AA as overpair and BDFD
Been at the table for about 2 hours have pretty good reads on everyone. There's 2 very loose, not good players and the others were pretty tight and straight forward in my opinion. I have about $500 in front of me and only won 1 big hand where I showed a set of queen against someone going all in on the river with 2 pair.
On to the hand. One of the bad players makes it $10, the other bad player folds. I look down at A/A (spades and diamonds) in middle position. I make it 45.
To my surprise the guy next to me calls, another guy who played maybe 2 hands the whole time calls and the raiser calls. Was not expecting that.
Not sure if I should have made it bigger, but only expected the raiser to call.
V1 - has about $300 been very tight
V2 - has about $600 been very tight
V3 - original raiser has about $90 left.
(pot $180)
Flop is Q/8/3 with 2 spades. V3 checks I bet $100, V1 folds, V2 calls to my surprise and V3 goes all in for remaining $90. I'm thinking maybe V2 has QQ or KK
(pot is $470)
Turn is 10 of Spades. V2 bets out $100
Hero: ??
Also interested in other streets and in how you play turn if it doesn't give us the NFD, say 9d.
14 Replies
Welcome to the forum (actually I think I've seen you in these parts before, but I don't recall you posting a hand before).
I edited out results, as they tend to bias advice. Please don't reveal them until after discussion dies down, or at least 24 hours after your OP. I also edited the title, as "play a hand with me" is the name for a certain format of OP that this isn't (see PAHWM in the acronym list), and I didn't want folks getting confused.
Pre is fine and good. Flop I would bet just a tidge less to avoid the $100 mental inflection point that a lot of weak tight players see as a "big bet." $90 as 1/2 pot and putting the opener AI looks good. With the FD out I would often consider a bigger C-bet for value against this many players, but in a 3-bet pot and holding the As, there aren't a bunch of FDs available. 1/2 pot is fine for getting value from AQ/KQ type hands.
I think you are ranging V2 way too tight when he calls. KK usually 4-bets pre, even from tight players, and QQ just calling with V2 left to act is discounted a bit. I'd include a lot of TP hands in his range, especially if the Q isn't Qs, so he could also have a FD (like KsQs) and maybe some 88 and some FDs with BDSD, like KsJs, though not many of these call pre.
I'm not going to comment on turn, as I saw the results.
Gross. I assume you cover?
Pre seems fine. Flop is good. Turn is sick. I can't imagine we are good here vs a tight player. Our only hope is to shove and pray he will fold. Otherwise, just sigh-fold.
Not sure if V2 is oop or in position to us. Either way just call 100 and see what happens. We have the nfd, we can’t fold and don’t want to fold for that great price.
I thought the turn bet looked very weak and the Q was the Qs so I didn't think he had a flush. Maybe KK with the K of spades but couldn't picture him calling with K/J suited or something. Was possible he had QQ ran through my head but with the nut draw I had to call.
Would you ship it on the turn if it was the 10D
What flushes does a tight player who flatted the 3b have when we have the As? Basically just the remaining spade Broadways, and the T is on the turn, so not many (knowing if the flop Q is spade is important here). But it is also unlikely he turned a straight, set or 2P. KK or AK with Ks seem more likely. If the Qs is on the flop, def call. If not, it's closer
But also my biggest leak is getting married to overpairs...
I thought the turn bet looked very weak and the Q was the Qs so I didn't think he had a flush. Maybe KK with the K of spades but couldn't picture him calling with K/J suited or something. Was possible he had QQ ran through my head but with the nut draw I had to call.
Would you ship it on the turn if it was the 10D
Td would be closer to a fold than a raise. But I would still call for that small sizing.
We do still have the nut flush draw, so I guess calling is OK. Will be ugly to have to fold the river.
Yeah thanks. The flop did have the Q of spades. River was the 9 of spades. So we make the nut flush and he shoves and I call. He flipped over Q/J of diamonds and made a straight. Was truly stunned by the hand as he played maybe 1 hand in an hour and a half and made the nut straight and got paid off.
So he donked TP3K plus gutshot into basically a dry side pot when the flush came in?
I have such a hard time understanding the mindset behind a play like this, and thus ranging these opponents. Did he think he was value betting or bluffing? Or is that not even the right way to think about it?
So he donked TP3K plus gutshot into basically a dry side pot when the flush came in?
I have such a hard time understanding the mindset behind a play like this, and thus ranging these opponents. Did he think he was value betting or bluffing? Or is that not even the right way to think about it?
LOL. Me, too. A card he should fear and he shoves. And he bets $100 into $475 on turn. Poker is alive and well.
So he donked TP3K plus gutshot into basically a dry side pot when the flush came in?
I have such a hard time understanding the mindset behind a play like this, and thus ranging these opponents. Did he think he was value betting or bluffing? Or is that not even the right way to think about it?
I too, am curious about the right way to think about it. Currently and generally, I'm narrowing V's range far too much in response to actions in the hand, and I'm levelling myself. E.g., I thought (on little evidence) that this turn bet was indicative of a smaller flush, or other made hand, trying to prevent a larger flush draw from completing. And then wondering if we should semi-bluff shove the As, and if LSLNL players fold baby flushes or sets here.
Way too much unwarranted overthinking. EDIT: and not nearly enough foundational work on bet-sizing, IO, RIO, and bets that force V mistakes.
Pre seems fine.
I usually go with small cbets multiway, and would default to 60ish. But with shorty in there putting him all in seems fine to bet 90-100.
100 bet is so small that it's almost certainly not nutted. Obviously we block the nuts, but a smaller flush usually panics and bets big to charge the naked NFD. I don't think shoving accomplishes much. You have AQ, KQ, KK type hands drawing basically dead. He may still have a set or two pair somehow which he's giving you a good price to draw on. I'd just call.
If it was a non spade turn. I'd still call this sizing. If it were non spade and he goes 200+ I may consider folding because tight players don't do this without having it.
I'd shove over the turn bet and not think to hard about it, hero only has like another $150 behind if he calls river, might as well stuff it now and hope we are ahead.
How has this thread been up this long, without that one guy coming in to post "easy shove on flop"?
Yeah, with V donking for the same size hero took on the flop, I'm already a little suspicious. Not only does the flush come in, but also J9 for a straight, and a lot of 2P, maybe TT makes a set, or maybe he just has 1P + a good draw.
I dunno. Definitely not folding AA with the As yet, but also not raising, unless we're deep enough to have some FE.