Vegas Trip in April
I know it's way too early, but I'm excited and the trip is booked. Will be flying in April 26 and home on May 3. I work in horse racing, so traveling on Derby Day is not ideal, but I'm not going this year so all is well. I will work half days while I'm there, though, which I did that in the fall when I took a full week of vacation, so I know I can do it 😉
We are staying at the Hilton Grand on the north part of the strip because my husband's conference is at the Fontainebleau, so it's basically across the street. Might end up playing more at Wynn and Venetian than Aria.
I'll update this every once in a while with local poker hands/stories to keep it interesting until April. Plus, we have nine-day trip to Ireland at the end of March for my birthday, so maybe I'll post a little about that, too. Not sure if the 10 euro betting limit legislation passed in Ireland, but if it didn't, we might get a night of poker in -- we are traveling with our best friend, who is from Dublin but is not a poker player.
Anyway, I'm excited!