Overpair on a paired and draw-heavy board

Overpair on a paired and draw-heavy board

1/2 nl. Hero on the BTN has $520 eff. Covers everyone at the table. LJ has about $250. I think of him as a fairly tight, decent-ish reg. HJ has about $300 and also seems decent, a little loose but the general table dynamic is very loose and call happy atm.

Hero has Jh, Js. UTG limps, LJ limps, HJ raises to $6. Hero 3-bets to $20. LJ and HJ call.

Flop is 5h 8h 8s.

LJ donks $25. HJ calls and Hero calls.

Turn is 3d

LJ bets $20. HJ calls. Hero just calls again.

What do you think so far?

15 January 2024 at 10:06 AM

5 Replies

"Hero is on the btn 520 eff. Covers everyone..."

does not compute.

Raise more pre.

Raise turn thick.

$20 seems reasonable to me in a 1/2 game with one $6 bet and only two limps. I guess if they'll call more with worse, you could go a little higher.

So far, I think it's fine.

With two limpers in front, and the blinds yet to act, I'd raise bigger pre. Probably make it $30-ish.

FLOP - LJ donks into the original pre-flop raiser AND the 3B'er??? Seriously? Raise. Just raise 4x. Fold if he 3B's you.

TURN - I don't even know what to think about the turn. I'm still stuck on the LJ donking this flop and the HJ and you just flat-calling behind.

What in the name of all that's holy does the LJ have when he donks the flop, gets called by two opponents, and then DOWNBETS the turn???

As played, I think we not only can raise turn, we HAVE to raise turn. The flush draw hasn't come in. No straight draws have come in. We're losing to 33, 55, and 8x, unless one of these other wing-nuts is slow-playing QQ+.

Nothing about this situation makes any sense. LJ seems full of $hlt. HJ seems clueless. I have no idea what range to assign to either of them. With what is most likely the best hand, and this nonsensical action on flop and turn, I'd raise.

My best guess is HJ has 66/77 or 99/TT, or maybe two over-cards, both hearts. LJ probably flopped some sort of draw - 76s, 2 hearts, something along those lines. Hard to imagine either of these guys is playing trip 8's or better or QQ+ like this.

Calling is just letting them try to out-draw you on the cheap.

Preflop looks OK. Nobody had a chance to call the $6 so there is a good chance $20 gets you heads up.
Flop is weird. Pot is around $60, what is LJ donking into 2 preflop raisers for less then half the pot? Could he be trying to set a price with a big flush draw or a combo draw? Is he trying to suck people in when he has 8X or a boat already? This is one of those situations where villain is doing something so odd you just have to know from experience what villain plays this way.
As is you should decide if your committing to the pot or not. With SPR < 4 you have to aim one way or the other. If you think he is drawing then raise flop and commit to the pot. If you think he already has you beat then make the tight fold and claim you had AK if anybody asks. If your really unsure then call flop and decide on the turn is an indecisive but workable alternative. It gives him a cheap card if he is drawing and builds the pot if he has you beat but lets you put off the final decision.
On the turn you really have to decide what your doing. If you think they are drawing then raise, if not then flat call because for those odds you might as well fish for a jack.

I would raise more pre because the $6 is so small over 2 limpers. I think we could go $20 with no limpers, but with the limpers and because it is so small of a raise, 25, maybe even 30.

Definitely raise the turn, and I can see going anywhere from 85 to jamming. Jamming is a little more than pot to the HJ and a little less than pot to the LJ.
