Vegas Trip in April

Vegas Trip in April

I know it's way too early, but I'm excited and the trip is booked. Will be flying in April 26 and home on May 3. I work in horse racing, so traveling on Derby Day is not ideal, but I'm not going this year so all is well. I will work half days while I'm there, though, which I did that in the fall when I took a full week of vacation, so I know I can do it πŸ˜‰

We are staying at the Hilton Grand on the north part of the strip because my husband's conference is at the Fontainebleau, so it's basically across the street. Might end up playing more at Wynn and Venetian than Aria.

I'll update this every once in a while with local poker hands/stories to keep it interesting until April. Plus, we have nine-day trip to Ireland at the end of March for my birthday, so maybe I'll post a little about that, too. Not sure if the 10 euro betting limit legislation passed in Ireland, but if it didn't, we might get a night of poker in -- we are traveling with our best friend, who is from Dublin but is not a poker player.

Anyway, I'm excited!

) 29 Views 29
04 February 2025 at 07:50 PM

28 Replies


Why is this view so different than every other thread?

Regardless, I always enjoy a Javanewt TR. Looking forward to it!

Hmmm. Are you just now getting acquainted with the new site?

I hope this is a good one! I plan to play live Wednesday and Friday nights.

What fresh hell is this? (the new site I mean)


It's a bit strange, yes. Most threads still show in the old format for me, but then there is a couple (like this one) which is only viewable in the new format.

But wishing good luck to Javanewt when the time comes for Vegas! πŸ˜€

Thank you! I moved over to the new site a while ago, so I'm used to it now -- it gets better πŸ˜‰

Looking forward to your trip report. Wife and I will be in LV Apr 27 - May 2 and we are travelling to Ireland in June for a birthday trip. In one of your trip reports from a year or two ago (or maybe it was a casual dining post?) you mentioned a restaurant in Miracle Mile shops. I seem to remember decent food and not crazy prices. I looked for your post again but no luck. Can you remember what it was?

I can't remember the name (Ocean's One or something), but it closed last year -- some people refused to eat there, and maybe they were right, but we enjoyed it!

If you have questions about Ireland, I'm happy to answer whatever I can during and after our trip. We'll be traveling south and west, most likely. My friend's sister still lives in Dublin, and she's going to travel to the coast with us. My friend has a few friends with castles, so I hope we get to stay in one πŸ˜‰ Our first two nights are basic at The Mont in Dublin and then we are going to wing it. I'll definitely report on it.

Any Ireland info will be appreciated. Thx.

Oh, I forgot to mention that we are also going to Cherokee, N.C., to play the WSOP circuit. We'll play the seniors NLHE on February 16 and the PLO on February 17! I cashed in the PLO a few years ago, and I hope to do even better this year.

I love Cherokee. We camp at the KOA and take our dogs. It's a beautiful area. I also love Sylva and Dillsboro -- two quaint towns not far from the casino. Sylva is my favorite. It has a great, dog-friendly brewery/restaurant and other neat places to wonder, drink, and dine.

Plus, the PLO cash is fantastic. Rake is a little high, but the bad play makes it worth it πŸ˜‰

If you ever get the chance, I highly recommend it. I'll provide a mini-trip report here on that long weekend.

I liked Ocean's One (I think that's right), as the prices were insanely low considering location. HH prices, discounted beer, etc. My issue was the smell in the Miracle Mile in/around the restaurant. Smelled like sewer. Sad it closed, though.

In for Cherokee/Ireland TRs, too.

(Not loving the new interface - 1st time posting)


Good luck during your trip. I have read some of your previous trip reports and never knew that you work in horse racing. I also work in horse racing in Louisiana & New Mexico and have done so most of my adult life. Like you, I also much prefer PLO.

I’ll be at Cherokee the 14th - 17th!

Gonna play the mini-main, and some cash PLO while I’m there πŸ˜€

I think I’ll be able to pick you out from previously posted ladies’ shoes pics

I should be easy to find πŸ˜‰ One of the few middle-aged (if we live over 100) woman playing PLO, shoulder-length light brown with gray highlights hair usually in a pony tail, blue/green eyes, drinking a glass of wine or champagne. Please say hello!

Forgot to do a write up about the PLO Friday night. My husband and I took the camper and parked out back as usual, but it's been months since we've played in this game. They actually had two tables going, so we split up.

Early on I raise w/ KK34ds and get two callers. I've played with these guys, but it's been a while. I start the hand short w/ about $300 because I haven't topped up from missing a draw. Flop comes Q85r. I c-bet $30, call, next guy makes it $130. I consider just shoving, but there are so few draws I figure he must have at least two pair, maybe a set, and I'm not drawing to anything, so I fold. Next guy calls. Turn is a 2x and they gii. River is an A. Ahhhhh. I river the nuts and the first raiser wins with a pair of 2s. OMG. They both had 679 -- one with a 2 and one with a T. Unbelievable.

