BigWhale & brother (feat. MuckPls) does Vegas - 2025 edition (21st-31st March)

BigWhale & brother (feat. MuckPls) does Vegas - 2025 edition (21st-31st March)

Hello people,

I can't believe it's been 6 months since I have been in Vegas, and we cannot let that go on for much longer! I will fly to London on March 20th after work, relax at a hotel there overnight, and then fly direct from there to Las Vegas on Friday the 21st (just in time for March Madness).

My brother will finally join in as well; he actually has a business trip to the US coming up in a few days, so when he is done with work he is already in the country. He will also head out to Vegas on the 21st of March.

A late addition to the trip is also 'MuckPls' who said YOLO and booked his own trip as well. I'll let him post the details on his end.

With this being the middle of March, and MGM having slashed my previous reasonable offers, it was not super easy to find cheap hotels. As of such, I have to stay at 3 different hotels to take advantage of the comp nights I had available (although I have to pay full resort fee). I will be staying at:

- Excalibur (2 nights)
- Flamingo (4 nights)
- MGM Grand (4 nights)

That said, it won't be too much stress to switch between the hotels. For MGM properties I can obviously check in and get digital room keys through the app. And for Flamingo I will just show up early and pay the (ridiculously high) early check-in fee to avoid gigantic lines.

It's March Madness time in Vegas when we are there, so I have high expectation of there being a lot of games to play and hopefully some good action as well. But regardless, it should be a fun and hopefully profitable trip. I will come back with some more thoughts + picture of shoe and bankroll in a few days.

As always, you guys can expect a lot of hand histories as well as random pictures from my end. Hopefully I can get brother to post a bit as well. And MuckPls will obviously also contribute with his own degen stories

This is only the first of many trips to Vegas for me in 2025, but we can get back to that later. I am regardless stoked for the trip, and it will be nice having someone to share the excitement with as well!

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12 March 2025 at 06:09 PM

185 Replies


by BigWhale k

After coming back from South Point and relaxing a bit, it was time to head out and find a game to play. We both ended up going to Venetian again to play $1/$3 as my brother was keen on trying the Double Board PLO bomb pots, and I am always down for playing in their new & comfortable room.

We both got a seat immediately (at different tables), and I got to work immediately at mine. I raise 77 to $12 from MP, and get calls from the button (short stacked female) and BB.

Short and stacked, huh? Where's the pic?

Your black player sounds a bit like one I've played with there. Always talking, always in a hand. At one point I realized he had reloaded twice, so not very good I guess.

Nice to hit two straight flushes!

This bad boy of a machine at Flamingo even continued to pay off a little bit more after that, so I cashed out around $1000 from it. It's good to finally get a win after a few days with cold machines. 😀

The newly renovated Tower Suites at MGM are lit:

Currently accepting applications for women who wants to join me in this shower, since I should be able to squeeze in a few:

Nice hit on VP, Enhanced!

Run bad never stops this trip it seems. Flight from Malta to London over 3 hours delayed, won’t be home before 4 am. Pretty much a 12 hour layover at the crappy part of LHR…

How would you compare the level of play at Venetian vs. Aria? Also general preference one room over the other? Going in July, I was assuming I'd play Aria the whole time, but curious if I should venture down to Venetian for at least one session.

by Brandooo k

How would you compare the level of play at Venetian vs. Aria? Also general preference one room over the other? Going in July, I was assuming I'd play Aria the whole time, but curious if I should venture down to Venetian for at least one session.

Definitely try Venetian, especially if you like double board PLO bomb pots. They do them every dealer change and if you are somewhat decent in Omaha then you have a HUGE edge vs the rest of the table who have absolutely no clue what they are doing and will happily pile in money only playing second or third nuts on one board.

I personally prefer Aria, the dealers, the floor, the room - everything is just great and the $500 buyin makes for quite deepststack play especially late at night. The biggest stack I’ve seen so far was around $7000 and the guy was barely up.

And to answer your original question: Aria is more tourists, more drunk people and action players. Venetian is more promo hunters, nits and older people and it can be very boring sometimes.

Nice pics Enhanced! I’ve never considered mgm grand because of size/distance but the room looks great

Also great to get the good draw on VP

I am not as baller as my brother, but to my surprise I also got one of the renovated rooms (Grand King Two Queen):

Out the window we can see Oyo and the airport:

Here is the new 'Netflix Bites' restaurant:

And the lion is holding court in the lobby:

I wonder what the banners were supposed to represent around the lion. CU didn't do anything this year; certainly wasn't March Madness or even postseason teams.

