Sex Shows in Vegas?
Fiance & I would like to watch a live sex show in Vegas....
Do these exist? Tried googling, can't find a thing.
No we don't want to participate... (read she says no)
and pics of fiance aren't happening.
9 Replies
Bots pick the weirdest threads to bump.
welcome to the 1970's Mitchell Brothers thread... because we did indeed have lives shows back then in LA.
plus 1 for Tijuana, Hong Kong club is worth the trip. Plus it's legal and it's cheaper than Vegas.
Try the tunnels...
There was a group of like 30 of us students during our senior trip that went to Pussy Corps in MTL, but the $40 door cover was too much so we went to Cleopatra's which was much more accomodating. More of a brothel that Pussy Corps anyhow and not really a sex show
The Green door or The red rooster are swingers club that cost to get in. You don’t have to participate if you don’t want too. Good luck