DSB and GF go to Vegas, an ongoing TR

DSB and GF go to Vegas, an ongoing TR

Having just returned from a 2.5 week trip to Peru, plus an additional week in Northern California doing kitchen floor renovations at the GF's family home, we decided we need a break before getting back into the full swing of things. The only logical conclusion was to book a trip to Vegas. We locked it in today and will be checking into the Flamingo early afternoon Monday and leaving late evening on Wednesday. We invite you to come along for the ride.

Some background:

My girlfriend has just informed me that she would like to be referred to as "The Original" (TO) for this TR. You see, she's the inspiration behind the DollarStoreBaller handle. The girl has an unhealthy obsession with 99 cent only stores and the sunglasses they carry. One year for Christmas she managed to spend over $100 buying gifts at the 99 cent only store - unfortunately, not all of the recipients were as jazzed as she was about the deal.

Anyway, The Original Dollar Store Baller (TODSB) and I met about 6 years ago on a flight out to Vegas where we proceeded to spend the entire weekend together and have been doing the same ever since. I think this trip puts us close to 30 trips taken together, though by now I've lost count. We've pretty much done it all, from super low roller trips financed by coupons in the American Casino Guide to high end nights at the MGM Skyloft, 24k sushi dinner bills and endless bottle service (baller friends picked up the tabs). This trip will be on the more mellow side of things. We typically don't like to commit ourselves to anything before arriving in Vegas so I can't say definitively what will go down, but in broad strokes here's what you can expect from this trip:

- Heavy drinking
- Light gambling
- Lots of pokerz
@ Aria (TODSB loves to sweat poker action. I'm pretty sure she could sit and observe longer than I could play. The fact that she loves the cocktails at Aria also helps.)
- Pics
- More drinking
- Offstrip Food Porn
- Chip Porn
- Shorter posts than this one

Hookers and blow are out, though strippers are a live possibility - TODSB was the instigator behind both of the last two visits to Sapphire and Crazy Horse III, though the latter trip was mainly for sushi at 4am when everywhere else was closed. What can I say, sushi and strip clubs, I've got a classy girl 😉.

Lastly, while I don't expect Epicness from this TR, I may just have to use my one time to avoid pulling a Blasted7.

Off to pack now. Shoes to come soon...

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14 April 2014 at 05:36 AM

31 Replies


Earlier posts are available on our legacy forum HERE

After a nearly 6 year absence (8 from this thread ��😉, I will be returning to Vegas for the wedding of my brother in law.

In true form, they are planning this last minute (engaged on Feb 14, '25 w/wedding on Mar 11, '25) and have asked if I can help them find a dinner venue. In turn, I'm putting out the bat signal to the fine folks of LVL, and especially the fine dining folks among us.

Here are the details and preferences

- 12-13 guests
- Semi-private or private dining
- Ideal spend $2-3K all in would be great
- Cuisine: Sushi is preferred. Steakhouse has been de facto second choice. I think they're open to other cuisines as well though.
- Vibe: Bride wants something hip/cool. Think Nobu, STK or Sushisamba. And yes, I tried those and each was disqualified for one reason or another.
- Time slot: 6-8pm
- Location: Open. Wedding is taking place at Bellagio with later evening activities happening near Horseshoe. They're open to places either easily accessible to the B or Horseshoe. Alternatively, taking a limo off strip is in play.

I've read through the recent pages of the find dining thread but most of the content is (understandably) geared toward solo/couple diners so hoping the crew here can provide an assist with this tall ask. Much obliged!

I can't help with that, but just wanted to say welcome back. Always enjoyed your posting.

I'm following in hopes of a report 😉 (I saw the other thread and commented on the $3, 000 limit -- otherwise can't really help.)

Holy ish I return and a few months later the DSB blog notification pops up like what?!

It’s been a while since I’ve gone, since my now 5 y/o was an infant. But Zuma at Cosmopolitan has a private/semi private room, can accommodate your whole party. The private room is by the windows so it’s got some sort of view and they have a great sushi bar and grill. Something for everyone and the price shouldn’t be exorbitant (me and the Mrs used to to apps, soup, sushi and drinks for under $150 so even if you guys spent 150-200 a person you should still come in within budget.