Very nice suite Enhanced

by golddog k

I wonder what the banners were supposed to represent around the lion. CU didn't do anything this year; certainly wasn't March Madness or even postseason teams.

There's a tournament in Vegas sorta like the NIT - for teams that weren't good enough to make the NIT. Can't remember the name.

by MuckPls k

Definitely try Venetian, especially if you like double board PLO bomb pots. They do them every dealer change and if you are somewhat decent in Omaha then you have a HUGE edge vs the rest of the table who have absolutely no clue what they are doing and will happily pile in money only playing second or third nuts on one board.

I personally prefer Aria, the dealers, the floor, the room - everything is just great and the $500 buyin makes for quite deepststack play especially late at night. The bigge

Room-wise I'm more a fan of the Venetian. It's less crowded and there's more space between the tables. I run equally bad in both rooms.

by pig4bill k

There's a tournament in Vegas sorta like the NIT - for teams that weren't good enough to make the NIT. Can't remember the name.

Something called the "College Basketball Crown," it turns out. Looking at the bracket, it appears to be a big-conference circle jerk for the most part.

by MuckPls k

Definitely try Venetian, especially if you like double board PLO bomb pots. They do them every dealer change and if you are somewhat decent in Omaha then you have a HUGE edge vs the rest of the table who have absolutely no clue what they are doing and will happily pile in money only playing second or third nuts on one board.

I personally prefer Aria, the dealers, the floor, the room - everything is just great and the $500 buyin makes for quite deepststack play especially late at night. The bigge

Thank you for this! I've actually never played PLO bomb pots, but seems easy enough to get a grasp better than most have. Your take on Aria has also been my experience and it's done well for me, and you confirm what I've heard about Venetian players so I think I'll keep Aria as my home base, but if I get down to that end I'll check it out for myself.

by Brandooo k

Thank you for this! I've actually never played PLO bomb pots, but seems easy enough to get a grasp better than most have. Your take on Aria has also been my experience and it's done well for me, and you confirm what I've heard about Venetian players so I think I'll keep Aria as my home base, but if I get down to that end I'll check it out for myself.

The only good thing about the Venetian is the absurdity of how bad players are in PLO bomb pots. During my last trip in October I won a $2500 5-way allin pot where I had the nuts on both board. 2 of the players mucked and 2 players thought they both had straights but they both misread their hands.

After checking in at MGM Grand and seeing the new & stylish rooms, we both had to give them some action with degen gambling. Then after some food we headed over to Fashion Show Mall for some shopping, which included a new carry-on suitcase for myself. Much needed, as the one that I have been using to travel to Vegas all these years are quite small and it's a struggle to pack it correctly each trip.

All the above took some time, and since time flies way too fast in Vegas it was already past 6pm until I found myself in a poker game. I decided to just take a seat in a game here at the hotel, and joined a game that looked a bit too young-ish and semi compentent. However, I quickly learned that not all of these players were huge crushers or anything like that.

Speaking of getting crushed, let's run through some hands. First one of note is when there are two limps for $2 to me ($1-$2 game), and I follow along with 44 in cutoff. We are 5 players who saw the 7-6-3 flop, and it checks around. Definitely a mistake on my part, I should have made a bet as the second last to act. Turn is a 9, putting out two flush draws on the board. It checks to me again, so I take a stab of $7. I might have the best hand and I can get calls from some flush draws.

Button is the only caller, and we see Jh on river, completing the backdoor flush. I check, and opponent just quickly checks back. I lose to Q6o, which is interesting to note in regards to how wide he overlimped the button.

Then we have a button straddle to $5, one person calls the $5, and I have KQdd in cutoff. I raise it up to $23, only to see the young-ish Asian on the button (the one with Q6o) make it $100. It folds back to me, and although I should fold since I don't have enough information about this player yet, something felt off here. He only has around $80 back, and his whole sizing screams 'please don't call me'. There is no way he would make this sizing with AA or KK I think, and he is after all a young Asian who might be playing his own straddle aggressive.

