AT nut flush blocker
Hi all,
5/T, we open AcTh in MP $30 and only btn calls. Unknown rec.
Flop ($70): Q42cc. We bet $25, he calls.
Turn ($120): Ah. We bet $60, he raises to $150, we call.
River ($420): 7c. We jam $510.
17 Replies
Fold the turn, what do you think he's raising with?
it would take a really bad fishy type of player for me to bet the turn at 1/3.
I don't play at this level, but call flop, raise turn is usually a super strong made hand at low stakes, and so I fold. If we call and try to bluff river repping the flush, some rando loose passive is gonna hum and huh and then call us off with 2p+.
Out of interest after you call turn, what's your plan on blank river, just check fold?
I get what you are trying to do but it feels weird because you have show down value. If you thought you had no sdv why call the turn? Surely not calling turn to bluff club rivers? Could you tell us the suit of every flop card? I want to know he could have a weaker ace with a bdfd and thus raised turn thinking he's ahead of a queen for example. Maybe he called with an unpaired wheel ace. So you can be ahead here.
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If I'm seeing the logic behind this play it's that we have "flush draw" and villain has a straight with 53 or maybe set/top 2 pair.
So we call hoping for non-board pairing club and bet it all to win the pot.
The price on the turn is $90 to win $330. I think we'd need 4:1 for "flush draw" so the call is slightly losing, plus it requires risking our stack to pull it off.
Most likely Range OTT: AQ, A4, A2, 44, 22, flush draw, especially Acxc. 35 if he plays that.
So OTR you have blockers to nut flush, but you also have blockers to the bottom of his range (2 pair). Just a question of if you think the set or 2p fold. Im generally not in the business of pushing the fish off top pair, much less 2p or a set, but they do seem especially scared of the flush coming. I think its a check/fold, but idk, maybe he folds enough of the time and makes it worth jamming.
^ H has the Ac lol did you even read the OP?
I'd c/c turn, rather than 2nd barrell.
When we bet turn and he raises, I do not think we beat anything in his value range, so I would reluctantly fold.
As played turn, river is the perfect card for a bluff-shove.
I like it in theory, although against an unknown rec it is certainly high variance.
Opening ATo from MP pre is a little loose, but seems ok.
If we're c-betting this flop, we're almost certainly c-betting at too high a frequency. V is going to have more QX, 2P, sets, and flush or straight draws on this board. We should really be checking here, and looking to make a delayed c-bet on turn if the flop checks through.
Barreling the turn seems fine, but I could see just checking, or betting bigger, and his raise is worrisome. What's he repping? My guess would be A4 or A2, with some 53 mixed in if he's that wide when he calls pre.
Jamming river seems like a massive over-play. Our hand seems too strong to turn into a bluff like this. I'd rather check and evaluate, or maybe put out a really small blocker bet, and fold to a raise.
I can see the logic, when V takes smaller sizing with his turn x/r. We could get to the river with AXcc. But it would seem like we're just folding out all his bluffs, and trying to get him to fold 2P+, which may be too ambitious.
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X turn you want to get recs into the C-B-B line since it's overbluffed.
Check turn.
Idk you're going to be bluffing with the best hand a good portion of the time vs KQ and a worse Ace. I guess you get AJ to fold but doesn't seem like a very efficient bluff.
Blocking river or checking probably gets more money imo.
I think every street is fine.
Why in the world are you guys saying we check the Turn? There are SO MANY hands we can get value from with a half-pot bet: KQ, QJ, JJ-88 (that recognize the Ace is a good bluffing card for us, generally), A3, A5, flush draws. And it’s a slam-dunk call once he raises (V should bluff this card A LOT since we shouldn’t actually have many Aces (we aren’t always going to bet out AK/AJ/AT hands on the flop). And even if it’s a value raise, we have outs against A2/A4.
River is a slam-dunk jam, even if we are doing so with the best hand some portion of the time.
I think every street is fine.
Why in the world are you guys saying we check the Turn? There are SO MANY hands we can get value from with a half-pot bet: KQ, QJ, JJ-88 (that recognize the Ace is a good bluffing card for us, generally), A3, A5, flush draws. And it’s a slam-dunk call once he raises (V should bluff this card A LOT since we shouldn’t actually have many Aces (we aren’t always going to bet out AK/AJ/AT hands on the flop). And even if it’s a value raise, we have outs against A2/A4.
I'd check turn after c-betting flop and getting called, but my preference would have been to check flop, and make a delayed c-bet on the turn if V checks back.
My reasoning is that we were already getting a little out of line raising ATo from MP pre, and then c-betting the Q-high flop with just one over and a couple back-door draws.
If V calls flop and we barrel turn, we're folding out the weakest parts of his range, ensuring that he's only continuing with a stronger range. We're in danger of running out of value by the river. We should slow down and check, to give V a chance to bluff, or bet a worse hand for value.
Like, we have the Ac, so we're blocking V's nut flush draws. His flop calling range is going to be heavily weighted towards QX. How many QX combos does he have here, that just flat call pre, and don't raise flop, that will flat call again on the turn, and that we actually beat?
Is he going to flat call with QJ or worse QX when the A hits the board? How many really good combo draws can he have here? Maybe just KQcc, KJcc, KTcc, QJcc, QTcc. He might have 53s when he calls from the BTN, that makes a wheel on the turn.
If we checked flop, V might bet with all his QX and flush draws, plus maybe some of his PP's that weren't 3B pre, like 55-TT. But if we c-bet flop, and barrel turn, he's folding out most of those hands.
Even if he thinks the A is a good card for us to bluff, it's hard for us to be bluffing here, when we raised pre, c-bet flpp, and barrel turn. What would our bluffs even be? But if we checked flop, then, hell yeah, we can bet that turn, and expect him to look us up a lot more, because we might be trying to rep the ace.
Jamming river after V raises us on the turn seems ambitious, against an unknown rec. I don't hate it. But I don't love it either. I'd like it better if we knew enough about V to know if he has a fold button when the FDFD comes in on the river, even if he made some kind of hand on the turn.
I think every street is fine.
Why in the world are you guys saying we check the Turn? There are SO MANY hands we can get value from with a half-pot bet: KQ, QJ, JJ-88 (that recognize the Ace is a good bluffing card for us, generally), A3, A5, flush draws. And it’s a slam-dunk call once he raises (V should bluff this card A LOT since we shouldn’t actually have many Aces (we aren’t always going to bet out AK/AJ/AT hands on the flop). And even if it’s a value raise, we have
this logic reads like someone leveling themselves into making a bad play.
again, against a horrible passive calling station type player, sure bet the turn (they have a pair they calldown blind).. against anyone with a brain, i would check (they wont put you on Ax, keeps the pot small, lets them value-own themselves and/or bluff with a weak holding). try to operate 1 level above your opponent, not more, not less.
this logic reads like someone leveling themselves into making a bad play.
again, against a horrible passive calling station type player, sure bet the turn (they have a pair they calldown blind).. against anyone with a brain, i would check (they wont put you on Ax, keeps the pot small, lets them value-own themselves and/or bluff with a weak holding). try to operate 1 level above your opponent, not more, not less.
The solver plays similar to the way he played the hand except it bets smaller on the turn.
It's probably best to check turn vs a lot of unknown players but it looks fine to me.
I actually kind of like it, although I'd bet bigger on the flop.