1-2 Flop Straight

1-2 Flop Straight

1-2 NL. V1 has been very passive in around 3 orbits, hasn't taken an aggressive action yet but seeing lots of flops. V2 is unknown. V1 has 125 or so, V2 has 200 and we cover.

Hero on btn with Q8cc

Pre: V1 limps utg2, V2 limps co, hero limps, blinds complete. 5 ways

Flop (10) : JT9r bdfd

Checks to V2 bets 10, hero calls, V1 min cr 20, V2 calls hero calls

Turn (70) : 9x
V1 25, V2 calls, hero calls

River (145) : 8x
V1 jams 80, V2 folds

26 March 2024 at 07:57 PM

4 Replies

It sucks bc he's raising more than that if he had a set or two pair. KQ would min-raise, but so would 87.

When the river is JT998 and he jams (into two players), it's probably at least a queen, but what queens does he minraise otf? I think he shows up with at least KQ here. Big bets otr in 1/2 are usually the nuts. I would let it go, but that's just me.

Would assume V always has at least a Q, KQ most likely as the flop min. check raise and eventual shove just screams I flopped the nuts please pay me off with whatever.
Part of me would still want to call it off just because of the stack size though.

Genius play is probably to fold the turn, even if he played something worse weird on the flop it's mostly FH now ... people just don't turn JT into a bluff here. Yes, there's a small chance he has QJ but w/e good bluff with all 6 combos.

There's nowhere close to enough bluffs (unless complete maniac, and even then probably not) for us to make a mistake folding in a 5 way pot where burden of defense is so spread out. Fold. Though it will seem cheap and trivial being $80 to win $225 being that it's only $80.

Agreed with above. Folding turn would likely be an end boss type play.

I'm nowhere near good enough to fold turn.

River is a fold. You beat nothing. At best you have a chop and that seems unlikely.