So yeah, I move him all-in and he is visibly upset but calls quickly. Board gives me no hope however, as it comes 7-9-7-9-4 with no diamonds, and I lose the pot against JJ. So I was somewhat spot on in my read that he didn't' want action, both in regards to his hand strength + his reaction when I moved all-in. But regardless, this is a stupid and unnecessary risk to take, especially since I know I am getting called. Even if he was 3-betting A4s or whatever as a bluff, those hands are technically still ahead of me.

I reload for $200 and won 1-2 more small pots, before another fun one comes up. I have JJ from UTG and makes it $17 as there is a button straddle as always. A 30-ish white male in midpos who had seem aggressive so far 3-bets to $60 with a huge stack, and then another 30-ish male (of the more spewy/fishy sort) clicks it up to $120! Not much to do but fold then, I think.

(the 3-bettor moved all-in for around $400 effective and got the 4-bettor to fold KK. Pretty absurd, I would have had trouble folding KK here given the profile of the guy who jammed).

An OMC-ish looking guy had joined the game, but despite his look he was fairly active pre and was in a lot of hands. He made a small raise to $7 UTG, before a new guy in his 50s make it $21 from 3rd pos. I have QQ on the button and considered a rare flat here, but ultimately ended up 4-betting small to $57 to take control of the pot in position. And if both jam behind me I can just consider folding.

The OMC folds, but the second guy says 'all-in' almost immediately. I look over at his stack, and see that he only has around $180 left, which also makes sense to me - he came to the table with $400 but lost a big pot early. So I assume that he hasn't topped up, and with him being that 'short' I don't think I can fold. So I call, but he has KK and win the hand (A-K-5-4-2).

Only then when opponent pushes forward his stack I realize that he was not playing $180 but rather a hundred more! Sigh, how stupid can I be? I need to stop and think for a second, and get the dealer to verify the count etc. before making my action. Instead I just glanced quickly over and managed to somehow miss a stack which makes all the difference in the world. Because against a fullstack I am much more reluctant to get in QQ pre like this.

Feeling dejected I reload another $300 and I am now in for $800 and getting buried. And the worst of it is that both hands are spots I could get away from much cheaper if I had been a bit more alert.

If nothing else I should have a terrible image in this game now though, and should be able to get paid. And a couple of orbits later I find QQ from 3rd pos and make it $17 (straddle as always in play). The active OMC calls in hijack and the guy who folded KK earlier also calls from BB. We see a connected board in 8-7-4 two diamonds. BB checks, and I make it $30 (could go even bigger) before the OMC moves all-in for around $140. BB calls, and this seems like a very easy call given all the draws present + he could even have lower overpairs. So I call.

Turn is an A which I didn't like as he could have nut diamonds, and river is another 3. I wait for him to show for 2 seconds, but I can see that he is looking at his cards dejected and seems unwilling to show. So I do the courteous thing and just flip over my Queens instead, which are good.

Many of the younger players that were at the table when I first sat down have actually let by now (clearly they don't care that I am spewing chips all over), and have been replaced. A new Asian who looks a bit fishy sits down and makes a small raise to $8 from cutoff. With ATcc I just call on the button since I don't know much about the opponent yet. SB (the Asian with JJ earlier) then 3-bets to $26, and the original raiser folds quickly.

So we have a weird spot where I actually end up as a 'double flatter' (I called the original raise then call the 3-bet, which caps my range). The flop comes 2-3-5 one club, and he bets out $40. In hindsight I wish I could have this one back, because I didn't like that he made it fairly big and just folded. But in position with a gutshot and backdoor flushdraw I think I should peel here. It's easy to get a bit too scared and straight forward in 3-bet pots when you are not the aggressor yourself.

More players leave and we are down to 6-handed when I raise TT from UTG to $17. The 3-bettor from last hand calls the raise, and then a very tight OMC guy in his late 50s or something 3-bets to $30. The dealer informs him it must be $32, and it comes back to me. I ask to see the OMCs stack and he has around $100 back it looks like. I think this is slightly too much to get in with TT given how tight this guy has been playing, and I know that many US players like to play AA like this. So I just call, and the Asian does the same.

Q-T-9 two clubs. It's a great feeling flopping a set in a big pot, and especially so when the OMC moves all-in for $88 (a bit less than I thought he had). The Asian has lost some chips since I doubled him up, because I cover him now. But with this scary board I cannot just call and invite him in. So I move all-in myself, and the Asian groans loudly and seems in disbelief. But after 20 seconds he announces 'gamble!' and flips up 99 while putting in the chips.

