Las Vegas Poker Player Vlogs

Las Vegas Poker Player Vlogs

Gobbo other Thread got closed by the mod said it doesn't belong in the House of Blogs, hoping we can have this one without Trooper talk.

This thread is to discuss local professional poker players on their journey. Please refrain from mentioning the local youtube celebrity who plays poker.

Links to their youtube channels

Andrew Neeme



Rules of this thread and an excerpt from About The Forums Trooper97 discussion thread.

This now stands for this thread:

by R*R k

Trooper97 vlogs, discussions etc. will be allowed to continue in the new thread. That thread will not be unchained and I will work with the other LVL mods to keep it civil.

I personally am not going to allow a lot of the horrible posting that went on in the original thread to take place and I will be very generous with post deletions and bans if needed.

Posts the are overly derogatory, mean spirited, name calling (including using rude derivatives of names) , and demeaning posts towards any of the vloggers or posters in the thread will be deleted at the mods discretion. If any accounts persistently do this they will be banned or exiled from posting in this thread. In these cases we may issue a warning first.

Accounts that are used only to or substantially to troll post in this thread will be banned.

No personal family information or situations allowed in the thread.

Update April 2018

by 27offsuit k

OK Vlogger Thread, we are going with some new parameters to try to make this the POSITIVE vlogger thread that it is supposed to be, not the AIDS vlogger thread where a few loonies ruin it for the rest. Note that 'positive' does not equal 'only positive', it means anything negative being said CAN'T be namecalling or wild, unsubstantiated speculation regarding any and all vloggers. Personal lives and anything aside from poker is OFF THE TABLE.

If exiled and you can't post in thi

Exiled posters:
Registered 2018
Alex Trebek's Cat
Stormtrooper97 - unexiled

A new update March 2019:


) 44 Views 44
03 November 2016 at 01:53 AM

11050 Replies


Earlier posts are available on our legacy forum HERE

These are real things that actually exist? How do people live their lives being perpetually scared?

this thread needs you guys 😀

by DTEJD1997 k

At $10K a year ($835 month), that becomes very problematic IF Diesel is traveling around playing poker.

He is going to have to buy gas. He is going to have to have insurance on his car, that alone could be a couple hundred per month, EASILY. He is going to have to have oil changes & maintenance on his car. Maybe he could try driving WITHOUT insurance?

Of course, Diesel could defer maintenance, drive on bald tires, not change the oil. He could wear through his clothes till they literally fall

A guy like Diesel could live off $100 per week if he had too as long as he keeps his diamond plus status.

Literally all he cares about is that he doesnt have to work a regular job and that he can continue to feel like a high roller even though he is broke.

If he made $100 per night he could stay 3 or 4 nights at Harrah's then he can roam around like a homeless bum over the weekend. He can live off food comps and his daily 4 drink vouchers.

Sure it wouldn't be as comfortable as what he is doing now but that doesn't seem to bother him. He will cust his expenses down as much as he needs to in order to keep this up. That gives him so much joy and satisfaction that it makes up for all the inconvenience and discomfort. In his mind he is still king of the world and the smartest person in any room even if he is a homeless bum living on the streets half the week.

by MyrnaFTW k

my not in the gun culture mind thought it was one of those shower heads like in the Seinfeld episode. i was thinking how i also like high pressured showers

Trooper is continually flexing about how good a fighter he is, how he's always carrying concealed. All this peacocking comes from a place of extreme insecurity. I would love to see him get wrecked in a real street fight, but as he loves to remind us Trooper does the fu#king

by angle_shooter k

Trooper is continually flexing about how good a fighter he is, how he's always carrying concealed. All this peacocking comes from a place of extreme insecurity. I would love to see him get wrecked in a real street fight, but as he loves to remind us Trooper does the fu#king

I used to think it was peacocking too but apparently it's targeted at the stalker. Which is crazy to think someone like Trooper would have a stalker that's not Diesel obviously since we all know Diesel is a super fan.

by angle_shooter k

Trooper is continually flexing about how good a fighter he is, how he's always carrying concealed. All this peacocking comes from a place of extreme insecurity. I would love to see him get wrecked in a real street fight, but as he loves to remind us Trooper does the fu#king

He has said he had two broken noses.

Bitch slaps ?

by Turdzilla k

He has said he had two broken noses.

Bitch slaps ?

That was addressed two threads ago.

Who could be the stalker?

No Stalker at all/Delusions of gangstalking commonly associated with paranoid schizophrenics & QAnon believers: -250
An unhinged superfan: -150
An unhinged superfan obsessed with LT: +125
LVNightcrawler: +450
Roast King: +800
A 2+2 Thread Subscriber +1600

Interesting video from El D on getting status at MGM properties in Vegas. Guess we know how he has lounge access. Surprising the # of hours played for all tier levels is so low. MGM Grand poker is the only room that gives out Platinum (lounge access), and only need 275 hours in a year to hit that number.

i mean its informative but it kinda sucks he mentions it if he had a wide audience as it hurts the grinders who take advantage of that and if too many people know about it it would be cut off and not to mention the aria grinders coming over for that.

if this was the brad owen or depaulo channel i would expect mgm grinders to be upset.

(personally this doesnt affect me as i avg 200k points)

by prev k

People's hate for him is pure bully mentality, they see a nerd and want the guy to suffer.

interesting take. if the peeps in this thread and the horde of poker vloggers were a locker room full of a junior varsity football team, then i guess trooper and el deisel would be the bench sitters who talk too much shi* and the hAtErZ would be the jocks who slap around while naked with the towels in the showers a little too much.

by foatie k

Who could be the stalker?

