve [emoji30]

Turns out Atlantic City is not easy to get to from Medellin, nor cheap.

We went with the most economical option which was with Spirit and seemed like a good idea at the time of booking but now I’m not so sure.

Depart Medellin at 02:48 and a 9 hour and 40 minute layover in Fort Lauderdale. WTF was I thinking when I booked this? [emoji30]

First time flying with Spirit and it was actually okay. We paid a little more for the comfy option where they block the middle seat which turned out to be a good choice as the seats aren’t all that big.

We finally made it to AC, where the sand turns to gold, but it was the cold and wind-chill that hit me as soon as I stepped out of the airport. Now I’m an even bigger dog to step foot outside the Borg during the trip.

The airport was pretty deserted, not sure if it’s always like that or just because it’s a holiday.
There wasn’t a taxi in sight and when I checked uber they wanted $100. **** that.

There was however a dodgy guy outside soliciting rides. I asked how much to the Borg and he responded $40

As my bag was one of the last off there literally wasn’t another person in sight, inside nor outside the airport.
With the wind howling it was like something out of a horror movie. All that was missing was the serial killer. Maybe this guy? [emoji44]

**** it. I’m freezing my ass off, I’ll take my chances. Let’s go I say.
He turns out not to be a serial killer. First good read of the trip [emoji3] or maybe I just watch too many movies.

We checked in on the app, although not sure about these digital room keys. Might have to go and get a physical one tomorrow. Can’t teach an old dog new tricks.

Nice room, high floor, I think I can see the ocean but can’t really tell as it’s dark.

22 hours traveling door to door [emoji30]

Sleep time [emoji42]

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Happy New Year!

Happy New Year! Run good and thanks for sharing, again.

Borgata Winter Poker Open
Day Two - Thursday January 2nd

View from my room in daylight:

Woke up early and went looking for the pool. (The indoor one [emoji3])

This will do nicely for our morning swim.

Lunch in the food court before the tournament starts.

Mixed game players down in the dungeon.

Small room, low ceiling, dark and cold. Not the best.

O8 today. Dealers horrible. Did not have one dealer that knew what they were doing dealing Omaha 8.
Makes it extra tiring having to worry about what the dealers are doing as well as trying to play the game.

My opening table was pretty soft but then got moved and had Ari Engel and Roland Israelashvili on my direct left. #2 and #3 on the all-time cashes list.
Nevertheless we were chipping up nicely:

Start: 30,000
End level 4: 35,500
End Level 8: 50,500
End Level 12: 76,000

Dinner break. $10 vouchers for players. Nice touch. Every little helps.

Pizza in the food court.

End level 16: 124,000

And then the wheels came off.
From having just below average with 25 left to out in 3 hands. 8,000 - 16,000 not the level you want to run bad on [emoji30]

This was one of the hands:

Raise on button with AKT3. The BB calls.
Flop K-T-7
He checks, I bet he calls.
Turn: 5
He checks, I bet, he calls
River: J
He bets, I call.
He shows 89 for the straight.

Don’t remember the other two hands exactly but they were along the same lines. The last one involved a missed nut low, nut flush draw.

Although here it seems they say ‘lock low’ which I hadn’t heard before. Local terminology I’m guessing?

So an abrupt end to the day. Felt like I was cruising then busto. Such is life, tomorrow’s another day.

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Never heard of lock low either

Bogota Winter Open
Day Three - Friday January 3rd

HOSE on deck today. Not sure why Razz doesn’t get any love, I don’t mind it.

2 days in and I have to say not impressed with things here.
Only one person on registration so long lines.
Staff and dealers unprepared to start on time.
Dealers really horrible. Don’t know how to deal the games and poor technique.
Lots of mistakes today on my table and we had to have the floor over 3 times in the space of 5 hands at one point.
Down cards being dealt up, premature cards, 5 cards instead of 4 at Omaha. I could go on [emoji30]

Never really got going today and busted just before the dinner break.

Penne arrabiata from the Italian place in the food court.

After busting the tournament went looking for a cash game. There were 2 x 5-5 PLO games running but they didn’t look like good games so I sat with the OMC’s in the 20-40 Stud.

I must have been the youngest player on the table at 46 by at least 15 years but it was a decent game.

I couldn’t manage to get ahead though. Win one, lose one, rinse and repeat.

Game broke when it was their bed time. I was down $300 and called it a night.

Does this count as going outside? Didn’t leave the property but nipped out briefly into the freezing night to take this shot.

The things I do for the trip report [emoji23]

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Guessing that’s not Celsius ?