Set over set, and the OMC who 3-bet only have AK. My hand holds up on K turn and 3 river, and I can only breathe a huge sign of relief as I stack the massive pot.

I am actually back in profit now, which feels extremely good but I am also frustrated with myself. With more discipline I could have been up $400 now, and discipline is so important to have good win rates in poker.

The Asian who joined the table a bit earlier turns out to be nothing but tight and fishy, but rather quite aggressive. He has also topped up to a stack similar as mine, which felt slightly uncomfortable (MGM Grand has no max). I did however win two pots against him, first when he raises to $10 and I make it $30 right behind him (mis-click, meant to grab $35) with AKss. He folds.

Then he straddles the button for $5, and it folds to CO who makes it $15. The Asian then 3-bets to $55, and what do I wake up with? AA obviously. I 4-bet to $145, although I am not happy with the sizing as it should have been bigger. Maybe something like $185-$200 as we are super deep, and I should make a sizing that makes it seem like a rather want him to fold. Both opponents end up folding fairly quickly.

I also have AA again later, followed by KK in two consequtive hands, and although I only won tiny pots with these two I was regardless dealt a lot of premiums during this short session.

Clearly I need to work on my mental game, but having been buried over $500 and now being back into profit I didn't trust myself to play my best with such deep stacks. Furthermore, the game just kept getting worse as some new grinder types with big stacks joined in place of the guys that busted and left. So I just took the profit of $111 USD after 2 hours and 30 minutes.

On a whim I decided to head over to the casino most far south in this picture:

I took the tram over to Mandalay Bay where they had immediate seating in another $1-$2 game, and bought in for $300 as always. This was not a long session, but I think I misplayed a few hands which contributed to a small loss.

My very first hand I have 22 in BB and opens to $10, and only the BB calls. We see 6-4-3 two diamonds, and he checks to me. I have been checking back too many flops this trip, and I did the same here as I think this hits his range better than mine. But in hindsight I should bet to clear out random overcards like J9 or whatever else he could be defending with.

Turn is a T, and after he checks again I belatedly bet $10 for some protection. He calls, and we get a pretty bad river with the 7. 4 to a straight out there, and he leads for $25. I fold, and he proudly shows KQcc. This guy turned out to be a bit of a fun player (and also fairly jovial), but he didn't stay at the table for very long. But I think I win that hand if I just bet the flop.

Then two players limp in for $2 and I stupidly follow suit with K8ss in cutoff. We go 5-ways to K-9-2 one spade, and it checks to me. I throw out $7 and get calls from the button and the fun player who limped in from early.

4d lands on the turn and after the fun player checks I bet $15. The idea is to get value from 9x, but there were no draws on the flop so maybe this is slightly too thin against two players? Button calls, and the fun player folds. River is a 6, and I am content to getting to showdown now. I check, and BTN checks back and wins with KQo. He is obviously terrible who does not find a value bet on the river, but I am creating my own problems here by overlimping a marginal hand. If I want to play it, then I can raise instead (although borderline versus two limpers).

Then there is a small raise to $8 pre from a Swede who now lives in the US, the fun player calls, a young Asian calls in SB and I complete with Q4ss in BB. We see J-2-9 two spades, and it checks to the fun player who bets $10. Asian calls SB, and I consider check-raising to make my draw more hidden, but end up just calling. Turn is an A, and the fun player now bets out $25. Asian folds SB and I fold as well. But I should probably be more sticky here, as this guy is not a folder and hitting a flush and leading river could be valuable. Pot is after all $62 to the turn + his $25 = $87, and it's only $25 for me to call.

(the fact that he had Ax suited in spades and I would have been in terrible shape is not really relevant)

I do win a small one with 76cc shortly after, by raising to $10 pre and betting the A-2-4 one club versus the fun player, before the Swede makes it $8 from EP. Fun player calls, and I am in BB with KJo. I call as well, and we go 3-ways to K-8-4. The Swede bets $20, and after the fun player folds I make the call.

His bet was quite hefty and he is a bit older, so I was slightly apprehensive about my hand here. But when turn comes T and he checks back, I feel much better. River is a 6, and I have to go for value here against hands like QQ and JJ. So I throw out $25 but he just folds quickly.