No Stalker at all/Delusions of gangstalking commonly associated with paranoid schizophrenics & QAnon believers: -250
An unhinged superfan: -150
An unhinged superfan obsessed with LT: +125
LVNightcrawler: +450
Roast King: +800
A 2+2 Thread Subscriber +1600

It’s insanely bad value, but I’m putting my mortgage on No Stalker at -250. The other options only exist in the peanut sized brain belonging to El Hamster97.

Hamster WISHES he had a stalker. Then he’d have something real to talk about other than “which random Costco are we in today and why do they all look exactly the ****ing same?”

by TexasKK k

interesting take. if the peeps in this thread and the horde of poker vloggers were a locker room full of a junior varsity football team, then i guess trooper and el deisel would be the bench sitters who talk too much shi* and the hAtErZ would be the jocks who slap around while naked with the towels in the showers a little too much.

They’d be bench warmers… LMAO.
Like they’d ever make a team.

Just they’d be invisible to those jocks, these 2 clowns are invisible to everyone other than this thread. They should collaborate in all honesty. But Hamster is probably scared of Diesel swiping the missus out from underneath him.

LT and Diesel together at a Costco would be a trip.

by prairiebreeze k

It’s insanely bad value, but I’m putting my mortgage on No Stalker at -250. The other options only exist in the peanut sized brain belonging to El Hamster97.

Hamster WISHES he had a stalker. Then he’d have something real to talk about other than “which random Costco are we in today and why do they all look exactly the ****ing same?”

Dude. He has a stalker right here in this thread. Granted, it may be minor harmless stalking, but someone looking for a connection to "find out the details of Christine's divorce/finances" is a ****ing stalker no matter how many times you guys protest.

by prairiebreeze k

It’s insanely bad value, but I’m putting my mortgage on No Stalker at -250. The other options only exist in the peanut sized brain belonging to El Hamster97.

Hamster WISHES he had a stalker. Then he’d have something real to talk about other than “which random Costco are we in today and why do they all look exactly the ****ing same?”

Lmao, one more coffee bursting out- love you Prairie.

by marknfw k

Dude. He has a stalker right here in this thread. Granted, it may be minor harmless stalking, but someone looking for a connection to "find out the details of Christine's divorce/finances" is a ****ing stalker no matter how many times you guys protest.

Please give us a break, when we are talking about stalkers we are not talking about above average curious people digging up public available information on different internet sites-but people that actually follow the person they are obsessed about around in the streets, showing up at their home adress trying to take pictures through the windows and stuff. That kind of creepy behaviour.

by Petrucci k

Please give us a break, when we are talking about stalkers we are not talking about above average curious people digging up public available information on different internet sites-but people that actually follow the person they are obsessed about around in the streets, showing up at their home adress trying to take pictures through the windows and stuff. That kind of creepy behaviour.

I think you are misinformed.

Cyberstalking is something that can be real. Google the term ?

by Gzesh k

I think you are misinformed.

Cyberstalking is something that can be real. Google the term ?

Alright,fair enough. If so i think this is a full blown storm in a small glass of water. The bar of being called a stalker isnt very high if digging up information on public available internetsites is doing the trick.

by meshanti k

That was addressed two threads ago.

it was also vlogged

by Gzesh k

I think you are misinformed.

Cyberstalking is something that can be real. Google the term ?

I did google it, and this is not describing someone looking up public information about someone. Maybe there is another term to describe that, but not Cyberstalking.

Ok guys, I am truly embarrassed that anyone would think of me as a stalker. How many people have speculated that Christina is living off of alimony? I just went the next step and said let’s try and track down her divorce records. Divorce records in every state are public records! Apparently, my suggestion was out of line and for that, I apologize.

When you watch Hustler Casino Live and watch the chat, what is the most often-asked question? How did so and so get their money? It’s the most interesting thing to us as observers of poker personalities, especially when there is an apparent disconnect with what we’re viewing. I am truly intrigued how Tim and Christina manage to live this lifestyle when all the evidence suggests they shouldn’t be living at that level.

So, once again, I am embarrassed that even one of you would think of me as a stalker. This could not be further from the truth. It’s caused me to look at myself and conclude that I was spending too much time on this thread. So, I bid all of you a fond farewell. This has truly been the best thread on the internet and I’m sure I’ll come in and lurk from time to time. Happy New Year’s to all.

Also the key to Cyberstalking is doing these things to commit crimes. There is no crime in looking up public information.

by foatie k

Who could be the stalker?

No Stalker at all/Delusions of gangstalking commonly associated with paranoid schizophrenics & QAnon believers: -250

why would you list a bunch of possible stalkers along with a choice of no stalker? lol

do i think trooper is a bit paranoid? yes. even possibly a qnon weirdo? possible. but nobody here who saw the videos from years ago could deny that there was, beyond any possible shadow of a doubt, a stalker.

it might be possible that trooper himself paid someone to create a channel to seem like a stalker, but whether he would go through the trouble, i'll let the hAtErZ ruminate on that. outside of this possibility, there was indeed a stalker.

guys, i say this fully aware of the irony that this is coming from someone who has written erotic fan fiction about these people

but... a good chunk of posts here leave me thinking "wtf why are they digging into his/her life to that extent and why on earth do they care"

let's get 2024 to be a little less creepy around these parts

make lvppv less creepy again
