Sex Shows in Vegas?

Sex Shows in Vegas?

Fiance & I would like to watch a live sex show in Vegas....
Do these exist? Tried googling, can't find a thing.

No we don't want to participate... (read she says no)
and pics of fiance aren't happening.

) 8 Views 8
08 July 2010 at 06:09 AM

9 Replies

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welcome to the 1970's Mitchell Brothers thread... because we did indeed have lives shows back then in LA.

plus 1 for Tijuana, Hong Kong club is worth the trip. Plus it's legal and it's cheaper than Vegas.

Try the tunnels...

by Malucci k

Green Door?

this guy 'get's it'!

There was a group of like 30 of us students during our senior trip that went to Pussy Corps in MTL, but the $40 door cover was too much so we went to Cleopatra's which was much more accomodating. More of a brothel that Pussy Corps anyhow and not really a sex show

The Green door or The red rooster are swingers club that cost to get in. You don’t have to participate if you don’t want too. Good luck

by JBlane k

You don't have to participate if you don't want too

just ask Marilyn Chambers

by JBlane k

The Green door or The red rooster are swingers club that cost to get in. You don't have to participate if you don't want too. Good luck

but if you wake up naked handcuffed to a pole don't come crying to us.
