Flopped flush draw against 3bettor
£1/2 NL 8 handed
I had just bought in for £300 and was dealt J10s ( hearts ) in the CO in the first hand
I was fully intending to go nice and steady for a couple of rounds but got caught up in a hand I probably should've of folded pre.
The two players to my left were middle aged recs looked like business men, well dressed and appeared to be friends. Both had £400 plus as did most of the table. The rest, a mix of mostly young recs and regs
LJ raises to 10
HJ calls 10
Hero calls 10
Pot now 33
CO raises to 45.
Everyone folds to me.
Pot now 75.
I put in the additional 35 as I deemed it a good price, although I had no info on the player.
Flop 8 5 3 with two hearts, giving me overs and a flush draw.
Villain bets 50
Hero chr to 150
Villain puts me all in and I call.
Should I have folded pre, and same question for the flop ?
Many Thanks
5 Replies
Prefer to 3B or fold pre, rather than cold calling a raise with multiple players left to act still.
Yes, fold pre to the 3B from CO.
Just check- call flop. Our hand has too much equity but not enough showdown value to be turned into a check raise bluff.
Once you x/r to 150, you're pot committed, so you can't fold.
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Oh come on this is a premium hand you can't fold it pre. I think 3b or call is fine. Calling the 3b is fine too and we see a flop and things get interesting.
Calling flop to fold turn unless you get a j t 9, maybe 7 and obviously a heart, is possible.
If you raise make it all in for full pot. You can raise with bluffs if you raise for value. Only value you have are the sets. If you have 9 sets here then you can have 4 to 5 bluffs for a pot raise. However your bluffs have 30 to 40pc equity so you can scale them up in number to pretty much 9 combos of hearts. Eg Ax and the suited connector hands. Just jam all these hands. If you can't have as many sets then select fewer bluffs. If you aren't jamming sets don't jam the bluffs at all.
This works well if he can have AK aq here and they fold and if also he will fold some of his over pairs eg 99. Obviously if he has better hearts you are in trouble but that's not many hands. Maybe he squeezed with hands like t9 suited that have to fold too
So I think pre is fine. Post you can jam or call
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The CO's 3B'ing range over an LJ open should be pretty strong, strong enough that we can fold pre, when we're not all that deep here. If we call, we're going to the flop with around 3.5 SPR.
If anyone else in the hand called the CO's raise before it gets back to us, I might like the call better, because it will increase the SPR, decrease the CO's c-bet frequency, and decrease his c-bet size. But we're going to the flop HU and OOP with a fairly speculative hand, and a low SPR. It will be hard to realize our equity.
We can check-call a ~1/3 pot c-bet on flop, but we'll need to fold most turns. The problem is that when we're heads-up, a lot of V's are going to be betting more than 1/3 pot on this dynamic flop.
We really don't want to call the 3B pre when we're HU, and call a 1/2 pot or larger bet on the flop with a hand that won't make the nuts on the flop or turn very often.
Thanks for the replies. Both really insightful.
Looking back, the fact that I had no player info I prefer a fold pre-flop unless I had bought in for 200bbs in the first place.
The 3 bettor did appear conservative and sensible, so no need to doubt he was playing premiums only.
Its a fold to the 3bet. He raised over 3 players. Once flop hits you're begging he has KK or AA no h.