OOP vs Maniac and Fish, how to handle mega equity?

OOP vs Maniac and Fish, how to handle mega equity?

1/3 NLHE 6 handed for this hand.

V1 - Maniac. Haven't played with him in a long time and didn't think he was a maniac but for some reason he showed up an hour ago and has burned through 2 or 3 BIs. He's 3-bet me UTG1 vs my UTG open with KJo. He's been VPIPing about 85% PFR about 40%. He's calling wide a lot pre and post especially IP. He's putting in stacks for 3x pot with naked FDs OTT and generally blowing off wads. 450$ CO.

V2 - Old loose passive man I've never met before. 600$ BTN.

H - 550$ HJ/UTG+1.


UTG folds, H opens K J to 10, V1 3-bets to 25, V2 calls, SB and BB fold, Hero just calls (?)

Flop 75 - J 3 2

Hero checks (?), V1 bets 35, V2 calls, Hero x/r to 150, V1 snap 3-bet jams for 425 total, V2 folds, Hero? (pot is 685, 275 for you to call, or 2.5:1).

18 February 2024 at 06:45 AM

8 Replies

Calling is fine pre, 4! Is probably good because either they are folding so much that its EV+ as a bluff or never folding and its a value bet.

Flop looks like it played itself, in what world are you check/raise folding with that hand?

As played snap call.
Give me a reasonable range you're behind, and how does that compare to your pot odds?

What do you think his 3bet range is like?

PF I think either is fine 4bet or call.

Don't get why you want to CR. Calling seems much better and letting him continue to blast off.

As played calling obviously as he can do this with worse and better flush draws.

If this guy is prone to over-bluffing, over-valuing, and jamming whenever anyone challenges him, I probably just call the 3B pre and continue to call down all his post-flop bets. Let him blast off with his entire range, and only push back when we have the nuts and need to build the pot.

Here, as played, I'm not folding, but V can always show up with QQ+ or AXss.

AP obvious call is obvious.

Based on description, I’m cool with the c/r. There’s merit to slowplaying and just calling down to keep his air in but it sounds like this V will call c/r IP with all kinds of inferior stuff and even jam light.

We should consider this flop the nuts against this V and just do anything to pile $ in.

Snap call. Played fine.

Easy call, the only hand we are in bad shape against is JJ. That's one combo, we still have 25% equity or so.

Against AKss, we are ahead, against AsJ we still have plenty of equity. I guess if he shows JJ you can fold. Against AA, we are doing ok. Against KK is similar to AJ.

When do we find out what happened here?