The winner of that hand goes on to sun run. He can't be beat, and I certainly can't beat him. I raise w/ AAXX diamonds. Flop comes Kd8d6x. We gii and his A665 holds. Another hand I raise w/ AQJT ds. I bet the flop (two clubs on board) with a wrap (I have one club), he calls. Turn is a club. Check, check. River gives me the nut straight. I check, he bets $100, I sigh call and he has K-high clubs.

Another hand he raises, one caller, I 3bet to $65 w/ AAQX ds with spades. Flop comes Ks9sX. They check, I pot, sun runner folds, but next guy repots. I sigh call. He has K9XX. Turn is a J, but I still miss the river completely.

It was ugly. I was actually in for $2, 500 and ended up down only $700, but it was depressing. I didn't even scoop a double board bomb pot and chopped only one. We did end up playing DBBPs for an hour or so at the end of the night with five of us, which was fun.

In the middle of the game, some random guys knock on the door. We have cameras, double doors, etc., to try to keep it safe. Turns out they are from the biker gang next door and want us to move our camper. I guess they were expecting a lot of bikers. However, it starts to pour, and only a few of them show up. We end up freezing in our camper because we can't reach the outlet and we don't want the generator to get wet. LOL. The dogs helped keep us warm. The bikers who were there were still blaring music at 4:30 a.m. when the game broke.

I hope I run better Saturday night at Cherokee! At least we'll be warm in the camper πŸ˜‰

Headed to Cherokee late Saturday morning. We expected to get to the KOA at around 5:30. In Sevierville, my husband decided to stop at the DeWalt store, although he already owns every tool imaginable. When we get back in the truck, Waze will no longer give me directions, and Google maps is sending us three hours around our normal route! Sure enough, 441 is closed due to high winds :(

We decide to push through and get to the campsite about 8:45, but it was quite the trip with a travel trailer. Foothills Parkway is extremely curvy -- it was very slow going. At one point I looked out my window an my knees buckled at the drop -- with no guardrail.

It was beautiful, though. Really glad we still had light for part of it:

Woke up a little later than planned this morning, but made it to the Senior event at Cherokee by 10:30.

It started off great. I raise w/ TT from SB, couple of calls. Board is 38J rainbow. I bet and get one caller. Turn is a T, I bet and he shoves. I figure if he hit the straight, so be it. I call and he has JT.

Unfortunately, it went downhill from there. I just couldn't get anything going. I won a few hands, but hovered around even for a while. TT was my best hand. Had AQ twice and lost both.

I decide to call T7hh from the button after two callers, and the SB, who has been extremely active, min-raises. One caller and I call. The flop comes 9c7s3s and they check to me. I bet 6, 000 leaving only about 12, 000 behind (blinds are 300 800/800, avg. is ~25, 000). SB shoves, and I am ready to snap him off when the other guy goes all in. I sigh fold thinking I'm good but I probably have to fade a ton of cards. Sure enough, it's AQo vs. K9ss -- K on turn, spade on river.

I about get blinded down and am down to 7, 000 on the BTN w/ JThh. Guy to my right who has been raising very light min-raises, I shove, folds around and he has 89cc. 9 on the turn and I'm out :( I think there were close to 700 players and still ~500 when I went out!

One nice thing about being a woman in a poker tourney is no wait for the restroom πŸ˜€

Like, 15 open stalls. LOL.

My husband went out just before I did, but he bought back in. I came back to walk the dogs. The rain has been insane! Love this campground, though.

Kilkenny>Kinsale>Kenmare>Dingle>Doolin>Galway is a great loop along the west

Thanks, RED.

Couldn't get anything going in the PLO tournament. I think I won one hand.

Was ready to call a player who was raising constantly and didn't seem to know what she was doing, but the guy between us 3bet and I folded 8c8s9dJc. Should have called because it's the only hand I would have won -- flopped an 8 and turned a FH. The guy's AA took it down.

Had AcAdJh2h and the flop came all spades w/ action.

Flopped a set of Ts on a 8s9sTs board from the blinds and was too short to donk into five players. 7s3s won the hand.

Finally got my last 5, 000 in w/ Ah9h8c6c -- best hand I'd seen. I was up against Ac9c7s3s and another hand like KJ73. Board came QQTT3. LOL.

Off to 1/2 PLO, but was quickly reminded that it's actually 1/2. Ugh. Switched to the 5/5, which was much better. Ended up down $100, but played well so I was happy. A few luck boxes at the table had huge stacks! They were gii w/ bottom set or bottom two on scary boards and holding. Amazing.

