Hero call when V's line doesn't make sense?
2/5, 9 handed, $1k max.
V - 30's-40's Indian fellow, wearing a surgical mask. I only sat down at the table recently, but I got the sense he was a bit splashy. Covers hero by maybe $100-$200.
H - early 50's WG. Just recently sat down, first or second orbit, possibly no table image yet, but might seem TAG-ish to an observant player. Hero has ~$1k to start the hand.
V opens to $20 from the LJ H 3B to $60 in CO with A5dd. V calls. Heads up to the flop. $120-ish in pot after rake.
FLOP - Jh7c5h. V checks. Hero c-bets $80. V calls. Pot $280.
TURN - 4d. V checks. Hero OB's $340. V x/r jams for hero's remaining $520. Pot $1140.
Before everyone screams fold - what range are you giving V here, that plays this way (open-call pre, check-call flop, check-jam a fairly brick turn)?
We're getting over 2:1 on a call. Does V have enough bluffs here?
Anyone checking back flop or using a different c-bet size? Why?
Anyone checking back turn or barreling for a different size? Why?
fold pre. check flop. AP fold yesterday.
Does the Solver like the Turn overbet (with A5) if the Turn was a complete brick—like an offsuit deuce?
Surprised to learn it wasn’t the right play here. Still learning!
more of a thing on a brick 2 than a 4 but flop is not a range bet spot and this is one of if not the most frequent checks in our range otf. the thing too if u start looking at the solve is it relies on him folding like 88-tt pure, occasionally folding qq, which i just dont think described villain does at nearly that rate (which lowers the ev and point of our bet). it also becomes real bad if he starts raising his random tp type stuff and becomes an ev disaster if we are b/c a5 (slightly less bad on a 2 but still very very large error). in practice you have a hand that can bluff catch and is solidly in the middle of our range ip vs a guy who should be fairly easy to play against otr. i think its also better to blast the turn if we size down otf