Then I play a hand that felt good for my confidence. It starts with raising 88 from UTG to $10 and only the Asian (who seems decent) calls in BB. The flop comes A-3-7, and after he checks I bet $10 to represent the Ace + get calls from 7x. He calls fairly quickly.

Turn is a K, and after he checks I bet $25. Board heavily favors me and I am considering running a 3 barrel bluff if he calls again. He does indeed call, which I don't think he would do with a seven on this board. So I am thinking he most likely has a weak Ace, and is being sticky with it.

River comes a Q, which is another good card for my purpose. I can have all strong two pairs here like AK and AQ, and he is capped to a weak Ace when he checks again. So I bet $105 into $91, which is also a sizing I could have considered with value. He does not fold immediately, but I can see on his body language that he does not like it. And after maybe 15 seconds he slides his hand into the muck.

Shortly after he makes it $12 over a limp, and I have JJ on the button. I 3-bet to $41 and everyone folds out. Pretty much back to even now:

One more interesting hand again the Asian, when I raise black TT to $10 from UTG. A new player to the table calls, before the Asian makes it $45 from BB. I don't think he have to be super strong here, but at the same time he is 3-betting from the BB and we are $300 effective. I don't think TT is a good candidate for a 4-bet (AJo would be much better for example), so I just call and the third guy follows suit.

Q-5-7 two diamonds on the flop, and the Asian bets $45 again. Fairly small, as is common in 3-bet pots and heads-up I would have peeled one. But in this case I don't have a diamond, and I have a player behind me. So I have to let it go, and the third player also fold.

As it was already getting late and I was getting a bit tired, I made it a short session and cashed out -$31 USD after 1 hour and 31 minutes. Nothing crazy, but I have to stop with overlimping as this mostly leads to unnecessary losses. I headed back to my room at MGM Grand and called it a night.

Today it's Friday and I assume the weekend will have a lot of people and many tables going. So we just have to focus on getting in as many hours as possible.

Cash Games:

Hours played: 20h 00 min
Won/lost: + $275 USD
Hourly rate: +$13.72 USD


Won/lost: +$429 USD (2 played)

Curious about the changing of hotels process as I’m thinking of doing something similar in June.

Have you been able to check-in for any of them using the app or online or have you always had to go to the check-in desk, and if so what have the lines been like?

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

by TonySoprano9 k

Curious about the changing of hotels process as I’m thinking of doing something similar in June.

Have you been able to check-in for any of them using the app or online or have you always had to go to the check-in desk, and if so what have the lines been like?

For MGM properties it's super easy, you just check in on the app a couple of hours before arriving, and usually a room is ready for you way before check-in time.

For Caesars it's worse, but you can pay an early check-in fee and use the kiosks to get a room that way.

I have not stood in any check-in lines this trip.

While it's fun to try different hotels, I still think thar it takes some extra time out of your day and that it's much more convenient to have just a single home base.

Sorry guys, I am falling slightly behind on updates. Below are Friday's adventures.


I had a somewhat lazy start to the Friday, updating this TR and then doing a little bit of video poker and Buffalo slots with my brother. The former didn't go to well for me, but I recovered a bit on the latter.

Then we headed over to Aria, where brother joined the daily $200 tournament and I put myself on the waiting list for $1/$3 Cash Games. While waiting for a seat I did play some Ultimate X Bonus Poker (5 lines, 25 cent), and had an insane run of cards. Basically I went from $275 to $1035 before cashing out, helped by hits like these, among others:

After waiting for around 30 minutes I got a seat in a $1/$3 game, and bought in for $400. Apparently the guy that was in seat 2 before I sat down had been kicked out of the casino (!) for something, so the table told me I had big shoes to fill.

While I didn't get thrown out for abusing the table, I am pretty sure that I played an almost flawless session. Although the first decision I had was fairly easy. The table was in general quite passive, but suddenly an OMC raises to $10 before a young guy to his immediate left makes it $20. I have AA on the button and make it $70. Original raiser folds, while the second guy calls with only around $170 left or so.

The flop comes T-8-6 rainbow, and after he checks I bet $50 with intention of jamming turn. We never got that far however as opponent just shakes his head and folds.

Then I raise A5hh from 3rd position to $12, and only the OMC-ish looking guy in SB calls. So we go heads-up to A-T-2, two diamonds no heart. He checks, and I check back partly for pot-control and partly for deception. Turn is a 5, so we now have two pair. He checks again, I make it $16 and he folds quickly. So he probably didn't have much anyway.

