Prairiebreeze’s Cannonball (Hit and) Run III – December 1-5, 2024
Welcome to Prairiebreeze’s Cannonball (Hit and) Run III.
Cannonball Run III never actually had that title. It was originally Cannonball Fever, but if you google either of those titles, you discover that it ended up with the title Speed Rush.
If you thought Cannonball Run II was bad. The third edition was worse. If you look at the five reviews on Rotten Tomatoes (0%). Among the reviews:
“This is a movie that lasts 95 minutes and contains one (1) laugh. To save you the admission price, here is the joke: Dickie Smothers: “We’ve got to go to the Dulles airport.” Tommy Smothers: “What are we going to Fresno for?” Dickie: “What makes you think we’re going to Fresno?” Tommy: “Well, you said the dullest airport, didn’t you?”
“The third Cannonball Run film is a mind-numbingly abysmal, cheapo Canadian production starring John Candy and a bunch of C and D listers. Might make a good answer to a trivia question, but this little-known sequel is truly pathetic.”
Hey, I’m Canadian damnit!
Perhaps the most ironic part of this series is that I hate car racing. I really do. I think what F1 has done do LV each year is complete crap. Last year’s TR didn’t talk about it much, but F1 prep last year made getting up and down the strip a giant pain in the ass. Hence, we hit Vegas after F1 and the clown show clears out. If the trees are back at Bellagio, great. But there’s trees everywhere else on this planet. Only one Strip.
Another Trip, Another Dream. And this will NOT be that pathetic. I hope.
December 1 – travel day including a direct flight! LFG! Land at about 17:00, get a decent meal. Figure out where to jam in a short session. Bellagio & Horseshoe would be at/near the top of the list right now.
December 2 – Have a buddy arriving a few hours before MNF – Broncos/Browns. Blech. MGM Grand to start the day, then work our way north on the strip.
December 3 – Wynn/Encore - Event #1 at the WPT - $600 Limit O8 at 11am.
December 4 – Resorts World. Apparently Rodeo World 2024 rolls into town and starts on the 5th? Yee Haw! Bring me some fish riding in on those horses!
December 5 – we will see, travel home (flight out is at 13:00)
Starting Bankroll: $5,200
Home base for this trip: Flamingo (we pick the least expensive place that isn’t an unreasonable trek – but holy crap are hotel rates higher this year – I booked months ago and they’re still double what I paid to stay at Horseshoe last year.) Stop pricing people out of going, LV. Bitcoin ain't going up forever.
Main goals:
WPT: Play an event. Looks like the $600 Limit O8.
Eat better. Specifically, dinners – those were a huge failure last year. Packing more stuff for in between meals AND will have spots scoped even better than last time.
Register for cash games online where possible – and it looks more possible this year - welcome to the 21st century, poker rooms. Play bigger. Less 1/3, more 2/5. Get out of crappy games faster. Actually do some hitting and running. We didn’t get many hits last year.
Will we ever get to Freemont and visit Circa or the Nugget?
Will the Hero finally get himself a Hendon Mob entry? (this is +1200 right now, according to my "friend")
Will Hero's friend abduct him towards Spearmint Rhino? (he says this is +150 right now)
Will there be another knock on my door at 3am? (Oh, god please no. Refer to Cannonball Run I for that story.)
Many questions. Let’s get after it and find out the answers together!
Doubled with AA v a tilted dude I hope?
Dinner at Wazuzu was pretty solid. Drunken Noodles with Chicken. Lowest spice level imaginable (by choice). Would eat there again at the next level of spice upward.
Poked around on some slots while my buddy went back and played more PLO. Up and down but basically even.
We walked to Venetian to sweat the Knights game (ML +110) and play some more. This is where the 4 session winning streak ends after I 4 bet ripped with JJ and got called by AKoff and guy hits an ace on the turn and I can't hit my 10 outer on the river for a full buy in. (board: T98A3)
Wandered back to Flamingo. Slots were even, lost 200 playing craps (craps at Flamingo have been bad, should have just kept walking to Horsehoe, where I can't seem to lose at those craps tables - 3 years in a row).
All in all, other than the sports bet winner which I'll cash in tomorrow, a really even day. 11 hours of poker today between the tournament and cash games. Only 1 am, but man my eyes are crossing from playing so much today.
We're up about a grand - poker is about 800 of that, everything else is very break even-ish. Craps up 200(?), sports betting up 100. So we're down a hundred on slots?