Hubby made it close to the bubble in the PLO. Was chip leader for a while, but just couldn't hold on :(

Drove around and looked at a few places for sale (we want land here), and then had lunch at Lazy Hiker Brewing with the pups. Heading to casino soon.

I hate the way it squishes photos :( Glad it's clickable!

Played 5/5 PLO last night. Very first hand had three all-ins ($500, $1, 000, >$1, 000) -- one was my husband w/ KK77ds -- he is the one who shoved. They ran it twice and my husband got half from the other big stack, but the dealer counted the chips wrong. My husband should have gotten $1, 020, but he only got $780. We had to wait about 20 minutes for the camera review. They came back and said the dealer pulled $300 from each and left $110 back, which is impossible since my husband started the hand w/ $1, 000, but whatever. At least he got $110 of it.

It was an insane game. A guy limp/called $700 pre w/ TdTs6d2d (and split the pot). One woman went through $5, 000 in no time! I didn't get any of it, because by the time I got a playable hand, she had tightened up :( I did end up winning $800. My husband played way too many hands and lost a bit more than that, though, after more than doubling up his second buy-in :( Good thing we keep our poker money separate -- he is just way too loose. He desperately wants to be a good LAG, but he's not there yet. I will stick with my TAG play.

We are stuck in the mountains one more night because of the weather, so I'll play again today.

Sounds like a good game. Is this still Cherokee?

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Yes. Still in Cherokee. Glad to know someone is reading my posts!

We were supposed to leave Wednesday, but the weather was terrible and our route home was closed again, so we stayed another day.

I went back to the casino yesterday around 2:30 and got in another 5/5 PLO game. Not nearly as crazy as the Tuesday night game. Kind of lame, but there was some straddling at least -- and a few guys who raised almost every hand. I seriously don't know what these guys are thinking. It's incredible to me how loose they are and how many hands they play. Granted, most of them end up re-buying multiple times.

I played my usual tight game. I was up and down and ended up $835, so a good session. Probably should have been more. Twice I repotted pre and was called and told, "I hope I can beat your aces."

My favorite hand I (was down to ~$500 at this point early in game) potted pre w/ KdKsJdTs and got two callers. I potted the 5d8s9d flop and they both called. I potted the blank turn and one guy folded and the other shoved. I called. River was the beautiful 7d.

I stayed until about 7:30, then spent the evening in the camper with my husband and pups.

We are headed home today. I hope the roads aren't too bad.

I am also reading the posts, but have nothing to contribute with except for ... Love it!

Love PLO, love this. Keep posting.

Thank you!

Another fun hand: BTN straddle, I call HJ w/ A633ds. I rarely play these hands, but this seemed decent considering my competition. BTN raises, two callers, I call. BTN is playing 80% of his hands and raising a lot. Flop is 369 rainbow. Checks to BTN who pots, folds to me and I repot. I hate bottom set in PLO, but not vs. this guy. He calls. We run it twice and I hold both boards. This is the one player I couldn't seem to lose to. He called my AA twice ("I hope I can beat your aces") and lost both (once he folded flop; once he was all in for another $150). I think all my profit came from him.

Cherokee is a great place for PLO. However, the 1/2 is a $2 bring in (poor dealers). Also, they now charge $10 / half hour for the 1/2 (crazy) and the 5/5 (worth it). Because of this, they deal players in who aren't at the table until they miss a blind, which is fine with me. They also run it twice now as long as everyone agrees.

A few guys complained about the time rake, but I let them know that if they win three hands in an hour, they are basically saving $1 -- the rake was $7 max, and the 5/5 game almost always gets there. For tight players like me it's probably not as good, but I don't mind.

Bad beat for me: on Monday a double chardonnay was $10; the price changed to $14 on Tuesday.

Our ride home was interesting. Got to one road and it was closed to tractor trailers, and we decided not to risk it, so changed route. I downloaded an RV gps app. I've never paid for an app until now. I figure $65/yr is a small price to pay not to get stuck somewhere with a 28 ft trailer behind us!

Oh, we did get to see a huge herd of elk on the way out -- wish I had pics. This is from 2022. I'm sure it's the same herd:

Back home, but probably won't play again until next week.

Still don't like the new interface, but still reading/enjoying the TR. Maybe someday I'll play some PLO for real (something besides the occasional DBBP reluctantly)

I'll be reading from now on as I was given a tip on how to read it in the old format. I was sad to skip it due to my resistance to the new. For those like me who are avoiding the New, click java's name>Find threads started by java>this thread. Opens right up in the old format. Not sure what happens now in my subbed list since this is my first post. We'll see!