Then there is a limp from a tight guy for $3, SB completes, and I find 88 in BB. Have to raise here, so I make it $17 and the limper tank-calls while SB folds out. A-9-7 is a decent flop, as I can rep the ace and I have a backdoor straight draw. So I bet $16, and opponent folds quickly.

I then raise JTdd from UTG to $12, only to get 3 callers out of nowhere. The flop comes A-2-2 with no diamonds, and against 3 others I am not going to bluff although the board is good for my range. But one of them could easily have an Ace, and they will not be folding. So I just give it up to a bet behind me.

A fun spot occurs when the tight guy from 88 hand above limps in, SB completes, and I check my 84o in BB. The flop comes A-5-2 with the latter two in clubs, and I have 4c. SB bets out $5 and I decide to float in position. The limper folds.

Kc lands on the turn, and my opponent checks this time around. I doubt he is too strong then, and this is a perfect spot for an overbet to promote fold-equity. I make it $25 into $19, and SB shows me an Ace (!) and folds. That was almost too easy.

The OMC then raises to $12 from UTG, and I find KJhh in cutoff. Seems good enough for a call, so I flick it in and we go heads-up to K-3-K with two clubs. He bets $10 and although I was tempted to raise here, I think this guy will just fold his underpairs below K to any aggressive action. So I just call, and we see a red 7 on turn. He again bets, this time for $20.

I was very uncertain about this street, maybe I should just call again to keep him in. Because I am logically not beating any of his value range, except maybe AA. I did end up raising to $65 to hopefully see if I could squeeze out a call from TT/JJ/QQ type of hands, but opponent just folds quickly. So I am not sure exactly what he had, but maybe I should have just continued to slow play and hope for a clean (non-club) river that I could get value on.

Then there is a straddle to $6 from the OMC (who was slightly more active than expected), and it folds to me on the button with 98hh. Good for a raise, so we bump it up to $20. That deters no-one behind me, as SB, BB and the straddle all call.

So we suddenly have an $80 pot, and we get a very interesting board in K-8-2 two hearts. I have a pair and a flushdraw. BB actually leads for $35 after SB checks, and the OMC-straddle calls. Leadouts are almost always weak ranges, and I have to raise here to push out hands like.. QJ of hearts of similar, that could have me in bad shape if a heart comes. So I raise to $155, and that gets everyone to fold out. Nice.

I win a small one with A5ss, before there is a raise to $10 from a new young Asian player, the OMC calls, and I complete BB with 42ss. Seems fine against such a small sizing. The flop is obviously great, with T-4-2 two diamonds. I check, the raiser bets $15 and the OMC calls. I definitely have the best hand most of the time here, but I need to charge them to see the turn. So I make it $75, and both fold after thinking for a few seconds.

More rungood; there is a raise to $10 from a new active middle aged guy, SB calls, and I complete BB with K6dd. The flop is 6-6-5 two spades, and checks around. Turn is the obvious K, so I make a full house. SB checks, I check again, and opponent bets out $15. SB folds, and I call.

River was a 7, which I didn't quite like as it fills two straights. Not because I think he has those obviously (I beat a straight), but because I thought he might be liable to check back a hand like KJ or KQ if I check it over to him. So I decided to lead for $45, however opponent folded quickly. Likely he didn't have much then, and was just trying to use the King as a scare card.

After this hand I went super card dead for an hour, and I could feel my energy started to get a bit low. So I decided to just take the profit and instead find another game this evening. The total result after 3 hours and 6 minutes was +$270 USD. Definitely happy with that, although it was very easy to play - I didn't get a ton of resistance, and I hit a lot of flops.

I obviously played one more session as well, but I will write about that one below + post the stats.

For yesterday's evening session both me and 'Enhanced' went over to Venetian, as we both really enjoy playing there. We took the Monorail over, and I stopped to take this picture while envisioning a stack as tall as this one:

As always I got an immediate seat and sat down in a game that seemed a bit young-ish and active, but who turned out to be much tamer than anticipated. After folding for a bit I pick up 22 in MP and call a raise to $10. It folds to a decent young player in BB who makes it $45. The original raiser folds, and I follow suit. Maybe I could call to set mine, but I think I would like it much better if the raiser called as well. As of now I am not getting the right price.

