How bad did I play this start to finish?

How bad did I play this start to finish?

I am playing in a live $1/$3 NL cash game match the stack. I have $650. Everyone is playing loose and mostly calling raises pre-flop. There is a guy that just sat down to my right a few hands ago that I have no clue about and has me covered. He mentioned that he is pissed about losing in Omaha so maybe he is tilting? I straddle the button for $6. Blinds limp. Player raises to $15 UTG+1. Everyone calls and I look down at 77. I thought about raising from $95-$120 but figured I would have to fight several players for a raised pot and a couple short stacks might make a stand. I elect to just call (probably first mistake). Blinds call so we have a family pot. Flop comes down T74 with 2 hearts. SB donk leads for $25. 6 callers call including the Omaha guy next to me in the Cutoff. I check raise to $175 (maybe a mistake not shoving all in). Everyone folds but the Omaha guy. Turn is an off suit 6. He pushes all in for his remaining stack and my $400 stack. Alarm bells told me he might have 89 but why would he shove there unless he was afraid of a flush. I ask him if I call if we can run it twice? He said sure. What should I do?

25 February 2024 at 12:10 AM

6 Replies

Welcome to the forum. We discourage posting the results before 24 hours goes by to get unbiased answers.

I personally think you played it fine. Don't fall into the trap of results orientated thinking.

You can debate optimal sizes but this looks OK. Preflop the raise over your button is small and only folding would be bad. If call or raise is better is very situational.
After that you have middle set and a low SPR. It's really just a question of how best to get all of the money in. Check/raise is fine if you are confident somebody will bet but you really don't want this to check around. SB makes it easy for you and after his bet gets multiple calls any large raise is fine. Any reasonable size commits people to the pot if they stick around. Villain shoving turn is not pretty but your hand is way too good to fold without a lot of history with villain. There are too many worse hands villain can have.

I am unsure how there can be a cr but I think you just raised. This is an easy shove. The pot is like 270 when it gets to you and you have 560 left and best I can tell nobody has folded yet. Winning this pot right now is ok. There is no point to raising small here.

I think you played it fine. I agree we can also just jam flop, and we must call the turn jam.

Against a PLO V who's stuck, I'm even more inclined to call his turn jam, knowing PLO players embrace variance and will push with more draws, to apply max pressure. Being stuck would only increase that tendency.

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People often take this line with tptk or something similar. He also could’ve picked up equity. Hand is too good and pot is too big.

by docvail k

I agree we can also just jam flop

Jamming 650 over a 25 dollar bet with middle set is a massive punt

OP, you played it fine. I'd raise to around 100 on the flop. Raising to 175 just gets too many folds and we don't want ppl to fold

Call turn and don't think about it again. It sucks to lose big pots but if he's calling 175 with a straight draw you're already printing long term too
