1-2 live cash game with AA

1-2 live cash game with AA

Hero AA first to act.

Raise 15 dollars, get called by 5 players.

Flop qc 10h 2d.

Bet 35 dollars.

I get 1 caller heads up.

This one caller is kind of a fish, calls big bets light. I had not played with him that long but I have seen him call big pre flop raises with marginal hands.

Turn 7d

I bet 45, villain calls.

River 2c.

I check, villain bets $65.


I never like when the board pairs when you have AA.

It seems like a sucker bet, it seems like a bet villain wants me to call. How often can I expect to be good here? Do you just sigh and call and hope they have top pair with a good kicker?

I am aware that you may have other comments on how to play the whole hand better too which I welcome.

24 January 2024 at 10:16 PM

31 Replies