Then we have a limp from a fishy German player, before I make it $15 with 77. Button calls, before SB (same player as last hand) makes it $65. Seems like this guy might be trouble, but I think 77 is a bit too weak to do much with here. So I just fold again. He showed AQo after everyone had folded.

(this guy left after 45 minutes, so I didn't have to contend with him anymore)

More pocket pairs, as I raise 66 to $12 and only an Asian player on the button calls. This guy had seemed a bit weird so far, showing up with some strange cards in spots. The flop comes Q-4-7, and out of position I decided to check it over to him. He bets for $13, and I call with some backdoor straight possibilities.

Turn comes an 8, so I now have a gutshot. I check, and he checks it back. River is a T, and once again it goes check-check. I confidently flip up my sixes, which are good for the pot.

I then switch seats over to #1 when it becomes available and we find a new spot versus the Asian. It folds to me in hijack and I have JJ. I raise to $12, get one caller, before he 3-bets to $75 from SB. I briefly considered calling, but the pot will be $150 then and I will only have around $200 back. Also, would he really be making it this big if he wanted action with AA and KK? I didn't really think so, but I didn't really like the spot either. So let's randomize. If the tournament clock to my right shows 0-15 in seconds I will jam, and otherwise I will fold.

I glance over and it was 12:08 left in the level. Ok, let's go all-in then. The guy snaps me off so fast that he didn't have time waiting for the caller to make a decision, which can not be good news.

J-5-3 on the flop, and I am thinking I have sucked out and will win a great pot. But Q turn and T river is not ideal. He motions for me to show, and after I flip up my hand he shows AKo. Sigh. It's a flip, but after hitting the Jack on the flop it was a bit devestating to lose like that. I also found it interesting that he was downright extatic to get in AKo pre, which makes me think that maybe my push is not terrible.

But in hindsight, I have lost way too much money this trip by getting in good pocket pairs pre, but pairs that are not AA or KK. And I think that is generally a mistake in low stakes cash games in Vegas, unless there is some special kind of player involved. This guy played a bit erratic for sure, but I still think that maybe I should trust myself more and just call in position and play some flops, even if low SPR.

I reload for another $300, and then find KK from UTG just a few hands later. I raise to $12, and get calls from MP and BB. We see a decent flop in K-8-6 two hearts. I have crushed the board and could maybe check it OOP, but I decided to bet small for $10 instead. Both sadly folded. Obviously hitting quad Kings could have gotten me on the board for the high hand promo at Venetian, but I try to not let that influence my decisions too much.

Then a player with a face mask makes it $12 from UTG. This guy has not said much at all since sitting down, but has been the most active one preflop. So when I find a red QJo in 4th position, I 3-bet to $35. This gives me control of the pot in position, plus drives out hands like KQ and AQ behind that could have me in bad shape. And if opponent 4-bets it's a very easy fold.

He did however just call, and we get a decent flop in J-4-7 two hearts. He checks, I bet small for $25 and he folds.

Then another German player at the table makes it $10 from UTG, and I have TT in EP1. I decided to just call this time, and the player to my left calls, plus SB (the other German) and BB. So we go 5-ways to 9-2-4 two spades. Not a terrible board, and especially not when it checks to me. I bet $20, which is probably too small. I can easily go $35 here and get calls from 98/9T type of hands, plus flush draws.

Either way, it folds to the German in SB who jams in his short stack for $85 or something. I obviously call when it gets back to me, and we see a J on the turn and a 3s on the river. He flips up a nine, and I just quickly turn over my hand to show him that I got that beat. He nods and shows A9o before reloading.

A while later the same German who opened the last hand makes it $10 and I have AA behind him. I 3-bet to $35, and the chatty local guy behind me cold-calls the 3-bet. The German goes into the tank for a bit and I get the feeling he considers a 4-bet. But ultimately he ends up just calling.

The flop 7-7-6 with two spades seems harmless enough, even if I don't have a spade. But neither of them should have 7x in their range here very often. So after the German checks, I make it $50. The local guy calls, while original raiser folds out.

Turn is a J, and although he could have JJ we cannot worry about that too much. He has around $200 left and the pot is $205. I thought about dividing up my stack in two bets, but in case he has a big spade draw that would be just giving myself a reverse free card. If I bet $75 for example, he gets a better price, and I am way too pot committed to fold the river even if a spade lands.

