QQ multiway 2-5-10, ck or bt flop?
2-5-10 9 handed, soft line up
V1, 2k, just lost a big one, semi tilted otherwise solid
V2, 3k, laggy, but when he bets big he has it
Hero, 4k, viewed bluffy / winner
V2 limps utg to 10
OMC late position goes 35
Hero OTB w QQ goes 135
V1 BB cold calls 135
V2 utg, calls 135
OMC folds
Flop: $445 K106 rainbow
Ck'd to hero. My question is, is this a check or bet? Head up I'm betting 1/3rd near 100% of time. Multiway, I'm unsure what the standard line is?
B) they view me as bluffy so I will most likely be called
C) this is a soft game where 3 bets are rare. What's even more rare are multiple people calling $100+ bets preflop. With that being said, It leads me to an exploit thought process of checking, because given this information, one of them likely has a King?
D) If I check, as long as an A doesn't hit turn, I can bet for value on future streets.