Last full day tomorrow. Plan, because I should be mostly solo, as my buddy wants to play the $800 HORSE at the Wynn:
Cash ticket at Wynn sportsbook, see if Resorts World will have any games rolling at all (they had just ONE 1/3 game going at 7pm today), *probably* take an uber maybe as far as MGM grand and work my way back north from there. This could also happen in reverse order - we will see. Maybe take the our shot at Aria or Bellagio?
Only true cowboys I've seen so far were at the Horseshoe craps table. Venetian is SWIMMING in Amazon tech bros.
I’m always picturing the scene from Rounders of dudes in sports coats and name tags sitting into the game.
Yes. That’s what I get for typing too fast.
I raise pre with AhAs. 2 callers.
Flop 954hhx. I bet 2/3 pot they both call
Turn Kh dude leads half pot I call.
River 3h he snap jams and I snap call.
Pay this man his money.
Dude jammed with a four-flush on board holding second-nut flush at best when you called third heart on turn? Dude deserves for you to have his money! Gogogo!
Seems like you are enjoying the trip big time Prairie, as it really should be when you are in Vegas baby.
Also didnt know you were a PLO pro, but good to see you playing the 4 card game nonetheless 😀 I mean the variance can be brutal for sure to stomack, but the type of mistakes people do for stacks in PLO you extremely rarely get to see in NL imo.
Falling in love with PLO.
9am and we are on the move from Flamingo.
The cowboys are arriving at Flamingo! Lobby is FULL of them. Let’s go have a day!
Nice. I need to start playing slots.
Walking through Park MGM another pinball machine was generous enough to donate another $11 to the count.
At MGM Grand, where I’ve never played before in a 1/2 uncapped game.
And I have 100% picked the WORST game in Vegas to flop sets in back to back hands.
Top set one hand, bottom set the next. Shrug.
And somehow I am stuck in this game?
Guy flopped a bigger boat than the one I rivered.
Then he 2 outed me for a bigger pot.
And YouTube legend Pokerkraut is my dealer.
And I just turned quad 4’s to win a good pot and have 23 minutes to sweat.
Good luck! Sorry you have to go back to The Great White North.
How'd you manage to have quad 4s with a 3 kicker?
Sorry about the tough beats, good on you to come back with this.
Left that game up thanks to the quads bonus. Would have been a $5 loss otherwise.
Got to Wynn and cashed the ticket just as my buddy busted the HORSE event.
Venetian is a ****ing zoo. Amazon gong show of the highest order. Every restaurant closed for private events.
We go up to the poker room. I scoop a DBBP with QJJ7hhxx flopping top set and a flush and filling up the set on the turn.
We hit and run for almost +400 and are now off to Aria. RW has two games going. Two.
We are back at Aria. Buddy is in 1/2 PLO getting buried. I’m in 1/3 turning quad queens and not getting paid.
He hit his same game NHL parlay for +800 odds.
I have ANA/Vegas under 6.5 and Dallas money line.
Last night here. Keep grinding.
You just need a couple BOMB POTS, and you’re right back in it, baby!
Well, we pushed. Until about 3am.
My 1/3 game at Aria was hit and miss and I missed more flops than I care to count. Small loss.
Split the sports bets. Stars had a 2-0 lead and choked.
We head back to Horseshoe for craps and Coronas. There was one good roll where I got from 66 inside up to 220 inside but couldn’t get hot enough. Lost 400.
So the slot tour on the way back helped us get out of this hole. The noteworthy hit, again on Pinball:
The Coronas are working well, so the 3am snack is… Johnny Rockets? Their tagline should be “if you get sick, you’ll never know if it was the booze or this burger”.
Got just a couple hours left so we’ll see what’s up this morning.
It was great meeting you. I think you were still playing at Aria when I was on line to cash out, but when I headed to the table to say goodbye, you were gone :( Tell your buddy sorry for all the beats. I couldn't seem to miss against him 😉 I'm pretty sure I told him not to sit in that seat -- it's where my top full lost to quads.
Safe travels!
The Coronas are working well, so the 3am snack is… Johnny Rockets? Their tagline should be “if you get sick, you’ll never know if it was the booze or this burger”.
Got just a couple hours left so we’ll see what’s up this morning.
At least there's food of some kind. I've resorted to gift shop gas station sandwich more than once, and at Rio, when even the sandwiches were gone, a couple of blueberry danish.
How's the quest for Hendon Mob going?