In other words, I just jam it all-in here trying to charge a hand like QQ or maybe AJ in spades. He sighs and says he wishes I bet smaller and claims he has a monster draw. I say '98s then?' and he pretty much confirms it. He thinks a bit more, but ends up folding. I would have been fine with either a call or a fold to be honest, but it's obviously nice not having to fade his outs on the river.

While stacking my chips the German makes it $10 again, and I once again have TT. Should maybe have 3-bet this one but I was slightly distracted and just called again. The local guy calls again, and SB also calls. The flop comes K-J-3 and actually checks around. This tells me no one has a King, and the turn comes another J. Again it checks to me, which makes this an easy bet for protection. I throw out $25 and everyone folds.

I am now back in a small profit, which feels great after punting off with JJ earlier. As always it makes me pondering how much I would be up if I just stopped making such marginal decisions, but such is life.

The next interesting spot is when I have A5hh from UTG and raises to $12. My chatty neighbour calls in EP1, before a new British player in EP2 makes it $40. It folds back to me and they both 'only' have $150-$200 left in their stacks. It felt slightly tempting to jam it in their face, but the action from the UK guy seems fairly strong and I didn't think he would be folding. So I just let it go since I was OOP (instead of considering a call to see a flop).

A few orbits later I have KJhh from UTG again, and raise to $12. The UK guy calls and a fishy player in MP calls. We see A-A-3 two hearts, which is a good flop to bet small I think. I throw out $11 (as I likely would with a good Ax also), and the UK guy calls while the third guy folds out.

Turn is the 4d, and I bet out $25 just to fold out stuff like 88/99 or similar in case he peeled once with those. And if he should get sticky with hands like that, I still have a lot of outs against them. He does call again, and he does not take much time with it.

River is the 3h, which I think is an absolutely gin card. He most likely have an Ace, and given his quick call he might even have a lower flush draw than me. There are so many ways he can be strong here and not looking to fold, so I bet $100 (into $112) to target those hand. To be honest, I could probably even have gone $150 and it wouldn't have made a difference.

Either way, the guy goes into the tank and immediately seems pained with his decision. I take that as him having an Ace, as I think a flush would have been a snap-call. There is a bit more hemming and hawing, but after a minute he does put the chips in, as expected. I show my nut flush and he mucks frustratingly. He also claimed an Ace in conversation shortly after.

I also win 2 small bomb pots (we were only 4-5 people playing them) to grow my stack even further, and I am feeling good about the situation.

It's however also important to point out that I made what I think is a medium mistake in one hand, where the German player who I stacked earlier with TT, suddenly raises to $15 from EP1. After he came back to the game, he has been playing super tight and I have almost forgot that he was there. He gets one caller, before I find AQhh in SB. This has to be a 3-bet all day with the 'dead' caller, and me being out of position. But in game I thought his range would be super strong and I just called. BB also calls.

4-4-2 no hearts on the flop is not all that exciting, and the guy ends up betting $35 into three players and taking it down. So he was likely very strong here, but I still think I missed a clear 3-bet here.

It was regardless a very fun session to play, and although the profit was not gigantic ($186 after 3 hours and 10 minutes) I am very happy with most of my decisions. But I have had many easy decisions in the last few sessions due to getting some really good cards pre-flop and also hitting boards.

The one hand I wish I could have back is obviously the JJ one, as even though I got a flip I was probably lucky in that regard. Against most players I am likely crushed there when I am getting called.

Time goes way too fast in Vegas, as it's already Saturday and I am flying home on Monday evening. But that's life, eventually one have to get back to work and the normal 24/7 grind. But for now we will consentrate on a different type of grind, so let's get out there and play some f**king cards 😀

Cash Games:

Hours played: 26h 16 min
Won/lost: + $731 USD
Hourly rate: +$27.76 USD


Won/lost: +$429 USD (2 played)

I’m cranking JJ also if I have any reason to suspect I’m being 3bet light.

by BigWhale k

For yesterday's evening session both me and 'Enhanced' went over to Venetian, as we both really enjoy playing there. We took the Monorail over, and I stopped to take this picture while envisioning a stack as tall as this one:

How is the quest for Diamond going? Another perq is free tickets to ride the High Roller.

That feeling when you get this deal:



Awww boooooooo