Hope everything is going great in life dude. Can’t believe that meet up game was a decade ago

by golddog k

I can't help with that, but just wanted to say welcome back. Always enjoyed your posting.

Much appreciated!

by Javanewt k

I'm following in hopes of a report 😉 (I saw the other thread and commented on the $3, 000 limit -- otherwise can't really help.)

I've been on the fence about a report but this sort of encouragement is definitely shading me towards some sort of documentation. Plus recent developments make it seem like this will be a memorable trip - if not one doomed to some comic mishaps.

Maybe a pics only with a post write up could be in order....

by Natamus k

Holy ish I return and a few months later the DSB blog notification pops up like what?!

It’s been a while since I’ve gone there, (since my now 5 y/o was an infant) but Zuma at Cosmopolitan has a private/semi private room that can accommodate your whole party. The private room is by the windows so it’s got some sort of view and they have a great sushi bar and grill. Something for everyone and the price shouldn’t be exorbitant (me and the Mrs used to do apps, soup, sushi and drinks for under $150 s

Thanks and congrats on your kiddo! Very solid rec but the betrothed pulled an audible and rented out the entire top floor suite of Palms Place for the reception and dinner.... They solved for the venue but now need to solve for a chef/catering and service. Definitely the wild card, yolo route but entirely on brand for them...

Baller name checks out, somebody dgaf about overweight bag fee!

That's probably $127.38 right there!

Brag: MRY is one of my all time fav airports to fly from

Beat: We’ve got pre check but it didn’t stop our TSA agent from overzealously searching our bags for something that was sitting right on the top for easy access. Nearly missed final boarding call in repacking.

Variance: nevertheless, we’re ahead of scheduled departure. Wheels up.

may your hot streak be properly measured in kelvins

also curious where you live to be inclined to fly out of MRY
that bay was once my native habitat and part of it is still in my genes

by golddog k

That's probably $127.38 right there!

Nahhhh...bout tree fiddy.

Brother in laws putting holes in paper with rapid fire guns.

Lotus of Siam for throwback purposes. Good, but not as good as I remember TBH.

Stopped into Virgin to check out the vibe. Haven’t been since it was Hard Rock. Loved that property. This doesn’t hold a candle to it - no energy.

Also, what is this lady gonna do with the pineapple?

In for 500 personally and $3k overall. The frozen baileys is still good. Linq/Osheas both feel the same which is sorta comforting - the first moment that I feel at home thus far. Though I’m a craps noob…

by DollarStoreBaller k

Brag: MRY is one of my all time fav airports to fly from

Beat: We’ve got pre check but it didn’t stop our TSA agent from overzealously searching our bags for something that was sitting right on the top for easy access. Nearly missed final boarding call in repacking.

Variance: nevertheless, we’re ahead of scheduled departure. Wheels up.

I flew out of that airport once, with a friend who really IS a baller. He lived in Carmel and gave me a ride to Vegas in his plane. Just a turbocharged and pressurized prop plane though. He didn't get his jet until about a year later.

Somehow I’m down 300 while BILs are up 400 and 1k respectively. Craps is rigged or I’m getting hustled

Came to the B. Now I’m down $600. Craps confirmed rigged. Conservatory still crushes tho.

Nice start to the TR, if not the gamble, DSB. Thanks for sharing!

The goose was loose in the watermelon juice last night. My pit damage control poker session began around 3:15am.

Apparently, I was still in gamble mode because I shoved my button dark in the hopes of flipping with one of the blinds. They weren’t feeling as sporting - my shove got snapped off by both of the Bellagio Backpack Brothers in the blinds.

Undeterred, I continued splashing and amassing.

Until finally leaving the table around 5:30am.

Made it to the room/bed around 6:30 and fought to sleep until ~12pm. This “mornings” accounting finds us only down $130 and a 1/2 night sleep. All in all, a solid result given the challenges faced.

Now for wedding prep.
