DSB and GF go to Vegas, an ongoing TR
Having just returned from a 2.5 week trip to Peru, plus an additional week in Northern California doing kitchen floor renovations at the GF's family home, we decided we need a break before getting back into the full swing of things. The only logical conclusion was to book a trip to Vegas. We locked it in today and will be checking into the Flamingo early afternoon Monday and leaving late evening on Wednesday. We invite you to come along for the ride.
Some background:
My girlfriend has just informed me that she would like to be referred to as "The Original" (TO) for this TR. You see, she's the inspiration behind the DollarStoreBaller handle. The girl has an unhealthy obsession with 99 cent only stores and the sunglasses they carry. One year for Christmas she managed to spend over $100 buying gifts at the 99 cent only store - unfortunately, not all of the recipients were as jazzed as she was about the deal.
Anyway, The Original Dollar Store Baller (TODSB) and I met about 6 years ago on a flight out to Vegas where we proceeded to spend the entire weekend together and have been doing the same ever since. I think this trip puts us close to 30 trips taken together, though by now I've lost count. We've pretty much done it all, from super low roller trips financed by coupons in the American Casino Guide to high end nights at the MGM Skyloft, 24k sushi dinner bills and endless bottle service (baller friends picked up the tabs). This trip will be on the more mellow side of things. We typically don't like to commit ourselves to anything before arriving in Vegas so I can't say definitively what will go down, but in broad strokes here's what you can expect from this trip:
- Heavy drinking
- Light gambling
- Lots of pokerz @ Aria (TODSB loves to sweat poker action. I'm pretty sure she could sit and observe longer than I could play. The fact that she loves the cocktails at Aria also helps.)
- Pics
- More drinking
- Offstrip Food Porn
- Chip Porn
- Shorter posts than this one
Hookers and blow are out, though strippers are a live possibility - TODSB was the instigator behind both of the last two visits to Sapphire and Crazy Horse III, though the latter trip was mainly for sushi at 4am when everywhere else was closed. What can I say, sushi and strip clubs, I've got a classy girl 😉.
Lastly, while I don't expect Epicness from this TR, I may just have to use my one time to avoid pulling a Blasted7.
Off to pack now. Shoes to come soon...