Do I Have Backdoors to Call Flop?
1/3 NL
~$200 effective
Resorts World Las Vegas
Villain is an african american man wearing pink bunny ears as a headband, visiting for the AVN pron convention with bags of merchandise. He straddled 1 orbit before & squeezed to a raise & a call preflop, & everyone folded. He claims "he had it"
Villain straddles $6 on Button
Hero is in CO with A8ss
A few people call $6 and goes to the flop with $26 in the pot
Flop ($26) 7s 4h 2d
Checks to me in CO and I bet $11 and Button raises me to $35 leaving about $150 behind to play for
Should I be calling here OOP with 2 overs & backdoor flush draw and backdoor straight draws?
17 Replies
And why did you bet flop?
No one showed interest and I figure if I bet and button folds, everyone else folds too
Figure SB & BB hits this flop the most & they already checked
It’s not a bad thought. Take a stab and can pick up some barrel equity on the turn. But imo just too ambitious 4 handed in a limped pot where anyone can have anything on this board.
Now that button raised you, you can’t continue OOP at this depth. You don’t even know if your overs are clean outs.
It’s not a bad thought. Take a stab and can pick up some barrel equity on the turn. But imo just too ambitious 4 handed in a limped pot where anyone can have anything on this board.
Now that button raised you, you can’t continue OOP at this depth. You don’t even know if your overs are clean outs.
Thank you.
My buddy confirmed this is a flop fold as well
As played, turn came a Tc
Action goes check check
I capped him at 1 pair here
River 8c
I river a pair of 8’s
I over bet jam $150 into ~$90 and villain says he is up a lot this week & tank calls with a 7 and I win lol
Who had the small stack - you or him?
If you then preflop is just a fold, how are you going to make money 30BB deep with a weak Ace in a multiway limped pot?
I don't hate the flop stab (still prefer a check though) but at this stack depth, out of position without much going on (and you've no idea if one or both of your overcard outs are good) then this is a snap fold to the raise.
Would either raise this pre or fold - not a hand we want to go multiway. I'm fine with the flop stab - once he raises its an easy fold
Thank you.
My buddy confirmed this is a flop fold as well
As played, turn came a Tc
Action goes check check
I capped him at 1 pair here
River 8c
I river a pair of 8’s
I over bet jam $150 into ~$90 and villain says he is up a lot this week & tank calls with a 7 and I win lol
I don't like the float and I don't understand the logic behind jamming river. Did you bet thinking he would call with a hand like A7? I think most players are not calling stations and will fold 7x on the river.
River kind of shows why I don't like floating flop. We float flop when we have decent equity and/or showdown value and/or will be able to bluff later streets. The way villain played basically shows he is probably never folding after raising the flop with a 7, so bluffing is dubious.
Floating AX here is problematic because we are dominated by A7 and even 87. Also an 8 brings in 65. And if he is bluffing a hand like A5 or A2 we are also dominated if an A comes. We're drawing nearly dead to thick value here also.
You already have plenty of floats like A5s, A3s, 65s. I think AK and good AXs with a backdoor like AQs can be good floats too since they have higher showdown value. Maybe 98s with a backdoor flush draw since the 3 card wrap is more likely to turn a lot of equity while A8s can only turn a gutshot + FD. But even that is ambitious. I just think a lot of hands make more sense than A8s and if we float A8s, we float too much.
Yup. I'm with everyone else - don't hate the flop stab, but gotta fold to his raise.
I could go either way with betting the river, the way this was played, but I'm not jamming. If I bet, it would be small, like half pot, and only if we have the stack depth to bet-fold to a raise.
Most V's aren't going to get tricky and check river with thick value after the turn checks through, but I could see him showing up here with something stupid, like 42, and snapping us off - he x/r's flop, slows down on turn because he can't put you on a hand when you call the flop, and maybe you have T7, then you check back, on the river you could also have 87, but eff it, he's got 2P, he's in Vegas, he's wearing pink bunny ears and has a bag full of loneliness, so he flicks in the call.
For the people saying this is a fold to the villain's flop raise, what does your continuing range look like?
Maybe -- maybe -- the effective stack is too shallow for this to be a continue, but we have to get our continuing range from somewhere, and strong double backdoors are surprisingly valuable.
For the people saying this is a fold to the villain's flop raise, what does your continuing range look like?
Maybe -- maybe -- the effective stack is too shallow for this to be a continue, but we have to get our continuing range from somewhere, and strong double backdoors are surprisingly valuable.
I think backdoor equity is more valuable when we are the aggressor.
The solver disagrees.
With all due respect to the solvers, this spot seems very dependent on our read. Playing low-stakes against some porn-industry conventioneer in Vegas, and OOP, I'd just look for a better spot. I don't want to call flop, just to check-fold turn when we don't pick up any equity and V barrels big.
If we were deeper-stacked, against a more predictable V, I could see calling, with two overs and our backdoor draws. But in a game like that, I wouldn't be stabbing at this flop, so we wouldn't be facing a raise from the BTN. I'd just check, and call if BTN bet. We might even check-raise occasionally, if V seems stab-happy, and it folds back around to us.
1/3 NL
~$200 effective
Resorts World Las Vegas
Villain is an african american man wearing pink bunny ears as a headband, visiting for the AVN pron convention with bags of merchandise. He straddled 1 orbit before & squeezed to a raise & a call preflop, & everyone folded. He claims "he had it"
Villain straddles $6 on Button
Hero is in CO with A8ss
A few people call $6 and goes to the flop with $26 in the pot
Flop ($26) 7s 4h 2d
Checks to me in CO and I bet $11 and Button raises me to $35 leaving about $1
Two things as this hand doesn't matter.
Why are you playing 1/3 with only $200?
What's your strategy for playing trash loose aggressive players?
The answer to this hand doesn't matter. What's your strategy? I'm going to play *tight/loose/average/crazy* and see *large/medium/small* pots to take advantage of his x tendences and I'm going to win money by chipping away/medium pots/large pots.
For the people saying this is a fold to the villain's flop raise, what does your continuing range look like?
Maybe -- maybe -- the effective stack is too shallow for this to be a continue, but we have to get our continuing range from somewhere, and strong double backdoors are surprisingly valuable.
Very tight as MDF is shared amongst all the other players in the hand and many would trap their sets on the flop and V has to raise through 3 others…