Hero call when V's line doesn't make sense?
2/5, 9 handed, $1k max.
V - 30's-40's Indian fellow, wearing a surgical mask. I only sat down at the table recently, but I got the sense he was a bit splashy. Covers hero by maybe $100-$200.
H - early 50's WG. Just recently sat down, first or second orbit, possibly no table image yet, but might seem TAG-ish to an observant player. Hero has ~$1k to start the hand.
V opens to $20 from the LJ H 3B to $60 in CO with A5dd. V calls. Heads up to the flop. $120-ish in pot after rake.
FLOP - Jh7c5h. V checks. Hero c-bets $80. V calls. Pot $280.
TURN - 4d. V checks. Hero OB's $340. V x/r jams for hero's remaining $520. Pot $1140.
Before everyone screams fold - what range are you giving V here, that plays this way (open-call pre, check-call flop, check-jam a fairly brick turn)?
We're getting over 2:1 on a call. Does V have enough bluffs here?
Anyone checking back flop or using a different c-bet size? Why?
Anyone checking back turn or barreling for a different size? Why?